chickens with colored eggs

17 Amazing Breeds of Chickens with Colored Eggs

If you’re a chicken owner, there’s probably nothing better than opening the door to your nest boxes and seeing a rainbow of eggs.

While purple eggs are unlikely to appear any time soon, there are simple ways to assure that you have chocolate, pink, blue, and green colored eggs – yes, colors other than the traditional tan and white!

It’s also unrelated to the food you give your hens.

Genetics will affect the color of the eggs your chickens lay.

Here are some tips for deciding which colors to include in your nesting boxes, as well as some of the most colorful egg-laying breeds.

Is It Possible to Predict the Color of an Egg?

There is a way to tell – all you have to do is look at the chicken breed. The color of eggs produced by hens of the same breed is often consistent.

Another trick is to look at the color of your hens’ earlobes, though this isn’t always accurate because some chickens don’t adhere to this standard.

A chicken with white earlobes will, on average, lay white eggs, while one with red earlobes will lay brown eggs.

Hybrid chickens and those from the mixed parent stock, as well as Silkies, are the only exceptions to this rule. Silkies have blue earlobes, but unfortunately, they only lay white eggs.

Genetics for egg color does not come from a single parent. It isn’t entirely up to the rooster or hen to decide. The color of the shell is usually determined by both parents’ DNA.

Egg color will be similar within a breed for the most part. Individual chickens in a flock can lay different colored eggs in hybrid breeds like Easter Eggers, for example.

It’s vital to remember that each chicken can only lay one type of egg at a time.

Her genetics govern this, therefore age, diet, or other things have no impact.

Stressed hens, on the other hand, may lay eggs with unusually shaped or colored shells.

17 Popular Breeds of Chickens with Colored Eggs

A few common chicken breeds that are known to lay colored eggs include:

1. Light Sussex Chickens with Colored Eggs

17 Amazing Breeds of Chickens with Colored Eggs

The Light Sussex chicken is a charming and well-loved breed that has been around for at least a couple of centuries. It was bred to be a dual-purpose chicken that excels at both.

It has a fascinating backstory and has endured the ups and downs of the poultry industry’s trends.

Because of its reputation as a consistent layer, decent meat bird, and mild personality, the Sussex has experienced steady, if not spectacular, success for many years and is ready to expand its footprint in the United States.

The ability to lay eggs varies according to the Sussex variety you choose, but in general, the Light Sussex will provide you with 4-5 large brown eggs every week.

The best part is that they will continue to lay well into the winter when most other chickens have stopped laying for the season.
It’s been noted that they only take a break laying when they’re molting!

They have a brooding personality and are excellent mothers. Broodiness varies according to the variety — the Light Sussex is known to be rarely broody, though this may vary depending on the line you buy from.

The Light Sussex is an excellent breed for families. They are calm and friendly, and they like being in the company of humans. Children adore them since they don’t mind being handled and touched.

They are known for being chatty, thus they will often join you in talks!

They will provide you with an abundant supply of eggs, which can be readily fattened up for the table if desired.
Because we are all so busy these days, the fact that they are low maintenance is vital to many families.

They require only the most basic needs of food, drink, and safe housing, yet they like interacting and socializing with others.

The Light Sussex is a lovely chicken breed that is sometimes referred to as the “perfect home chicken.”

These birds are entertaining to watch and are also pretty tame. They are observant and have great foraging ability.

Every year, Light Sussex chickens can lay up to 250 beautiful pink eggs.

2.  Easter Eggers

17 Amazing Breeds of Chickens with Colored Eggs

The Easter Egger is undoubtedly familiar if you’re looking for brightly colored chicken eggs.

This is a popular breed among those looking for chickens with colored eggs.

This chicken breed lays a range of colored eggs, with the ability to produce up to 250 eggs each year. While most lay blue eggs, some lay mixed colors.

Although each individual chicken will only lay one color of egg, you may have a flock of Easter Eggers who each lay a different colored egg.

As a result, if you’re looking for a monochrome egg basket, one of these may be a better choice.

This is due to the fact that the Easter Egger is a hybrid with genetics that aren’t usually standardized — an Easter Egger isn’t a fully recognized breed on its own and can be the product of a mix between any blue egg layer and a brown egg layer.

Green and pink Easter eggs are also possible to lay. The outcome could be different.

3.  Marans

17 Amazing Breeds of Chickens with Colored Eggs

Marans are known for their “chocolate eggers,” or eggs that have a dark chocolate brown color. The Black Copper variety’s eggs, as well as the Silver Cuckoo’s to a lesser extent, are the darkest of all, and are highly sought after!

Marans are an “essential” for your flock if you value a colorful egg basket! The most common Marans plumage in North America is Silver Cuckoo, despite the fact that the APA does not acknowledge that hue.

They are available for purchase at most major hatcheries, clean-legged Cuckoo Marans are common, but others have feathered legs.

Chefs consider Maran eggs to be among the world’s best. This chicken is mostly bred for its eggs, despite being a dual-purpose breed.

Marans not only lay a lot of eggs, but they also have beautiful chocolate brown eggs.

Marans, on the other hand, are unique among other colorful egg layers in that the exact shade varies from bird to bird.

The eggs laid by a younger hen are darker than those laid by an older hen.

4.  Welsummers

17 Amazing Breeds of Chickens with Colored Eggs

The Welsummer is known as one of the most gentle and smart chicken breeds in the world.

They are native to Holland and lay chocolate-brown eggs.

They’re also excellent foragers, laying up to 200 eggs per year as a heritage breed.

A Welsummer’s egg’s colour is particularly appealing since it can be both a deep chocolate brown and speckled. This creates a nice speckled appearance on the eggs, which you will adore.

5. Araucanas

araucana chickens with colored eggs

The Araucana chicken is the breed that started the blue egg craze, and unfortunately, many chicken lovers mix it up with the Ameraucana and the Easter Egger.

It’s reasonable, though, because all three breeds of hens lay colored eggs, the majority of which are blue.

The Araucana is a difficult breed to find in the United States due to its rarity. Due to hatch rate concerns caused by genetics, many hatcheries have decided not to breed them.

Araucanas are not ideal as meat birds because they are little, but what they lack in flesh they make up for in lovely blue eggs.

Despite the fact that chickens are smaller, their eggs are medium-sized and suitable for your Easter basket, and you don’t even have to color them!

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The Araucana isn’t necessarily meant for production, but she can surely make her keep at a rate of about 3 eggs each week.

Due to her origins in the warmer areas of South America, this tenacious hen does not lay during the winter months.

Whatever the case may be, she’ll be back at it as soon as the weather warms up, just in time for Easter egg hunts with the kids.

The Araucana chicken produces beautiful blue eggs and is named after the Araucana region of Chile, where they are said to have originated.

Apart from their eggs, these chicks are highly valued.

With tufts of feathers called peduncles that nestle near and tight to their ears, they are also rather attractive to look at. They also lack traditional tails.

Ameraucanas and Easter Eggers are commonly mistaken for Araucanas.

Despite the fact that these chickens appear to be similar, you must select only Araucanas or you will be unhappy with the results.

Each year, 200 blue eggs are laid by these birds.

It’s difficult to raise Araucana chicks on your farm because they’re a rare breed. This is due to fatal genes found in Araucana chickens, which cause a substantial percentage of chicks to die before hatching.

It’s probably best to order Araucana chicks from a hatchery if you want them.

6. Dorking Chickens with Colored Eggs

17 Amazing Breeds of Chickens with Colored Eggs

Looking for a breed that can provide your family with meat, eggs, and companionship? You’ve discovered it! The Dorking chicken is a unique breed with a long history that is currently threatened with extinction.

Dorkings are one of the oldest chicken breeds, going back to 43 AD.

So, why are the Dorkings endangered if they have been there for so long? Furthermore, the Dorking is a popular breed, although certain kinds are becoming increasingly scarce.

The scarcity is most likely due to the commercialization of the chicken business.

Many traditionally prized features, including taste and temperament, were pushed aside in favor of faster-growing chickens.

The Dorking chicken was and continues to be a highly sought-after fowl among meat-eaters.

When the Romans brought the chicken to England, it became popular. It’s said that it was love at first bite.

Chickens that are primarily used for one commodity (meat or eggs) are rarely used for the other. The Dorking is an exception to the rule of big meat chickens not being prolific egg producers.

Chickens will lay a sufficient number of eggs to keep up with some of your good laying hens. Furthermore, they are recognized for continuing to grow throughout the winter, rather than slowing down like certain breeds.

Dorking’s eggs are white or creamy in color, meaning they are lightly stained, and they are normally medium to big in size.

A happy and healthy Dorking hen can lay 170–190 eggs per year. This bird is a powerhouse of protein!

Dorking hens are unusual birds with amusing names who lay stunning cream-colored eggs.

With roots reaching back to the Roman Empire, these chicks are one of the oldest chicken breeds.

They are also pretty attractive to look at as pleasant, playful birds. Short, squat legs with five toes characterize these fowl.

7. Ameraucana Chickens with Colored Eggs

17 Amazing Breeds of Chickens with Colored Eggs

Ameraucanas are a type of flower that grows in the Mediterranean region.
It’s crucial not to mix this name with Araucana!

The Ameraucana is a descendent of the Araucana, produced as a cross between the Araucana and another breed to eliminate a fatal trait that kills unhatched chicks.

The Ameraucana, like the Araucana, has tufts of feathers, tight muffs, and even a beard, and lays blue eggs.

This fluffy bird has a pea comb and lays about 200 blue or green eggs each year.

8.  Cream Legbar Chickens

17 Amazing Breeds of Chickens with Colored Eggs


The Cream Legbar is a modern 20th-century chicken breed created by crossing Leghorns, Cambars, Barred Plymouth Rocks, and Araucanas in the late 1900s.

This chicken breed has cream-colored plumage and lays blue or blue-green eggs. Its genetics do not contain the fatal Araucana chick gene.

With this lovely species, you can expect up to 200 multicolored eggs every year.

Cream Legbars are one of the most sought-after—and rare—breeds in the country. They are friendly, easy to handle, have good layers, and are one of the most highly sought-after—and rare—breeds in the country.

You’ve been pleading for them, and now they’ve arrived! For a variety of reasons, this breed is ideal for backyard owners. To begin with, their eggs are a stunning shade of blue.

Second, they are auto-sexing, which means that if you want to hatch your chickens’ eggs at home, you’ll be able to differentiate male from female chicks right away, without having to go through the years of training that other breeds require. (Female legbar chicks do not have a luminous spot on their heads, whereas male legbar chicks have.)

Legbars are excellent foragers who do well-evading predators in a free-range setting, however, they can also adapt to small yards and runs.

Finally, they’re a lot of fun to look at, with unique little crests hidden beneath floppy combs that make them look like they’re wearing berets with flowers—very cool!

9. Asil

17 Amazing Breeds of Chickens with Colored Eggs

The Asils’ names can alternatively be called Aseel or Azeel. Their names have a lot of significance. In India, it means “pure,” whereas, in Hindi, it signifies “upper caste.”

Originally, the name was applied to all pure game birds. They do, however, now hold sole control of the term, which we can certainly trace to their dominance in the ring.

The Aseel chicken has progressively gained popularity around the world over the years. It should come as no surprise that they are still popular today.

They did not, however, make it this far without encountering difficulties. The Aseels have been through a lot, and the Livestock Conservancy Priority List currently lists them as “endangered.”

Countermeasures must be done if we are to continue contributing to the enrichment of these birds’ history and, ultimately, avoid their extinction.

The Aseel hens aren’t the most prolific egg producers. They could perhaps be considered one of the worst, as they only produce 40 medium-sized eggs every year.

It’s possible, however, that the number will be reduced to a single digit. Their eggs have a cream or brown color to them.

Despite their low egg-laying abilities, the Aseel hens are excellent setters and frequently go broody. The Aseel hen is a fantastic mother.

They will protect their young at all means, I assure you. An Aseel hen was even said to have attacked a serpent in the sake of protecting her young!

This bird has a lot of interesting characteristics.

To begin with, they don’t appear to be as fluffy as a typical chicken. The Aseels don’t appear to have as much fluff as other chickens, which makes them appear heavier than they are. Surprisingly, these hens appear to be lighter than they are.

They are on the heavier side, weighing roughly 4.5 pounds. Furthermore, even without all of the extra layers of plumage, you can see that they are muscular.

They also have such lovely tails to flaunt, which can grow to be quite long. Those with such long tails appear to be wearing their own cloak.

This ancient bird, sometimes known as the Aseel, is difficult to maintain yet lays cream-colored eggs.

It was created for cockfighting in Pakistan and India in the 1800s and then spread to the Americas.

Despite its beauty, raising the Asil is challenging due to its aggressive nature.

Furthermore, while the eggs you receive will be a gorgeous pink or cream color, you will not receive a large number of them; Asil chicks only produce about 40 eggs per year on average.

10.  Olive Eggers

17 Amazing Breeds of Chickens with Colored Eggs

Olive Eggers is another hybrid egg producer. Due to the hybrid nature of the breed, this chicken can lay up to 200 eggs per year, though the number may vary.

Olive Eggers, on the other hand, lay dark green eggs in the majority of cases.

The hue of your Olive Eggers’ eggs can range from dark green to brownish-green due to the fact that they are a mix of blue and dark brown egg layers.

Olive Eggers are usually created by crossing Ameraucanas with Marans.

11.  Barnevelders

17 Amazing Breeds of Chickens with Colored Eggs

This chicken is a classic breed for you to consider, native to the Barneveld district of Holland.

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It was created 200 years ago as a mix of Asian breeds imported from India and Brahmas and Cochins.

The Barnevleder is a beautiful bird with double-laced feathers that are blue and green-tinged, black and white, or buff-and-white.

This chicken has some auto-sexing varieties, including Silver, Blue, Partridge, Dark Brown, Barred, and Chamois kinds, which were added to the American Standard of Perfection in 1991.

Barnevelleders are also prized for their stunning eggs. They lay dark brown eggs.

12.  Penedesencas

17 Amazing Breeds of Chickens with Colored Eggs

Penedesenca hens are native to Spain’s Catalonia region. They were indigenous breeds found in 1921. The neighborhood, however, became overrun by foreign chicken breeds, and the Penedesenca birds began to go extinct.

Instead, farmers focused on producing imported chicken varieties at the expense of native types. However, when chicken farmers began breeding the species again in 1933, the Penedes breed regained popularity.

With the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, the breed was declared extinct once more.

In the 1980s, however, a Spanish biologist named Antonio Jorda began working with the government to bring the Penedes hens back into the public eye.

He had previously purchased some eggs laid by Penedes chickens from a nearby store and been enthralled by what he had seen.

Penedesencas are among the most flighty birds you’ll ever raise. As a result, they are extremely active and suspicious of the firm. They’re not the kind of birds you’d want to pet on your lap or be around unskilled people, for example.

The hens will flee if they see youngsters, but the roosters may attack them. They prefer to be left alone as much as possible. If you’ve been nurturing them since they were chicks, you can have a somewhat close relationship with them.

Furthermore, this chicken breed does not tolerate confinement well. When people feel suffocated in a place, they become quickly frustrated. You must supply them with sufficient foraging space, which necessitates a wide backyard.

If they are allowed, they will forage for the majority of their food. Because penedesencas are naturally aggressive, it’s not surprising if they don’t get along with other chickens.

You can, however, lessen their hostility. One method to achieve this is to make sure they are not confined.

They are continually on the lookout for predators. They may quickly elude predators due to their flightiness. They are always prepared to roost in trees or run as rapidly as their long legs can take them.

They aren’t hesitant to fight off their predators, either.

In the poultry world, it’s a general rule that birds with white earlobes should only lay white eggs, however, the Penedes chicken breed is an exception. Medium to large dark red-brown eggs is laid by the birds.

The hue of the eggs contributes to their individuality. Each hen will typically lay about 200 eggs every week, assuming they produce four eggs per week. If you want bigger eggs, increase the number of Penedesencas in your flock.

They are broody, despite their flighty and aggressive disposition. Most of the time, you’ll find them sitting on their eggs. As a result, as soon as they begin to lay eggs, you should gather them.

Penedesencas are good mothers to their daughters. They pay close attention to the activities of the children and strive to protect them at all costs.

Make sure they aren’t confined to increase their egg output. Because Penedes hens are free-range birds, they should be allowed to roam freely.

They become agitated when confined, which is not conducive to egg-laying. It also has a proclivity for cannibalism, something you don’t want your hens to do.

Layer breeds such as Black, Wheaten, and Partridge are not appropriate for meat production due to their small carcasses. You can, however, acquire the Crele variety, which was bred exclusively for meat and eggs.

Penedesenca chickens are a gorgeous warm-weather breed that originated in Catalonia, Spain, in the early twentieth century.

The Penedesenca, a little chicken with a large comb that produces chocolate brown eggs, is a small chicken with a massive comb.

Penedesencas are recognized for being wary chickens who are always on the lookout. They’re not the best chickens to have as pets, but they’re still entertaining.


13.  Barred Rock Chickens with Colored Eggs

17 Amazing Breeds of Chickens with Colored Eggs

The backyard chicken flock’s Barred Rock chicken is a hardworking member. Any flock would be lucky to have her as a member because she is stunning, peaceful, and prolific.

She has been a worldwide success for thousands of poultry breeders, enthusiasts, and backyard keepers for well over 100 years, and she is one of America’s first and finest chicken innovations.

The Barred Rock is a nice, charming, and docile bird, which is one of the reasons it has been a beloved hen for so long; they aren’t known to be rude or irritable.

It’s ideal for backyard entertaining and fits in well with a small family.

They are curious and enjoy foraging for food, which is a talent they have mastered.

They have a laid-back disposition and will feel right at home in captivity if given enough room.

A great number of light brown medium-sized eggs are laid by the Barred Rock. She’ll lay 4 eggs every week, for a total of 200+ eggs per year.

For the first few years, the production strains will lay well, but then the output will begin to fall.

Laying will continue into the third or possibly the fourth year with the heritage strain, but there will be fewer eggs laid per year overall.

If you keep a few eggs in a nest with the hopes of encouraging them to brood, you can persuade them to brood even if they aren’t very broody.

They make good broodies and mothers once they get the hang of it.

Chicks also feather in quickly, so they are ready to leave the nest early.

The Barred Rock chicken is a popular backyard breed that may be used as both a laying and meat chicken.

This chicken is recognized for its capacity to lay pale pink eggs, laying approximately 280 eggs per year.

14.  Favaucana Chickens with Colored Eggs

17 Amazing Breeds of Chickens with Colored Eggs

Have you heard of the Favaucana before? It’s a fact of life that Martha Stewart has these lovely hens in her flock. These are one-of-a-kind hens that are difficult to come by.

These gorgeous beauties are available in our own line. They are far and away the best egg layers on the farm, outlaying several of our “production” birds.

A Favaucana is a cross (hybrid) between Faverolles and Amerucana chickens, not a separate breed. They usually have lovely tiny muffs, beards, huge bodies, and feathery feet. Many people have five toes!

Our ranges, on the other hand, include non-bearded animals in a variety of colors and styles. We don’t have a consistent appearance or feather coloration. This is one of our favorites because it gives you a lot of alternatives.

They have pea or straight combs with a lot of feathering, and they can adapt to any environment. They lay a lot of eggs, and we can count on them to provide us with eggs on a weekly basis.

They have a tendency to become broody and will raise their own offspring. Our flocks typically lay four different colors of eggs: seafoam green, olive, blue, and tan.

The Favaucana chicken can have the same lovely disposition and behavior as the Faverolles, making it an excellent choice for a family flock or simply for having a new sort of chicken that produces gorgeous colored eggs.

They have a quiet, reserved attitude due to the Amerucana in them. They are cold tough, heat tolerant, and adapt well to confinement. They thrive in a variety of environments and are a sturdy bird in general.

They are interested, friendly, communicative, and occasionally shy, as we have discovered on the farm. Their personalities can be rather different.

Although there aren’t many breeders creating this bird, we think of it as a cross between an Easter and an Olive Egger — a hybrid bird that lays colored eggs.

The Favaucana chicken is difficult to come by and purchase, so we’re excited to bring their beauty and utility to you. Don’t miss out on the chance to own such a lovely chicken.

The last breed on our list is a hybrid chicken breed that is a cross between a Favorelle and an Ameraucana. This breed lays sage green colored eggs.

The amiable, likable demeanors of these hens are praised.

15. Yokohama Chickens

17 Amazing Breeds of Chickens with Colored Eggs

The Yokohama bird is a fancy chicken breed that is mostly kept for show rather than for producing eggs or meat. These birds were developed to be decorative and are known for their remarkable and exquisite tail feathers.

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The US Yokohama chicken, which was added to the US Standard of Perfection in 1981, is not the same as the British Yokohama, which is known in the US and around the world as the Phoenix breed of chicken.

The Yokohama is likely to disappoint those searching for a breed of impressive egg-laying hens. These hens produce a pitiful 80 eggs each year, with bantams producing roughly 90. They were bred for grace and display rather than function.

The Yokohama produces small eggs, ranging in weight from 30 grams for bantams to 40 grams for a typical-sized hen.

These little eggs, which are mostly white or cream-colored, are unremarkable. Those expecting a high level of egg production may be surprised by Yokohama’s weekly average of roughly 1 egg.

The sheer amazing quality of the Yokohama has not led to a drop in the bird in the United States or Germany, despite its low proclivity for egg production.

Despite the fact that there are more recognized Yokohama breeds in the UK, the bird has been designated as uncommon.

Consider the Yokohama if you want eggs that are creamy and cream-colored.

The dramatic tail feathers and cream-tinted eggs of this chicken breed make it tough to find. It was bred from Japanese birds and developed in Germany in the late 1800s.

16.  Arkansas Blue Chickens

17 Amazing Breeds of Chickens with Colored Eggs

Dr. R. Keith Bramwell of the University of Arkansas-Fayetteville developed the Arkansas Blue chickens as an experimental breed.

While they have the same genetics as the Whiting True Blue birds (Araucanas and white Leghorns), these chickens have a pea comb and yellow legs and skin, making them resemble more like Sumatra chickens.

They lack the ear-tufts and muffs of the Araucanas, despite being their progeny. All they’ve gotten from this side of the family is the capacity to lay blue eggs, which they do well. In a single year, Arkansas Blue chickens can lay 250-350 eggs.

The American Poultry Association (APA) and the American Bantam Association have yet to formally accept these chicks. They are not well-suited to being kept as pets in the backyard. They don’t get along with humans or other chicken species and get quickly frightened.

Another breed that produces blue eggs is this one. The Arkansas Blue is currently unavailable for purchase due to its newness.

However, keep an eye out for it when it arrives on the market; this one-of-a-kind chicken has a pea comb and lays colorful eggs.

17.  Isbar chickens with Colored Eggs

17 Amazing Breeds of Chickens with Colored Eggs

Isbar is a Swedish chicken breed that first appeared in the mid-1900s and is pronounced “ice bar.”

This autosexing chicken breed, developed by Martin Silverudd, allows you to determine the difference between roosters and hens as soon as they hatch.

Each year, the Isbar can lay 200 green eggs. It’s a unique breed that’s hard to come by, but believe us when we say it’s well worth the effort.

It lays pale bluish-green to dark teal eggs. It’s a little harder to come by than the Isbar and Cream Legbar.


What Is the Process of Creating Chicken Egg Colors?

If you have laying hens, you’re undoubtedly well aware that chickens aren’t born with the ability to lay eggs.

It takes a chicken some time to mature to the point where it can lay eggs. Did you know, though, that forming an egg within the body of a chicken can take up to 26 hours?

That’s why, rather than laying eggs every day, most chicken breeds only do so a few times a week.

A total of 20 hours are required to build an eggshell, with an additional five hours required for coloring.

Originally, all eggs were white. Eggs change color as a result of an internal colouring process.

Some chicken breeds, on the other hand, contain pigments in their eggs that cause them to turn blue, brown, green, or a variety of other colors. The outside shell of most eggs is just colored.

The oocyan gene is responsible for the blue coloring of blue chicken eggs. A retrovirus generated the mutation in this gene.

My eggs are purple, so what’s up with that?
Unfortunately, no chicken breed produces true purple eggs. The bloom is to fault if your eggs appear purple.

The bloom is a protective covering on the outside of the gg that keeps bacteria out. It also aids in the preservation of freshness of the eggs.

You might detect a reddish tinge on the egg after it has been laid if you have brown egg layers in particular.

This is normally something that can be washed off, but don’t do it if you intend to incubate or hatch the eggs! To keep the chick healthy, you’ll need to use the bloom.

Is it Possible for Egg Color to Change Over Time?

Over time, the color of eggs will normally stay the same. However, you may observe a little reduction in the eggshell’s coloration.

It will still be green or blue, even if it is a lighter shade of green or blue than it was previously.

Poor diet, aging, and stress are all linked to changes in egg color. Your hen’s eggshell may be lighter than usual if she’s been exposed to predators or even scorching weather.

Although there isn’t always much you can do to prevent stress, you can surely lessen it by providing your hen with lots of healthy feed and fresh water, as well as a secure shelter.

What Does It Taste Like To Eat Colored Chicken Eggs?

Let’s start with a different question: how do white or tan eggs taste?

Unusual-colored eggs have the same flavor as regular-colored eggs.

The eggshell color has no bearing on the egg’s test, which is determined by men’s health – particularly her diet.

A chocolate-brown egg, on the other hand, will not taste like chocolate.

Boosting the quality of eggs

As previously stated, other than wise breed selection, there is no way to impact colorful egg output.

However, by paying attention to the grade of care that you are providing for your birds, you can boost the intensity of the expressed colors – as well as your overall egg output.

Your hens’ nutritional needs will change based on their age and whether they’re laying, molting, broody, or in another vulnerable stage of life.

The average ration of 14 lb of feed per bird per day is required for most layers, with a protein level of roughly 20%.

However, this fluctuates with the season. Your chickens may require somewhat more food in really cold weather, although free-range birds may require slightly less.

Because eggshells are mainly calcium carbonate, hens require extra calcium to develop robust, vibrantly colored shells.

You should also make sure your chickens have plenty of clean, fresh water and aren’t put under any stress.

A stressed hen may lay eggs that have fragile shells, are misshapen, or are discolored.

Is it Really Worth It to Buy Chickens with Colored Eggs?

You’re not alone if you want to use your backyard flock to make a colorful egg basket.

This phenomenon has piqued the interest of many.

However, you must determine whether or not it is worthwhile.

The majority of the best egg-laying chicken breeds don’t lay colored eggs; in fact, top layer species like the White Leghorn lay plain white eggs.

Don’t choose one of these breeds if you don’t want to trade quantity for appearances.

Furthermore, keep in mind that a green egg tastes exactly like a white egg at the end of the day.

Eating colored eggs doesn’t provide any additional nutritional value.

However, if you want a rainbow of colors in your egg basket, these chicken breeds can help you achieve your goals!


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