brown chickens

8 Excellent Brown Chicken Breeds That Are Best to Raise

Brown chickens are one of the most popular colors of chickens all over the world. However, they are worth more than their colors. Brown chickens are famous for the meat they produce as well as the eggs they lay. Owners of chickens probably have their favorite brown chickens in their coops. Here are the top 8 brown chicken breeds that you can choose from.

1. ISA Brown Chicken

Isa Brown Chickens

If you’re considering raising chickens, specifically Isa Brown chickens, you’re in for a rewarding and fulfilling experience. Isa Brown chickens are renowned for their egg-laying capabilities, friendly temperament, and low maintenance requirements.

These birds are famous for laying brown eggs. It has a reputation for being the best brown-laying hen in the world. Their hens have been popular, especially in the poultry world, because they can lay eggs.

These birds can lay 300 to 350 eggs a year! It might be time to run the egg baskets. If your family likes to gather eggs, this would be a fun time for your family.

ISA Browns are on the smaller side, but they are considered an average-sized chicken. Their feathers are brown and shiney. Some features stand out because of the bright red on their head.

Their wattles, single comb, and earlobes are all bright red and give off an air of power. The legs, on the other hand, are yellow. Even if the beaks are short and thick, these conventions show how strong they are.

ISA Browns are also very friendly and enjoy interacting with their human families. They are also fairly quiet birds. So, these birds can be good pets even for kids.

These birds are very easy to care for because they don’t need much care and can live in a wide range of environments. These bad girls and boys are not only strong at the egg laying game, but also challenging.

isa brown chicken

Their tough personality helps them beat their enemies, which are the predators. Their toughness doesn’t mean you can be less careful with them as well. Chickens still need help from their owners to protect themselves.

Raising Isa Brown chickens can be a truly enriching experience. These remarkable birds have captivated poultry enthusiasts around the world with their exceptional egg-laying abilities and friendly demeanor.

Remember, each chicken is unique, and understanding their individual needs and behaviors is crucial. Take the time to observe, interact, and bond with your chickens.

Not only will you enjoy the benefits of fresh eggs and a charming backyard ambiance, but you’ll also develop a rewarding connection with these fascinating creatures.

Embrace the joy of raising Isa Brown chickens, and may your flock bring you years of happiness, companionship, and plentiful eggs.

2.The Rhode Island Red Chicken

These beautiful and versatile birds have captivated the hearts of poultry enthusiasts around the world. With their distinctive reddish-brown plumage and exceptional egg-laying abilities, Rhode Island Reds have become a favorite breed among both hobbyists and commercial farmers.

These birds are also a favorite in the backyard. They are incredibly adaptable and easy to get along with. In the 1800s, these chickens were developed in Little Compton, Rhode Island. Rhode Island Red Chicken can handle the heat, the cold, the rain, and the sun.

Because of the weather, their happiness and energy do not decrease. It’s safe to say that they are not picky and grumpy. This makes them the kind of calm animals you want to have in your backyard.

One of the standout features of Rhode Island Reds is their exceptional egg-laying capabilities. These birds are known for being highly productive, consistently laying large brown eggs throughout the year.

On average, a Rhode Island Red hen can produce around 200 to 300 eggs annually, depending on various factors such as diet, health, and environmental conditions.

Rhode Island Reds have a calm and friendly temperament, making them suitable for both novice and experienced chicken keepers. They are known to be sociable and enjoy interacting with their human caretakers.

With proper handling and care, Rhode Island Reds can become quite tame, making them ideal for those looking to establish a personal connection with their flock.

These chickens have so much energy. They are hardy and strong, but their hearts are very soft. In fact, they are one of the friendliest chickens you can have around. Their kindness and energy are sure to bring sunshine into your day.

Rhode Island Red Chickens like to be with people and will even let you pet them.

Rhode Island Red Brown chickens are a remarkable breed with a rich history and numerous advantages for both small-scale and commercial chicken keepers.

Their striking appearance, exceptional egg-laying abilities, and friendly temperament make them a popular choice among poultry enthusiasts. By providing appropriate housing, nutrition, and healthcare, you can ensure the well-being and productivity of your Rhode Island Reds.

Consider adding these versatile birds to your flock and enjoy the benefits they bring to your life, including fresh eggs, sustainability, educational opportunities, and a closer connection to nature.

Remember, raising Rhode Island Reds is not just about the outcome; it’s about the journey and the fulfillment that comes with nurturing these beautiful creatures. Happy chicken keeping!


3. Buckeye Chicken

buckeye brown chickens

If you’re a poultry enthusiast or a backyard chicken keeper, you may have heard about the magnificent Buckeye Brown chickens. These remarkable birds, named after the Buckeye State, Ohio, where they originated, are known for their stunning appearance, friendly demeanor, and excellent egg-laying capabilities.

The Buckeye Brown chicken breed has a rich history that dates back to the late 19th century. Created by the visionary breeder Nettie Metcalf, these chickens were specifically developed to thrive in the harsh Ohio climate and provide a sustainable source of eggs and meat for local farmers. Metcalf aimed to breed a robust, cold-hardy chicken with exceptional foraging abilities and a striking mahogany plumage.


Nettie Metcalf, a passionate poultry enthusiast, devoted her life to the pursuit of creating a practical, resilient, and attractive breed of chickens. Her extensive knowledge and dedication led to the creation of the Buckeye Brown chicken, a breed that embodies the spirit of the Buckeye State and serves as a testament to Metcalf’s remarkable achievements.

By crossing Barred Plymouth Rocks, Buff Cochins, and some black-breasted red game, Buckeye chicken was developed. Her main goal was to make a breed that could live and thrive in the cold weather of the Midwest. Thankfully and amazingly, she did what she set out to do. So, the buckeye chicken.

Buckeye chickens have deep mahogany-colored feathers, and their skin, peacombs, and legs are yellow. The colors look good together. Their genes make them like and depend on being free to roam and find food on their own.

Buckeye Brown Chickens: Distinctive Characteristics and Physical Attributes

Buckeye Brown chickens possess a unique set of characteristics that set them apart from other poultry breeds. Let’s explore their distinctive physical attributes, temperament, and egg-laying capabilities in more detail.

Majestic Mahogany Plumage that Turns Heads


The most striking feature of Buckeye Brown chickens is their breathtaking mahogany plumage. These birds showcase a deep, lustrous chestnut color that catches the eye and adds a touch of rustic elegance to any flock. The feathers have a beautiful sheen, reflecting sunlight in a way that accentuates their natural beauty.

Robust and Sturdy Build: A Testament to their Ohio Heritage


Buckeye Brown chickens are renowned for their robust and sturdy build. Bred to withstand the harsh winters of Ohio, these birds have a strong skeletal structure and well-developed musculature. They possess a broad chest, stout legs, and powerful wings, enabling them to navigate various terrains with ease.

A Friendly Disposition that Warms the Heart


One of the most endearing qualities of Buckeye Brown chickens is their friendly and docile nature. These birds are known for their sociability, making them an excellent choice for families, children, or anyone seeking a pleasant and interactive chicken breed. Their amiable disposition allows for easy handling and fosters a deep bond between the chicken and its keeper.

Outstanding Egg-Laying Abilities: The Gift of Fresh, Nutritious Eggs


When it comes to egg-laying capabilities, Buckeye Brown chickens excel. These prolific layers can produce an impressive number of large, brown eggs throughout the year, ensuring a bountiful supply of fresh and nutritious eggs for your household. With proper care and nutrition, you can expect around 200 to 250 eggs per year from each hen.

Efficient Foragers: A Natural Approach to Pest Control


Buckeye Brown chickens possess excellent foraging abilities, making them efficient hunters of insects, pests, and weeds. With their keen eyesight and innate instinct, they tirelessly scratch the ground, devouring harmful pests while aerating the soil in the process.

By allowing Buckeye Brown chickens to roam freely in your backyard, you not only provide them with a natural and varied diet but also benefit from their pest control services, reducing the need for chemical interventions.

So, let them have their way and provide them with enough space in the backyard. Even though they can live in small spaces as long as they have enough space, they do better when they have grass and enough space.

These birds do not have any fear. They are the kind of birds that will run toward people when they see them, unlike most birds, which usually try to get away.

At the same time, these chickens are both fierce and kind. Mice don’t want to go into the birds’ territory because they are known to hunt mice. This shows how strong they are and how well they can stay alert in dangerous situations.

Buckeye Brown chickens are a remarkable breed that brings both beauty and practicality to any flock. With their stunning mahogany plumage, friendly temperament, and exceptional egg-laying capabilities, these chickens have rightfully earned their place in the hearts of poultry enthusiasts.

So, why not add a touch of rustic charm to your flock with Buckeye Brown chickens? With their striking appearance, friendly nature, and bountiful egg production, they are sure to bring joy and fulfillment to your chicken-keeping journey. Embrace the legacy of Nettie Metcalf and the heritage of Ohio by welcoming these captivating birds into your life.


4. Golden Comet Brown Chickens

golden comet brown chickens

If you’re a poultry enthusiast or an aspiring backyard farmer, you’ve likely come across the captivating breed known as golden comet brown chickens. These feathered wonders have captured the hearts of many with their stunning appearance and remarkable characteristics.

These birds have gradually and successfully moved from larger spaces like backyards and farms, despite the fact that they were initially developed for the commercial world. This chicken’s popularity went through the roof. Now, this bird might be the hybrid chicken that people all over the world keep the most.

Golden comet brown chickens, also known as golden comets, are a delightful hybrid breed that showcases a captivating blend of beauty, productivity, and amiable disposition.

This breed is a cross between a New Hampshire rooster and a White Rock hen, resulting in a bird that is truly a sight to behold. With their golden-red feathers and vibrant plumage, these chickens radiate warmth and elegance. Their stunning appearance alone is enough to make any poultry enthusiast fall head over heels for these feathered marvels.

Golden comet brown chickens were first developed in the United States in the 1950s by a poultry breeding company called Golden Comet. This innovative crossbreeding project aimed to create a hen that was not only visually striking but also highly productive in terms of egg-laying capabilities.

By crossing the New Hampshire and White Rock breeds, the Golden Comet company successfully created a bird that possessed the best qualities of both parent breeds.

These beautiful chickens lay some of the best eggs. A single hen can lay between 5 and 6 eggs each week. That comes to about 330 eggs a year. Their best laying years are between 18 months and 2 years old.

Egg production is anticipated to decrease once their peak years are over. Even though they lay a lot of eggs, these chickens are not so good at raising babies. So, if you want brown chickens right now, you should look for broody brown chickens and those that will hatch eggs any egg soon.

People love golden comets because they are so friendly. These are the kindest and nicest birds. If you’re new to raising chickens, these are good ones to start with. These chickens love when their human friends come over.

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And really, they are one of the cutest things around. Especially for children, these birds make great friends and companions. In fact, they go above and beyond their original goal and make friends with the people around them.

Unique Features of Golden Comet Brown Chickens

Extraordinary Egg-laying Abilities

One of the most remarkable characteristics of golden comet brown chickens is their exceptional egg-laying capabilities. These birds are known for being prolific layers, consistently producing a high volume of eggs throughout the year.

On average, a golden comet hen can lay up to 250-300 large brown eggs annually. This impressive egg-laying capacity makes them a popular choice among backyard chicken keepers and small-scale farmers.

Docile and Friendly Disposition

Golden comet brown chickens are renowned for their docile and friendly nature. Unlike some other chicken breeds that may exhibit aggression or skittish behavior, golden comets are generally calm and amiable.

They often enjoy human company and can become quite affectionate towards their caretakers. This gentle demeanor makes them an excellent choice for families with children or individuals seeking feathered companions that are easy to handle.

Excellent Foragers

Another notable trait of golden comet brown chickens is their innate foraging ability. These birds possess a strong natural instinct for scratching and pecking the ground in search of insects, seeds, and other tasty morsels.

This foraging behavior not only provides the chickens with supplemental nutrition but also helps to control pests in the surrounding area.

If you allow your golden comets to roam in a supervised free-range setting, they will eagerly explore and contribute to the natural balance of your garden or yard.

Adaptable to Various Climates

Golden comet brown chickens are known for their adaptability to different climatic conditions. Whether you live in a region with hot summers or cold winters, these birds are well-suited to thrive in various environments.

Their hardy nature enables them to withstand temperature extremes and adapt to changes in weather. However, it’s essential to provide them with appropriate shelter, ample shade, and fresh water to ensure their well-being, regardless of the climate they inhabit.

Low Maintenance Requirements

When it comes to keeping golden comet brown chickens, their low maintenance requirements make them an attractive choice for poultry enthusiasts of all experience levels. These chickens are relatively easy to care for, requiring minimal attention and upkeep.

Their ability to adapt to various environments and their strong constitution mean that they are generally resilient and less prone to health issues. As long as they have access to a balanced diet, clean water, a safe and comfortable living space, and regular veterinary check-ups, golden comet brown chickens can thrive with ease.

Fast Growth and Early Maturity

Golden comet brown chickens are known for their rapid growth and early maturity. From the moment they hatch, these chicks demonstrate an impressive growth rate, reaching their full size and maturity in a relatively short span of time.

This fast growth makes them an ideal choice for individuals seeking to raise chickens for meat production. Additionally, their early maturity means that they will start laying eggs at an earlier age compared to some other breeds, allowing you to enjoy their abundant egg production sooner.


5. New Hampshire Brown Chickens

new hampshire brown chickens

As the name suggests, this red-brown or chestnut-colored chicken came from New Hampshire. These birds were developed by a person known as Red Richardson and are among the oldest breeds still in existence.

You can use these birds to lay eggs, keep as pets, or kill for meat. They can thrive in various climates and temperatures because they are adaptable.

Often compared to the more well-known Rhode Island Red, these birds are underappreciated. They may be undervalued, but these birds are actually very valuable. These birds are a great breed for beginners because they have good genes, are healthy, strong, and neither lazy nor too flighty.

Benefits of Raising New Hampshire Brown Chickens

So, why should you choose New Hampshire Browns for your flock? Here are a few compelling reasons:

  • High Egg Quality: The eggs laid by New Hampshire Browns have deep, rich brown shells and delicious golden yolks. They are highly sought after by egg lovers and can even be sold at a premium.
  • Excellent Feed Conversion: New Hampshire Browns are known for their efficient feed conversion, meaning they can convert their feed into eggs with minimal waste. This characteristic can help you save on feed costs and make your poultry operation more economical.
  • Low Maintenance: These chickens are relatively low-maintenance, requiring minimal intervention in terms of health issues or special care. Their robust nature and disease resistance make them an ideal choice for those looking for hassle-free poultry farming.

When owners want chicks instead of eggs, these birds are also good choices. They are a little bit motherly and would make good parents to chicks. If you want to try something new and have a bunch of chicks in your yard right now, these are the birds for you.

There are also the blue-tailed and the New Hampshire White versions of the New Hampshire breed. Blue-tailed was developed in Holland and is considered a rare variation and chicken type. On the other hand, the New Hampshire White chicken is uncommon because it is difficult to find mates for them.


6. Lohmann Brown Chickens

lohmann brown chickens

If you’re a poultry enthusiast or someone interested in starting a backyard flock, the Lohmann Brown chickens are a breed worth considering. Known for their exceptional egg-laying capabilities and docile temperament, these chickens have gained popularity among hobbyists and commercial farmers alike.

The Lohmann Brown chicken breed, developed in Germany, is a hybrid resulting from crossbreeding White Rock and Rhode Island Red chickens.

The breed was specifically engineered for its remarkable egg-laying abilities, making it a favorite among commercial egg producers worldwide. The careful selection and breeding processes have ensured that the Lohmann Brown chickens possess the genetic traits necessary for high egg productivity.

For its ability to lay eggs, the Lohmann Brown breed is famous. These birds are related to species such as the Rhode Island red and the White Rock. These birds are a pretty shade of caramel and brown. Even though they don’t look very fancy, their fluffy but strong-looking feathers still give off a powerful energy.

Temperament and Behavior

One of the reasons why Lohmann Brown chickens are highly favored by both experienced farmers and beginners is their friendly and docile nature. They are known for being gentle and easy to handle, making them suitable for families with children or individuals who enjoy interacting with their flock.

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Lohmann Browns are sociable birds that thrive in the company of other chickens. They are not aggressive and rarely exhibit any territorial behavior. This makes them a great addition to an existing flock or an excellent choice for those starting with a small number of chickens.

While Lohmann Brown chickens are primarily raised for their egg-laying capabilities, they also display natural foraging instincts.

Given enough space and the opportunity to explore, they will happily spend their time scratching the ground in search of insects, worms, and other tasty treats.

Providing them with a spacious and secure outdoor run will not only keep them entertained but also contribute to their overall health and well-being.

They are a favorite of farmers and are frequently labeled as the best backyard chickens. Lohmann Browns are docile and friendly, in contrast to other innovative and great egg layers.

These birds could be good friends for your children if you have children at home. In addition to being great company, these chickens are also very hardy.

They provide a lot of egg. In fact, they are born younger than most breeds that lay eggs. Lohmann browns start to grow in their 14th week, etc. A year, they can lay up to 300 eggs.

These birds lay good eggs and would make a great addition to your flock, especially if you are looking for a good egg layer. Not only that, but these chickens are very easy to handle, so they are also a good choice for people who are new to the field.


7. Buff Brahma Brown Chickens

buff brahma brown chickens

One of the giant breeds in the industry is the Buff Brahma. The word “buff” in their name tells you exactly how they should look. Jersey Giants are the only ones who can match their size.

These birds are actually labeled as the kings of chickens! Their feathers are a very pretty color, and they are well-shaped and patterned. This makes them stand out when they walk with the rest of your flock.

They get along well with your family and even children because they are docile and friendly birds. They are easy to deal with. So, they are one of the most popular choices for showrooms and shows.

These birds have only recently gained popularity as backyard chickens.

These giants are good with children and make good friends. One of the children’s favorite things to cuddle is one of these animals. They may seem scary at first because of their size, but their hearts are just as big as they are. They can steal the show as one of the big breeds.

Buff Brahmas are cold hardy and thrive in colder temperatures. So, Buff Brahmas can be the chicken to add to your flock if you live in a place with cooler temperatures, like the northern states.


8. Naked Neck Chickens

naked neck chickens

When you meet them, naked neck chickens can be some of the most memorable chickens. They have a unique and memorable aura around them that makes it hard to forget how they look. Because their necks are bare, these chickens are often mistaken for turkeys.

The plain surface and the breed’s construction make their necks appear longer. However, do not misunderstand. They really are chickens!

One of their best features is that their necks set them apart from other breeds. In their case, it makes them different from the other breeds.

These birds are easy to keep in a cage. You won’t have a hard time keeping them in their spaces because they have trouble flying. In short, if they feel threatened, all they can do is run away as fast as they can. So, it is important to make sure their space is safe from predators.

People may not notice all of their positive traits because their neck may steal the show. More than just their unique necks distinguish these birds. At first, people can feel awkward around them because they don’t know how they will react. But these beautiful creatures are actually friendly. They’re also very cuddly.

Naked Neck chickens are hardy and can live in warmer temperatures. Their ability to handle colder weather depends on the size and strain of their combs. People usually raise these birds for their unique appearance, eggs, and meat.

The number of eggs per week is estimated to be 3. But, as we’ve already said, they make good pets for other reasons as well, which we’ve listed above. In conclusion, these birds provide you with a new and fresh look, as well as friends and food. We can safely say that this bird has it all!


It may sound as easy as one, two, and three to choose the right brown chickens for your backyard, but in reality, it’s more challenging than it sounds. The process also includes evaluating and weighing things.

As more ideas and factors come into play, it becomes more complicated. One step is to narrow it down, and reading about the top 8 brown chicken breeds gets you one step closer.


  1. The Chicken Health Handbook by Gail Damerow: This comprehensive guide provides valuable insights into chicken health care, disease prevention, and common ailments.
  2. Storey’s Guide to Raising Chickens by Gail Damerow: A go-to resource for all aspects of raising chickens, including breed selection, housing, feeding, and health care.
  3. The Small-Scale Poultry Flock by Harvey Ussery: This book covers a wide range of topics related to sustainable and holistic poultry farming, including breed selection, pasture-based systems, and natural health care.
  4. Backyard Chickens: A Practical Handbook to Raising Chickens by Claire Woods: A beginner-friendly guide that covers the basics of keeping backyard chickens, including choosing breeds, setting up a coop, and everyday care.
  5. The Chicken Chick’s Guide to Backyard Chickens by Kathy Shea Mormino: This book provides a wealth of information on chicken keeping, covering topics such as breed selection, nutrition, health care, and egg production.




3 thoughts on “8 Excellent Brown Chicken Breeds That Are Best to Raise”

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