laying hen

Important Things You Should Know About Your Laying Hens

Before people even opt to have chickens they frequently find themselves asking,”How long will the laying hens produce eggs?” Though a lot people keep chickens as pets first and foremost, at the end of the day it is important for some poultry farmers to be certain they’re getting loads of eggs from their flock. This article will provide you an excellent summary of the vital things you can do to make certain you get more eggs out of the laying hens and they create the highest quality eggs for more.

When do laying hens begin to produce eggs?

Although some of us get quite impatient as we await our chickens to begin producing eggs, it is important to not forget that baby chickens do so much growing so rapidly. Broadly, you can expect to locate your laying hens to begin producing the products around the time they’re 20 to 24 months old. Some breeders are genetically altering and breeding poultry so that they begin producing eggs by 16 weeks. However, like many people, youth is sacred, so maybe it is more ethical to allow the laying hens an additional four weeks of egg-free serenity.

What do chickens will need to make good quality eggs?

For your laying hens to create healthy high quality eggs, all of their basic requirements will need to maintain balance.

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It almost goes without saying that laying hens require a continuous supply of food and superior chicken feed to be able to produce the highest quality eggs. While chickens are laying, their diet must consist of 16-20% protein, in addition to having a complex mix of vitamins, minerals and calcium. Check the labelling of your favorite feed mix to make sure your laying hens are getting what they want.

Time with character:

A depressed, unfulfilled chicken will take part in self-destructive behaviors like feather picking, preying upon lowly members of the flock and throwing tantrums so crazy that they tip their chicken feeder over. Allowing your laying hens time in the garden to search for bugs, have a dust bath and stretch their wings will place them in a greater emotional location. Happier hens frequently results in chickens that are wholesome and healthy-happy hens tend to generate yummier eggs– you get me?

Peace and security:

Additionally, things such as predators, pests, pets and children can cause your dedicated laying hens unnecessary anxiety, which may curtail egg production when it gets out of control. Furthermore, pecking order disputes which could arise if a new chicken is introduced may also stress your laying hens. If it’s spring- peak laying season, perhaps it’s better to delay any significant modifications to coop life to get a less egg-productive moment. Ensuring your laying hens have spacious, clean and comfortable nesting boxes is among the best ways to secure your chickens from predators, in addition to promoting healthy and productive laying habits. At the end of the day it is important to not forget that placing an egg is work that takes time, focus and some peace.

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If you can consistently keep this happy balance it’s more probable that your laying hens will continue to produce eggs during a long period of time.

What to do with all those extra eggs?

Many chicken enthusiasts often experience egg-overload throughout the productive months like summer and spring. Given that eggs have a rather short shelf life, people start to feel nervy as their Egg Skelter, kitchen counter tops and refrigerator shelves rapidly begin to fill up with crisp white, brown and blue eggs! Some people today consider selling their eggs, nevertheless they encounter roadblocks since there’s quite a lot of critical legislation surrounding the selling of eggs. One option is just to provide your extra eggs to your friends, family and acquaintances. Alternatively you could think about a whole host of alternatives, such as hard boiling your eggs mass for lunch boxes, creating your own mayonnaise or you may even try and construct the world’s biggest meringue. Do not just let your extra eggs rust – get creative!

At what times of the year will my chickens stop laying?

All hens have what are known as”biorhythms”. Biorhythms are basically the cues that your chickens take from character to begin laying, mating or moulting. Commercial laying operations interfere with nature’s natural biorhythms to promote laying hens to produce more eggs for more. Because of this, chickens in such situations often become dependent on humans preserving these artificial biorhythms, which ends in a range of sad ways. Most poultry farmers who permit their laying hens to lead comparatively free lives will observe changes in eggs production throughout different seasons because the biorhythms shift.

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At what age should you expect your laying hens to stop producing eggs?

Some laying hens may thankfully keep producing eggs for 72 weeks, but this can also be affected by the seasons moult and their age. Usually, laying hens will slowly produce fewer eggs after 72 weeks. It’s not common for chickens to immediately stop producing eggs however this does occasionally occur. Many clever poultry aficionados have the ability to work out a cycle of getting eggs all year round by caring for a specific combination of breeds, whilst also wisely introducing new pullets at different points in the year.

Laying hens are amazingly tender and generous creatures. So long as you have the ability to create your chickens feel loved and cared for, you should be able to enjoy the benefits of their delicious eggs for more.


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