americana chicken

9 Amazing Reasons to Raise Americana Chickens

Americana Chicken Appearance

The Americana chicken has a variable look, with two chickens of this breed seldom looking precisely alike.

You might want to think about the strong and vibrant Americana chicken breed – we’re here to inform you why you are interested in raising a backyard flock of chickens.

Before that, the Americana chicken originally officially appeared in the 1920s in South America– nevertheless, it is thought to have been around for a lot longer.

The Americana chicken was officially recognized in 1929 by the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy. They were developed from a Spanish chicken named Pajarito that was imported to the U.S. in the early 1900s.

It was then selected for its ability to produce eggs in any weather, the fact that it would grow fast and develop well, its docile nature, and its tolerance to cold temperatures.

The Americana chicken breed became known as the “little work chicken” because of its ease of care and the fact that it could be raised on a small plot of land.

Remarkably, if you’re taking a trip abroad, you might hear the names Araucana and Ameraucana used interchangeably. In countries like Australia, the United Kingdom, and other places, Ameraucanas and Araucanas have been deemed the same breed.

Araucanas have lethal genes that can kill chickens before they hatchwhile they are still in their shells. This gene makes it not likely and incredibly difficult for 2 Araucanas to give a healthy, living chick that makes it through hatching.

americana chicken or ameraucana

Here are the characteristics of a real Americana chicken, as acknowledged by the American Poultry Association:

A pea comb that is bright red, in addition to bright red wattles
Wattles can be nonexistent or little
Eyes are a red-bay color
The tail is brought upright at a 45-degree angle to the body
Feet and legs are blue or slate black
Four toes per foot
Well-spread, complete tail
Shanks does not have any feathering
Skin is white
Both muffs and beards exist
Curved beak

In general, Americana chickens are thought about as light bird breeds. Usually, a rooster will weigh about 6.5 pounds, while a hen will be approximately 5.5 pounds.

This is a typical marketing technique utilized by hatcheries– these chickens are usually really Easter Eggers and not Ameraucanas.

They can deal with a little confinement in the cage occasionally. However, they would rather hang out foraging the exterior.

Another advantage of raising Americana chickens is that they lay a moderate quantity of charming blue eggs.

Pure Americana chickens tend to be rather pricey, and they will not be marketed with terms like “not for the exhibit.”

americana chicken

History of the Americana Chicken Breed

The Americana chickens were developed in the 1960s and have grown in popularity ever since. Many people like to raise their own chickens because they feel that the eggs are more nutritious.

The hens of the Americana chicken are small in size, and they lay large, well-formed eggs with the yellow yolk and a white-colored shell. Americana hens can be easily tamed and tend to follow their human caretakers around, making them an excellent pet for children.

Their feathering, especially on the head and neck, is very soft and silky. These traits make the Americana chicken a very good-looking bird.

Accepted to the American Poultry Association In 1984, the Americana chicken is an acknowledged breed by itself, as is the bantam Americana chicken, which the American Bantam Association accepted in 1979.

Its name invokes pictures of patriotism and regal display screens of color. You will likely concur with this description if you’ve ever seen an Ameraucana chicken.

The Quetero and the Collonca were bred together (it’s uncertain whether they signed up as the outcome of natural forces or by human intervention). After this partnering took place, the Araucana resulted.

This can differ. However, normally, the Ameraucana chicken looks like the outcome of reproducing in between 2 Ameraucana moms and dads or the Araucana and another dark brown egg gene parent.

black americana chicken
Black Americana Chicken

With the Araucana as one parent, that leaves the concern of what the other parent breed of the Americana chickens might be.

The Mapuche Indians of Chile were known to keep 2 particular chicken types, the Quetero and the Collonca. These old chicken types had been around for practically forever, with data mentioning their existence as early as the 1500s.

As you might or might not know, the Araucana is a parent bird of the Ameraucana. As you may picture, Araucanas are very uncommon. The reason why depends on the breed’s genes.

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If both Araucana parents have the deadly gene– this gene likewise triggers the special tufted ears of the Araucana– the chick will pass away. If not, the chick will hatch and will mature to produce stunning blue eggs.

Americana chickens have been distinctively bred by human disturbance, obviously keeping the blue egg gene but removing the deadly tufted ear gene.

Lavender Americana Chicken
Lavender Americana Chicken

The history of the Americana chicken is storied and vibrant– and its future is similarly intense.

There, researchers explore cross-breeding Araucanas with other kinds of birds.

This chicken breed contributed to a prolonged list of acknowledged birds in the 1970s, is among the most popular types in America– and it’s just getting more popular as time goes on.

The first Araucana was given to the United States in the 1920s, where numerous experiments were performed at the Pratt Experimental Farm in Pennsylvania.

The Americana chicken is one of the most popular chicken breeds in the United States.

It was created in the 1920s when an American breeder named James E. Smith, who was working at the Pratt Experimental Farm in Pennsylvania, wanted to create a chicken that would have both the characteristics of the Rhode Island Red and the New Hampshire Chicken.

The chickens that he created were later named the Americana chicken. These chickens have a unique personality and make great pets because they are friendly and sociable.

They are also very active and easy to keep and are great for beginners because they are not too difficult to care for. They have a good amount of meat on them and they grow fast.

There are numerous color combinations to select from, consisting of blue, black, white, and wheat. Here are the acknowledged colors of this bird:

Blue wheaten
Brown red

Despite the variety you choose, this winter-hardy, dual-purpose breed is one you need to consider– even if just for its appearance alone.

Each bird has a huge muff and a beard that offers it a rounded, puffy face. With bright red eyes, this chicken appears like it would be intrusive. However, it’s really friendly.

9 Amazing Reasons to Raise Americana Chickens

These chickens grow fairly slowly, and while they have a good feed conversion rate, they aren’t going to give magnificent quantities of meat. It will taste nice.

However, it will take a very long time to grow out an Ameraucana for you to notice any outcomes.

You also need to make sure this varying location uses considerable defense versus predators. When they are on the lookout for predators, Americana chickens have high muffs that make it difficult for them to see.

Taking Care of Your Americana Chickens

Americana chickens are low-maintenance chickens that do not need a great deal of specialized care. Their dietary requirements are no diverse than any other members of your flock.

Salmon Faverolles have a great deal of the very same specifying qualities of the Ameraucana. However, they do not lay blue eggs.

There is absolutely a specific niche market when it pertains to offering these eggs– they are challenging to find in a lot of grocery stores, so your blue eggs will be a hot product amongst your next-door neighbors and friends!

9 Amazing Reasons to Raise Americana Chickens

It can be difficult to tell what color your Americana chickens will be as grownups when they are just chicks because this is such a distinct breed. It would be best if you waited until they begin feathering out as grownups.

Usually, they will live for about 7 to 8 years– although you need to bear in mind that they will not stay efficient for this long and will rather require to end up being pets.

While hens periodically will go broody, this is not a specifying attribute of the breed, and it’s not something you must think about when you are choosing to raise Ameraucanas

The Easter Egger is a popular kind of chicken that is likewise known for producing charming blue eggs.

Other breeders and lots of hatcheries offer chickens such as “Americauna” or “Americana.” Beware about the spelling– this isn’t merely a grammatical mistake. It’s frequently a different breed completely.

Broodiness and Mothering Abilities of Americana Chicken

Americana chickens hardly ever go broody.

Americana chickens are not known for being flighty. They are light and small framed so that they can take some air. However, they typically only fly narrow ranges– they aren’t most likely to leave your backyard.

Ameraucanas do not typically go broody, as we discussed. However, if they do, the hens are known to be extraordinary moms.

These chickens prosper in the cold, as they have little pea combs and either nonexistent or little wattles -frostbite will seldom be a problem.

Once again, this is mostly figured out by genes and the environment in which the chicken is raised.

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9 Amazing Reasons to Raise Americana Chickens

You will need to feed them a basic layer feed– use a game bird feed if you have roosters to limit including excessive calcium to the diet and supplement with oyster shell for your hens too.

Americana chickens can be afraid of others, acting rather skittish in the existence of more aggressive chickens or perhaps human beings, or they can be vibrant and outbound.

Obstacles of Raising the Americana Chicken or Ameraucana Challenges

There aren’t numerous factors not to foster the Ameraucana chicken. These chickens succeed in many settings. However, they aren’t completely matched for confinement.

They can be rather costly; being able to have charming light blue eggs is worth the cost.

Americana chickens have a propensity to be late layers. You should not anticipate any eggs until a minimum of 18 weeks.

However, some individuals have waited as long as seven months for their Americana chickens to begin laying any eggs.

Blue Wheaten Americana Chicken
Blue Wheaten Americana Chicken

They are both nurturing and protective, and regardless of not being excessively aggressive chickens, will do an excellent task at keeping dangers far from their chicks.

It is not a real, acknowledged breed.


Is the Americana Chicken Good For Egg Production?

It sure is– in fact, the Americana chicken breed is usually selected by backyard chicken producers because of its distinct egg-laying capabilities.

Some Americanas can supposedly live more than ten years. However, this needs a particular diet, very little predator direct exposure, and excellent genes.

Should I Raise an Ameraucana Chicken?

An uncommon and stunning breed, the Americana chicken, is an excellent breed to consider for your backyard flock– that is if you’re able to find chicks for sale!

At one moment, individuals thought that blue eggs had more protein and less cholesterol than other eggs’ colors. While this has been shown to be incorrect, the eggs are charming to take a look at!

americana chicks
Americana Chicken Chicks

They tend to lay well throughout the cold months of the year (consisting of those with restricted quantities of daytime). Supplying your Ameraucana chicken with routine deals can assist in motivating winter laying, too.


Health Issues of the Americana Chicken

Many individuals typically puzzle the Americana chicken with its parent breed, the Araucana. While Araucanas are known to have a plethora of health concerns, Americana chickens are reasonably healthy types.

You will have some natural variety chickens in your flock– and roosters can end up being bullied sometimes– however they aren’t excessively aggressive, and you will not see any problems in the Americana chickens more so than in other breeds.

9 Amazing Reasons to Raise Americana Chickens

Even if you do not intend on showing your birds or hatching your eggs, if having a real Americana matter to you, ensure you prevent these knock-off types.

That being said, it’s also not known for being extremely aggressive– you should not need to stress over any territorial roosters accompanying you, your kids, or your family pets!

Attempt to supply a minimum of 4 square feet per bird in the cage and 10 square feet in the run. Venture lots of possibilities for free-ranging, too.

What is the Difference Between an Easter Egger and an Americana Chicken?

The one significant difficulty in raising Ameraucana birds that you need to know is that they can be hard to acquire.

An Easter Egger chicken is just a hybrid. While there’s absolutely nothing incorrect with hybrid chickens, you need to understand the distinction.

If you choose to hatch your own Easter Egger chicks, you can wind up with a wide array of resulting birds, none of which looks much like its parents.

americana rooster
Americana rooster

When you buy Americana chicks, hatching eggs, or adult birds, make certain you pay close consideration to how the birds are marketed.

These chickens do not lay eggs every day; however, the stunning color will be well worth the wait when you get an egg. You will get as many as 200 eggs each year typically.

These chickens endure warm and cold environments with ease, although you must make certain you supply weather-appropriate lodgings that can hold up against wetness and drafts.



Is the Americana Chicken Good for Meat Production?

Ameraucana chickens can be raised as meat birds. However, you might be dissatisfied with the outcomes.

Ameraucana chickens are independent and make exceptional foragers. When offered any chance to do so, they will release variety.

Advantages of Raising the Americana Chicken

Americana chickens are understood for being people-friendly and rather docile, making them a great option if you do not desire a breed that will pester your other birds or your animals.

When housed with chickens of other types, the Americana chicken generally inhabits the middle of the command chain. It’s not a bully. It’s also not submissive.

These chickens produce stunning light blue eggs that are just as tasty and healthy as basic brown or white eggs.

9 Amazing Reasons to Raise Americana Chickens

You can also supply them with extra treats or other protein sources throughout the fall and winter seasons. This will offer your chickens the calories and nutrients they need to get high the fall molt and make it through the cold weather.

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Americana chickens thrive in humid environments, and surroundings do not need to be a significant issue when thinking about how healthy an Americana will remain in your specific area.

This friendly bird will rather choose hanging out in the cage or keep up members of its breed.

blue Americana

If you are purchasing your chicks from a hatchery and not a local breeder where you can see the parent stock, this is especially crucial to keep in mind.

If a predator is noticed, make sure your pen is confined or supplies plenty of places for your Ameraucanas to cover and duck.

Periodically, Ameraucanas are compared to similar types, like Salmon Faverolles and Legbars. Legbars have crested head plumes and, likewise, lay beautiful blue eggs. However, it can be reasonably difficult to find at hatcheries.

A beautiful, docile addition to your backyard flock, the Ameraucana chicken can illuminate your chicken cage– and its eggs can include a splash of color to your breakfast plate, too.

Americana Chicken Behavior

Americana chickens are durable dual-purpose types that are understood for being rather docile. That, there can be a bit of difference among the many members of a flock.

While it’s not a respected layer, producing just about 3 to 4 medium-sized eggs weekly, this chicken is treasured most for the color of its eggs.

The majority, nevertheless, have mild, docile, and relaxed dispositions. Like many chicken types, the character of your Americana chicken will mainly depend upon the environment in which it is raised.

Americana chickens are great foragers, which means they will eat whatever they find. If you have an Americana chicken, it will be smart enough to know how to survive in nature.

It will eat seeds, berries, insects, grasses, mushrooms, worms, and anything else it can find to live on. It doesn’t matter where they live, Americana chickens are not bothered by any type of weather. They will adapt well to any kind of environment.

9 Amazing Reasons to Raise Americana Chickens

You will desire to enjoy out for heat fatigue in the hottest months, however, given that their small combs will make it harder for them to dissipate heat.

It’s not one of the most quickly tamed chickens if you are trying to find a family pet chicken breed– it is not a lap chicken and will not generally like being handled.

There are also bantam Americana chickens– these birds are typically no larger than 30 oz for roosters and 26 oz for hens.

Like other behavioral issues, the Americana chicken does not vary much in its behavior from that of birds of other breeds.

Also, because these chickens are reasonably small, they will not yield a great deal of meat even after reaching full adult years. The breast meat can be delicious however sporadic, while the dark meat will be fairly hard.

When creating a cage for your Americana chickens, remember that they like a little more area than other kinds of birds, particularly when you think about how little they are.

9 Amazing Reasons to Raise Americana Chickens

Make sure you supply plenty of area (consisting of lots of nesting locations) for these birds if you do choose to raise Ameraucanas in confinement.

Also, they hold up well in the heat, not overheating quickly, given that they are reasonably little.

They are not known for being flighty birds, and they’re likewise rather effective on feed. Because of their moderate size– not too big, also not too little– you will not find that your fed costs increase dramatically when you choose to raise among these chickens.


  1.  Victoria Roberts (2008). British poultry standards: complete specifications and judging points of all standardized breeds and varieties of poultry as compiled by the specialist breed clubs and recognized by the Poultry Club of Great Britain. Oxford: Blackwell. ISBN 9781405156424.
  2. Carol Ekarius (2007). Storey’s Illustrated Guide to Poultry Breeds. North Adams, Massachusetts: Storey Publishing. ISBN 9781580176675p. 38–39.
  3. Gail Damerow (2012). The Chicken Encyclopedia: An Illustrated Reference. North Adams, MA: Storey Publishing. p. 11. ISBN 9781603427760.
  4. John W. Blehm (2007). AmeraucanasBackyard Poultry June/July 2007. Archived 19 August 2014.
  5. Ameraucana Breed Standard. Ameraucana Breeders Club. Archived 26 July 2019.
  6. APA Recognized Breeds and Varieties: As of January 1, 2012. American Poultry Association. Archived 4 November 2017.
  7. Breed Classification. Poultry Club of Great Britain. Archived 12 June 2018.

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