grey chicken breeds

10 of the Most Amazing Grey Chicken Breeds To Raise

There are many different colors and sizes of chicken breeds available worldwide. One of the most popular colors for chickens is grey.

Grey chicken breeds include birds with feathers that range in color from black to pale silver, blue, or lavender. Most grey chicken breeds are the result of the combination of all the traits.

1.  Australorp Grey Chickens

10 of the Most Amazing Grey Chicken Breeds To Raise

Australia gave birth to the Australorp breed of chicken, which is used extensively for egg production. They are ideal for free-range farms and barns. The Australorp Chicken is well known for producing around 300 eggs in a short amount of time.

They are the ideal animal for a farm that hosts many children. Australorps are extremely friendly animals who don’t mind being constantly caressed and touched. Depending on health and nutrition, this chicken can weigh up to 7 pounds for females and 8.5–12 pounds for males.


In the sunlight, the black Australorp’s feathers have a beetle-green sheen that gives them an extraordinary brightness. Blackbirds known as australorps have deep, beetle-green bodies, dark eyes, and are incredibly active.

The breast is large and well-rounded with a deep, firm body. The comb, wattles, and earlobes should all be red in hue. A maximum of seven points should be present on the upright comb.

A male of the usual size weighs between 812 and 10 pounds, whereas a hen does so between 612 and 8 pounds.


Fast-growing and initially timid, they will likely follow you around the yard if you have food in your pockets once they’ve warmed up to you.

They’ll handle being confined nicely. However, because they appreciate being active, they will enjoy free-ranging and searching the yard for bugs and morsels like other heavier, larger breeds.

The exercise component of free-ranging is advantageous to them because they are slightly prone to obesity if kept simply in confinement.



2. California Grey Chicken Breed

california grey chicken breed

As implied by its name, the California Grey chicken was developed in California in the 1930s.

Horace Dryden developed a powerful chicken that could lay many of eggs and still be good for meat. Each year, they lay about 300 white eggs.

Depending on nutrition and the bird’s intended use, this chicken normally weighs 4-5 pounds and has a lifespan of 6–10 years.


California Grey chickens are significantly heavier than White Leghorns and significantly lighter than Barred Rocks. Chicks are mostly black with white markings on the chest, belly, and wingtips. They also have a white patch on top of their heads.

The feathers of the hens are barred, black and white, and they are a deeper shade of black than the roosters. The shanks and toes of the California Grey chicken are yellow in color.

They feature tiny white earlobes, a single reddish-brown comb, crimson wattles, and a reddish-brown comb. California Grey hens weigh about 2 kg, while roosters typically weigh about 2.5 kg.


Commercial hybrid chickens like the California Grey chickens can exceed White Leghorns in terms of longevity and egg-laying capacity. They make ideal winter layers since they can withstand intense cold.

Compared to Leghorns, they are less noisy and flighty. It’s a sociable breed of chicken that’s also rather easy to care for. California Grey chickens can be raised in confined or free-range environments.

California Grey chicken is regularly available from commercial hatcheries. This breed is raised for its broodiness, docility, hardiness, and reliable production of meat and eggs. They have a high egg-to-feed ratio and fewer calories per meal.


3. Plymouth Rock Grey Chickens

plymouth rock grey chicken

One of the earliest and most well-known American breeds of chicken is thought to be the Plymouth Rock. Due to their sweetness and sociability, these dual-purpose breeds will be ideal for raising.

Plymouth Rock grey chicken is a bird that serves two purposes: it produces a lot of eggs and high-quality meat. The only hen that can match with Rhode Island Red for egg production is the Plymouth Hen.

The area where the Pilgrims landed when they arrived in America is where Plymouth Rock acquired its name.

The breed’s many different color combinations and shades were developed through cross-breeding with other types of chickens. Plymouth is ideal for growing in a small space, like your backyard, or on a farm.

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Because they are larger than other varieties of chickens, Plymouth Rocks can live longer. The average weight of a Plymouth Rock rooster is 9.5 pounds, while that of a hen is 7.5 pounds.

The breast and back of Plymouth Rock chickens are full. They lack feathers on their legs and have yellow skin. Those chickens in this breed have lobes with yellow beaks, red faces, and reddish-brown eyes. They also have a single, medium-sized comb.

Due to having two copies of their gene, the hens are darker in color than the roosters.


The Plymouth Rock is quiet and simple to train. It is essential to take the size of the pen into consideration when raising them so they have space to move around.

Both the hen and the rooster of this breed make good, amiable pets, much like dogs and the like. They don’t mind being kept in a small area because they enjoy touching and playing with people all the time.

However, just like other breeds, Plymouth Rocks prefer being outside where they may move about freely, such as in your backyard or garden.

The mothers of Plymouth Rock birds are fantastic. On the 18th week, the chickens can begin laying eggs, and they can lay 200 to 300 eggs annually. Large, light brown eggs are the usual color of Plymouth Rock eggs.

4. Andalusians Grey Chickens

andalusian grey chicken breeds

The Mediterranean region is home to this blue-feathered chicken.

Andalusians Grey Chickens are praised for their extraordinary beauty. It is a breed that values independence and can survive in hostile conditions.

The productivity of Andalusian hens is outstanding. Although the carcass isn’t extremely plump, it has white flesh, abundant breast meat is a vigorous forager, and is strong and sturdy.

It also produces good winter eggs. At seven weeks, cockerels are feathered, adult chicks.


This chicken has an elegant appearance, exudes confidence, and stands straight. It is a small, energetic bird that weighs an average of 7 pounds for roosters and 5 pounds for hens.

The single comb on hens is large and may flop slightly to one side; on roosters, the comb should be straight with five distinct points. A vivid crimson hue should be present on the comb and wattles. The white, oval earlobes are in shape.

The beak is horny with a slight downward slope, and the eyes are a reddish bay color. Each foot has four toes, and the legs are slate blue in color and free of feathers.


Although it is far from tame, this bird is reported to be considerate and inquisitive with people. They may come to you for food, but they hate to be picked up. It is a bird that enjoys foraging and roving when not confined.

It is quite hardy in comparison to the majority of our backyard hens. The Andalusian Grey chickens are great layers. Three white eggs, medium to large in size, should be available each week. This amounts to approximately 150 eggs per year.

5.  Cochin Grey Chickens

cochin grey chicken

The “head-to-toe feathers” of Cochin grey chickens are their most notable feature.

The breed, also referred to as the Cochin-China, was created in Cochin, from which it received its name. originating from a large breed of considerable feathered birds that may be found all over the world, from Europe to North America.

The feathers and wings of cochin chickens are big and fluffy. In addition to grey, they come in a variety of colors, including brown, black, white, and patterned.

With the right care, Cochins can live for ten years and weigh up to 11 pounds for males and 10 pounds for females. The hens mature in two to two and a half years.


Cochins are kind and social creatures. Even the roosters are known for being friendly. Rarely are the roosters aggressive, nasty, or hostile.


From its face to its toes, Cochin is covered in silky, fluffy feathers! The legs should have full feathering due to the fluffiness of the feathers so that they can see from the side. Toes are not visible; just feathers are.

The five-point comb, wattles, and ear lobes of the Cochin are some of their distinguishing features. Their eyes possess a striking golden yellow hue. Depending on the bird’s overall coloring, the beak’s color varies.

The darker the feathers, whether they are made of yellow or black, the darker the beak. Their toes and legs should likewise be yellow, as well as their skin.


6. Sapphire Gem Grey Chickens

10 of the Most Amazing Grey Chicken Breeds To Raise

The Andalusian chicken breed and the Sapphire Gem bird share a lot of similarities. The Sapphire gem hen produces excellent brown eggs. For those seeking a unique chicken breed with a good egg layer, the Sapphire Gem is ideal.

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The Czech Republic was where the Sapphire Gem chicken was initially made available. By mating a Blue Plymouth rock chicken with a Barred Plymouth Rock, a breeder in that country produced this unlisted breed.

The breed, which has a dominant blue gene, was developed for its gorgeous look and exceptional ability to lay eggs.


Sapphire gem grey chickens have an upright appearance. Mild to dusky blues, lavender, and other colors can be seen in this breed’s feathers. The bird’s blue and purple coloring gave rise to the moniker “Sapphire Gem.”

Male and female chicks can be distinguished from one another quickly after hatching due to the Sapphire Gem’s ability to change the color of their feathers.

Male Sapphire Gem chicks have a white patch on their wings or forehead, whereas female Sapphire Gem chicks are entirely blue.

A medium-sized breed of chicken, Sapphire Gem. Roosters weigh about five pounds when they are completely grown. When fully matured, Sapphire Gem hens weigh about four pounds.


The Sapphire Gem grey chicken resembles a tranquil or amiable chicken.

Some chicken farmers have even asserted that the young of other kinds of chicken are noisier than the chicks.

Because they seem to be good foragers, the Sapphire Gem grey chickens make excellent free range chicken. Additionally, they have a good eye for detail, which may make them warier of predators than other chicken breeds.

Around 300 eggs, or four to five eggs per week, are laid by a mature Sapphire Gem hen in a year. They will start laying eggs between the ages of 18 and 24.

Other Colors Still Applicable to the Grey Chicken Breeds

Combining several different breeds of chicken, typically those with black, blue, and lavender coloring, results in grey chicken. There are methods for turning the feathers gray as well.

The majority of hens that fall under the “Grey Chicken” group have blue or lavender feathers. There are others that are blue-laced, blue-mottled, or have a few blue splashes yet are still categorized as grey chickens.

Lavender Orpington Grey Chicken Breed

10 of the Most Amazing Grey Chicken Breeds To Raise

Grey chickens with lavender coloring have a dark grey feather coat with subtle purple overtones, giving them a uniform lavender tone.

Pekin Grey Chicken

10 of the Most Amazing Grey Chicken Breeds To Raise

The Peking chicken is named after the place where it first appeared, Peking.

They are reputed to be amiable and adaptive. They are great egg layers and lay 200–300 big eggs annually.

The Pekin chicken has feathers that are grey with undertones of light lavender. With an average lifespan of 7-8 years, they typically weigh between 3-6 pounds.

The Pekin chicken is one of the tiniest breeds because it is a real bantam. In spite of its diminutive stature, this bird is very complex.

I mean, look at all those feathers! They seem like walking balls as they strut around your coop as if they have an extra covering of feathers.

This chicken’s adorable furball appearance has won the hearts of many poultry keepers. And if that weren’t enough to win our hearts, just wait until this bird starts snuggling with you.

Gray Booted Bantam Chickens

10 of the Most Amazing Grey Chicken Breeds To Raise

Among the bantam chicken breeds, the Gray Booted Bantam is one of the most well-known. They have feathery feet, vibrant patterns, and towering tails, and weigh between 25 and 30 ounces.

The Gray Booted Bantam‘s feathers are light grey with a blend of darker greys that resemble pale lavender. This chook has a lifespan of up to ten years and can lay up to 200 eggs every year.

The Dutch Booted Bantam, or DBB for short, is the supermodel when it comes to chickens. Their signature look is highlighted by the feathers on their feet and hocks, which are collectively referred to as vulture hocks.

Hocks, or vulture feathers, are what stick out behind a chicken’s legs. This distinctive appearance is shared by the Belgian Bearded d’Uccle, a close relative.

To prevent damage to their fine feathers, many Booted Bantam chicken keepers choose to rear their birds indoors or in sheltered coops with soft bedding.

The wattles and earlobes of a Gray Booted Bantam are crimson, and the bird itself sports a sturdy single comb with five points. There are almost 20 distinct color options, the most popular of which is called “millefleur.”

Black, barred blue, buff, cuckoo, Columbian gray, and white are just some of the other colors that can be found. Both sexes of these bantams are little, weighing in at around two pounds maximum.

They don’t need huge quarters because of their diminutive stature, but you should still offer them lots of freedom to roam and forage.

Chickens lay tiny, white, or off-white eggs. Chickens lay between 150 and 180 eggs every year, whatever the size of the eggs. While laying hens have a mild and pleasant disposition, they can become very maternal when they’re in the mood.

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One more reason they are brought indoors is that they dislike the cold. The bantam chickens with boots are friendly to both kids and other chickens.

Grey Orpington Chickens

10 of the Most Amazing Grey Chicken Breeds To Raise

Like the Lavender Wyandonette, Orpington chicken is an English specialty. The Orpington breed excels at producing both meat and eggs, serving two distinct purposes. They may produce 190 to 200 eggs per year and weigh 7 to 8 pounds.

The Grey Orpington chicken is a big bird with a single, perky comb.

Her torso has a curved dip in the middle that makes it look almost heart-shaped from the side. Because of her stocky build, she tends to stoop when she walks.

They have a plethora of feathers, by the way! Even though “buff” is the most common color, there are actually quite a few other types of this color that can be distinguished (more on this later).

No matter what color their feathers are, they always have a short, deep amber-colored beak with red wattles and ear lobes.

Their feathers determine the color of their legs, however, most birds have pinkish-white legs.

Blue Breeds of Chickens

Lavender and blue chickens are both members of the Grey Chicken Breed family. They have feathers that are either white or grey and have a lovely blue coloring.

Blue Plymouth Rock

10 of the Most Amazing Grey Chicken Breeds To Raise

The Blue Plymouth Rock is excellent for cooking with both meat and eggs. Each year, they can produce 300 light pale brown eggs. The Blue Plymouth can live up to 8 years and weighs 5 to 6 pounds.

The Blue Plymouth Rock is one of the earliest domesticated chicken breeds in the United States. Before WWII’s end, the hen was commonplace from coast to coast, serving as the primary supply of chicken for American tables.

It was the best dual-purpose hen, producing both high-quality meat and eggs, and the only other hen that could compete was the Rhode Island Red.

They used to be kept by nearly everyone, as the government actively pushed citizens to do so in order to ensure that the armed forces overseas and at home had access to the food they needed.

Thousands of people showed their support and enthusiasm for them at this time, but once the war was over, the chicken industry became more commercialized, which was a huge disappointment.

The Blue Plymouth Rock was discarded along with many other breeds because they were deemed inefficient.

Blue Easter Egger Chickens

10 of the Most Amazing Grey Chicken Breeds To Raise

The United States is where the Blue Easter breed originated. This breed was developed to produce eggs that are dazzling white and pastel blue. They may generate 200 eggs a year and have a lifespan of up to 8 years.

It’s possible for the Blue Easter Egger to have a wide variety of characteristics. The most frequent comb types are single and pea, however, any comb type is possible (depends on their parents).

Birds’ ear lobes can be any color, however red and white are the most common, and some species even have ear tufts. Both sexes have quite modest red wattles.

Some people have described their appearance as “chipmunk-like,” owing to the fact that their facial characteristics can comprise all, some, or no muffs and/or beards.

The shanks are typically any hue from yellow to slate blue/green, and the legs are normally clean. There are four toes on each foot, and the pad can be any color to match the shanks.

The “genuine” coloring of an Easter Egger is impossible to achieve. There is no limit to the variety of colors and designs that can be shown on their feathers. The prevailing plumage color is determined by the colors of the birds’ parents.


Grey chicken breeds are difficult to distinguish since they come in a wide range of color tones. Numerous genes from various genetic combinations contribute to the look of the chicken.

Choose the blue variety, which is more prevalent, if you want to produce grey chickens. The lavender ones, though, are an option if you like something more elegant. The Grey Chicken breed has both color combinations.

Keep in mind that when you wish to raise chickens as a business, color doesn’t really matter. Prior to making any purchases, you should still pay attention to the type and quality of the chicken.


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