chicken poop

10 Interesting Facts to Know of Your Chicken Poop

It’s not the most attractive subject to consider, however at one point or another, every chicken keeper will certainly ask themselves …” What’s up with my chicken’s poop?” or “What is chicken poop in fact expected to appear like?”.

To be reasonable, it’s a great concept to monitor your chickens’ poop.

chicken poop

Not just will it provide you early insight into prospective health and health issues amongst your flock, however, it will likewise assist you with what typically appears like so you do not overreact to small changes.

What’s thought about “regular” chicken poop can differ by the hen, by the season, by diet plan … there are a lot of variables that enter into healthy chicken poop.

It can be brown, black, yellow, or green– or it can be somewhere in between.

How do you know what is healthy– and what’s not?

Do not fret. We will provide you the low-down on whatever you need to perceive your chickens’ poop.

How is Chicken Poop Produced?

10 Interesting Facts to Know of Your Chicken Poop

For the most part, chickens aren’t that distinct from people– or other animals– when it concerns how they produce poop. There are some distinctions to be mindful of.

When a chicken eats, the water and food take a trip down the beak into the esophagus and after that into the crop. There, it is saved for a short time prior to it relocates to the stomach.

The gastrointestinal enzymes are contributed to the food prior to it takes a trip to the gizzard, likewise called the ventriculus, where it grinds up the food.

In order for your chicken’s body to be able to grind up the food, it needs to have grit. Grit generally takes the kind of little stones that your chickens eat throughout their everyday foraging, however, if you keep your birds in confinement you will require to include commercial grit in their diet to serve this function.

The grit assists break the food down before it transfers to the intestinal tracts. When there, the ceca branch of the small intestine takes in water in the feces. They too assist to ferment matter that wasn’t broken down in the past. Ceca empty their contents numerous times a day.

After that, the poop carries on to the cloaca. There, the contents from the intestinal tracts are integrated with urates, which look like white caps on the top of the feces. It’s onward and outwards as the poop passes through the bird’s vent– yes, the exact same location where the eggs come out!

What Does Healthy Chicken Poop Look Like?

10 Interesting Facts to Know of Your Chicken Poop

Chicken poop will be some shade of brown. These can differ in consistency however frequently have a fluffy white cap. This white part is uric acid– what would be urine in a human. The strong is feces or the absorbed food.

Now, there are lots of reasons your chickens’ poop might be another color, and it does not need to be cause for panic. Chicken poop is usually soft, mushy, and brown, there are completely great factors why it may look various every now and then.

Do not stress right away when you see odd-colored poop in your cage. There’s most likely not a human out there that hasn’t had a minute of time out after seeing purple poop in the toilet following the usage of beets!

As you know, this isn’t an indication of a significant health issue– it’s simply that particular foods trigger staining of the stool. The very same holds true of chickens.

Here are a few of the most common chicken poop colors and forms.

Green Chicken Poop

10 Interesting Facts to Know of Your Chicken Poop

Green chicken poop is quite typical, particularly in pasture-raised chickens. Triggered by a diet plan that’s heavy in greens, yards, weeds, and veggies, it’s typically absolutely nothing to stress over. Seldom, it can likewise be an indication of internal parasites, the bird influenza, or Marek’s illness, however, if there are no other signs accompanying the green droppings, do not panic.

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Teal droppings are likewise odd to see, however, there’s absolutely nothing uneasy here. They are normally triggered by consuming a lot of purple foods like beets and red cabbage.

Yellow Chicken Poop

10 Interesting Facts to Know of Your Chicken Poop

Similar to green chicken poop, there are a lot of not-so-benign conditions that can trigger yellow poop, consisting of coccidiosis, internal parasites, kidney issues, or typhoid. If there are no other signs that are worrying you, the yellow chicken poop is most likely triggered by your flock eating lots of the following foods:

Forsythia blooms

Black Chicken Poop

10 Interesting Facts to Know of Your Chicken Poop

Black chicken poop can be triggered by internal bleeding, however, if your chickens have not experienced any injury recently, it’s most likely that they consumed charcoal, blackberries, or other dark-colored foods.

Runny Brown Chicken Poop


Runny brown poop can be an indication of contagious bronchitis or E.coli. It’s more most likely that the chickens consumed foods that had a lot of water, like cucumbers or zucchini.

It’s essential not to puzzle runny poop with cecal poop, too. Cecal poop looks more like pudding and normally comes out of a chicken as soon as every 8 or two times a hen poops. This is completely typical– here’s what you require to understand.

Keep in mind the ceca of the small intestine that we pointed out earlier? They require to remove their smelly contents a number of times a day. Cecal poop is a great indication that the gastrointestinal system of your chickens is working effectively, and it can be any color from yellow to even black.

It will have various textures and colors than the remainder of the droppings, however, the very best sign that it is cecal poop and not any other type of poop will be the apparent (and extremely undesirable) odor.

Red or Orange Chicken Poop

10 Interesting Facts to Know of Your Chicken Poop

Red or orange chicken poop is among the scariest kinds of chicken poop to see in your cage. It could be lead poisoning or coccidiosis, however, normally, it’s safe. It’s triggered by the sloughing off of the digestive lining, which sounds frightening however is completely benign. It takes place from time to time.

Make sure there’s no blood. Bloody stool is another classification entirely, and it can be hard to separate orange or red poop from bloody poop. Orange hairs are frequently quickly puzzled for blood– so look carefully.

White Chicken Poop

10 Interesting Facts to Know of Your Chicken Poop

White chicken poop has lots of prospective causes. It’s important that you look carefully at the droppings prior to attempting to overanalyze them– keep in mind, all chicken poop will have white caps at the ends.

Totally white poop can be triggered by a range of things. It’s typical when your chickens have actually been consuming more water than regular or have actually been consuming waterlogged foods like celery, watermelon, cucumbers, or zucchini.

That being stated, watch out for any other modifications, due to the fact that white poop can likewise be brought on by kidney damage, tension, internal illness, or vent gleet.

Abnormally Large Piles of Brown Chicken Poop

You most likely currently understand that broody hens do not act rather like regular– however, they likewise do not produce regular poop, either. Big stacks of brown poop are incredibly typical in broody hens.

Since she is just leaving her to nest a number of times a day, she just has the chance to poop a couple of times. She will transfer a big quantity of poop when she does hop off the eggs– and the poop is going to be stinkier than regular, too.

Irregular Droppings

Now that you understand the typical type of chicken poop, here are some unusual types to look out for. If you see any of these– especially if they are accompanied by other signs– it might be time to call your regional vet.

Bloody Droppings

10 Interesting Facts to Know of Your Chicken Poop

We pointed out previously that red or orange poop is absolutely nothing to stress over– however, the exception to that is if you see blood. Bloody droppings can suggest coccidiosis, an extremely infectious parasitic illness of the intestinal tracts.

If your hen is experiencing other health issues and is stooped over or fluffed up, she might effectively have this illness. Take a fecal sample to your veterinarian as soon as possible so that you can start treatment and avoid it infect the rest of your flock.

Worms in Poop

If you see worms in your chickens’ poop, this suggests they most likely have an active problem of parasites. You require to medicate them properly.

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Do not simply medicate the afflicted chicken, either– make certain you resolve the whole flock, as worms spread out quickly and you may not observe signs right now.

Worms can be avoided by guaranteeing your chickens have access to fresh pasture and a healthy diet plan. You can likewise utilize natural treatments like garlic and apple cider vinegar to keep parasites at bay.

Chemical dewormers are offered, too, however these need to be utilized in small amounts.

Milky Poop

As pointed out previously, white poop is absolutely nothing to fret about. A poop that is regularly white and milky-looking might be an indication of internal parasites. It can likewise be the outcome of gumboro disease, likewise described as a transmittable bursal illness.

While parasites can be treated with a dewormer, it is hard to deal with and recuperate from contagious bursal illness.


While loose stool every once in a while is absolutely nothing to be stressed over, constant bouts of diarrhea must be dealt with. It will be runny, oily, and yellow in color.

Frequently, this is brought on by a minor misstep in the diet plan where a chicken has actually consumed something that does not completely agree with it– once again, much like what may occur with people.

Here are some foods that tend to trigger diarrhea in chickens:


If diarrhea is a usual incident, you require to begin doing some examining. It can be an indication of worms or other harmful illnesses like Coccidiosis. Coccidiosis needs to be treated with a drug like Amprolium or Toltrazuril, which you will require to obtain from a veterinarian.

Clear Poop

A poop that is clear and extremely watery can be a sign of numerous conditions that you require to deal with. Clear poop can be a sign of transmittable bronchitis, which needs strong prescription antibiotics, however, it can likewise suggest tension. Usually, watery poop is an indication that your chickens have actually just recently been moved or that they have actually run out of food for a while.

Watery Poop

Droppings that are regularly white and damp need to be resolved, too. Urates are naturally runny, however, if you see watery poop each and every single day, act. It is frequently an indication of kidney failure, an illness a lot more typical in older chickens in addition to those who have actually been taking in a high-protein diet plan.

What to Do When Droppings Look Odd

If you discover unusual chicken poop that can’t be credited to any of the conditions above, here are some ideas on what you need to do.

Look for any other signs that may suggest disease or parasitic infestation.

Here are some to be conscious of:

Lack of energy
Weight reduction
Increased or reduced appetite
Drop or stop in egg production
Anorexia nervosa

No matter whether there are other signs present or not, you will likewise wish to carry out an extensive evaluation of your flock’s diet plan. Have your birds been consuming anything strangely colored recently?

Consuming great deals of water? If not, make certain the diet plan is well balanced. Too many minerals and vitamins can trigger staining or alter the texture of your chickens’ poop.

If there are other signs present and the diet plan appears to be in check, it’s time to connect with a veterinarian. Do not stress, you do not require to load up your flock to do this– you simply require to bring the droppings to the veterinarian for a fecal float test.

Veterinarians typically carry out fecal float tests for a range of types– not simply chickens. Even if your veterinarian does not generally deal with chickens, they might be prepared to carry out a fecal float test or to send out the sample out to another laboratory for screening for you.

How to Improve the Digestive Health of Your Chicken

Just like human beings, it’s easy for the digestive health of your chickens to leave whack.

Include Probiotics

You can include probiotics in your chickens’ diet plan. A lot of industrial, nutritionally complete chicken feeds include both prebiotics and probiotics to support a bird’s health. There will not be anything else you require to do.

If you make your own chicken feed, it may be worth including a probiotic supplement like Rooster Booster in your flock’s diet plan. Probiotics are natural germs that are required to keep the digestive system healthy.

They keep bad germs in check by minimizing pH and acidifying the gut.

You can likewise feed your chickens foods that are natural sources of probiotics. A lot of vegetables and fruits will provide your chickens the minerals and vitamins they require, however fermented and cultured foods like yogurt can supply an additional increase of probiotics, too.

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Screen Water Intake

Your chickens require lots of water in order to keep their gastrointestinal systems running in great shape. This is particularly real in the summer season.

Consuming great deals of watery foods or drinking great deals of water can trigger watery poop, however, it’s crucial to include lots of wetness to assist keep things moving through efficiently.

Get rid of Stress

A stressed-out chicken might reveal indigestion for rather a long time. If it’s especially hot or especially cold– or if there is any combating or other modifications to your flock– you may see a modification in the color, texture, or frequency of the poop.

Chickens that are worried tend to produce more liquid than typical– tension increases high blood pressure.

You might see this instantly in your flock– have you ever got a hen and she right away alleviates runny poop straight on your hands? That’s tension.

Do your finest to minimize tension in your flock whenever and any place possible. Ensure you have lots of area for all of your chickens in the run and in the cage and offer constant and sufficient quantities of food and water for all your birds.

Keep the Coop Clean

We’re thinking that if you are vigilant about your chicken poop, you’re most likely currently doing a bang-up job at keeping the cage tidy and sanitary. It’s crucial that you do so to preserve and enhance the digestion health of your chickens.

Not just does a filthy cage increase the possibility that your chickens will end up being stressed out, however it likewise makes it simpler for illness to strike. Not just do particular parasites, like worms, flourish in dirty settings, however so do contagious illnesses.

Avoid Worms

A problem of internal parasites can eliminate a flock rapidly– and parasites are certainly much easier to prevent than they are to deal with.

Here are some fast pointers:

Change the bedding or litter in the cage regularly.

Prevent damp and muddy conditions, as worms flourish in wet environments.

Keep the yard that your chickens utilize slaughtered and short– mowed turf exposes worms to UV rays, which will eliminate them.

Start a regular deworming regimen frequently.


Monitoring Your Chicken’s Poop

We get it– not everyone remains in the practice of monitoring their chicken poop for problems. It’s an excellent practice to enter, though, particularly if you wish to begin being proactive instead of reactive when it pertains to handling health concerns in your flock.

If you do not utilize them currently, think about setting up droppings boards in your cage. There are many advantages to doing this.

Not just will these boards gather nighttime deposits and keep your bed linen cleaner for longer, however, they must likewise be scraped down once a day or at least, as soon as a week.

Scraping the boards down will offer you the chance to discover anything odd. While percentages of red or blemished tissue aren’t unusual, big quantities of blood or regularly off-colored poop (particularly integrated with other signs) ought to be resolved.

Now you learn whatever there is to know about chicken poop. It’s most likely not going to be excellent fodder for supper celebration discussion, it must assist you to establish as you make your means to a much healthier, better flock of backyard chickens.


  1. Telkamp, Mick. “The Straight Poop On Using Chicken Manure as Fertilizer”. Retrieved 16 February 2015.
  2.  Foreman, Patricia; Long, Cheryl (April–May 2013). “Chickens in the Garden: Eggs, Meat, Chicken Manure Fertilizer and More”Mother Earth News. Retrieved February 18, 2015.
  3. “Manure is an Excellent Fertilizer”Ecochem. Ecochem. Retrieved December 11, 2016.
  4. Chicken manure stink could be costly”U-T San Diego. April 14, 2014. Retrieved February 18, 2015.
  5.  Pullin, R.S.V.; Shehadeh, Z.H. (1980). Integrated Agriculture-aquaculture Farming Systems: Proceedings of the ICLARM-SEARCA Conference on Integrated Agriculture-Aquaculture Farming Systems, Manila, Philippines, 6-9 August 1979. ICLARM conference proceedings. International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management. p. 80.

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