There are many varieties of Orpington chickens, including the traditional blue, black, buff, and white. There are also a myriad of colors, including silver laced orpington.
This is one of the most popular breeds of chicken that are raised in backyards and small farms. They’re healthy, hearty, and full of personality. They’re great for any type of poultry operation, and their unique characteristics make them very attractive to pet owners.
It’s important to have a good understanding of what kind of chickens you’re keeping before you do it.
The Silver Laced Orpington chicken breed is being raised by the most small farms and urban backyard chicken lovers out of all the Orpington kinds. Their sweet demeanor, stature, and mission make them alluring.
They are one of the most popular breeds for both egg-laying and meat-producing chickens.
However, before keeping these hens, it is important to be well-versed in their care.
Silver Laced Orpingtons in a Nutshell
- Scientific Name: Gallus gallus domesticus
- Family: Phasianidae
- Care Level: Requires attention, but is simple to keep.
- Temperature: Pleasant temps
- Character: Docile, pleasant, peaceful, sociable, and easygoing temperament
- Color: Silver Lace Patterns
- Life expectancy: eight years or more
- Male (13-15 pounds), Female (13-15 lbs) (9-12lbs)
- Diet consists of chicken feed, fruits, mealworms, and the occasional vegetable.
- Enclosure Size Requirement: 4-5 square feet per chicken
Overview of the Silver Laced Orpington
The Silver Laced Orpington chicken breed is a color variation of the English Orpington chicken breed. The evolution of Orpington chickens began in the United Kingdom in 1886, during the “Hen Fever” period, when there was a surge of interest in unusual chicken breeds.
William Cook, a coachman from Orpington, Kent, England, created this breed by crossing a Minorca with a Black Plymouth Rock.
He subsequently crossed the progeny with a Langshan breed to create the first Black Orpington chicken breed, a multifunctional bird for egg production and table meat.
This new bird was named after the town of Orpington, where it was discovered. Following black, the Buff strain, White, Blue, and Splash were produced.
William Cook continued to develop further strains, such as the Silver Laced and Diamond Jubilee, by incorporating other breeds into the breeding process, such as Dorkings and Hamburgs.
The birds were a big success in England, and shortly after, exports began, with the birds arriving in the United States in 1891. Although its initial function was for meat and egg laying, most homesteaders have been captivated and in love with this chicken, keeping them as pets.
What is the price of silver laced orpingtons?
Because of their remarkable egg-laying ability, delicate table meat, and demeanor, these English birds are among the most popular types.
As a result of this, as well as the chicken’s scarcity and distinct colour, Silver Laced chicks may command a premium price, with a Silver Laced chick costing between $5 and $35.
These hens, on the other hand, are very gratifying because they don’t take much upkeep and are good egg producers, producing 150-190 eggs every year. A single egg from this chicken may cost between $6 and $7.
Characteristic Behavior and Temperament
Despite their frightening size, Silver Laced Orpingtons are the most laid-back, peaceful, and quiet birds. Because they are sociable, pleasant, docile, friendly, easy-going, and like snuggling, these hens are popular with families with children.
Like other chickens, Orpingtons are also known for their high-energy personalities. They’re usually quite active and can be found running around the yard or roaming around the coop.
In addition to being a great pet for kids, Orpingtons are also good foragers. That’s because they’re more likely to forage for food than most chickens.
This makes them an excellent choice for those who have limited space and want to feed their family without having to spend all day in the garden.
They also like being seen and will follow you around or make little sounds to demonstrate their affection and seek attention. However, if they are bullied, they may become highly protective.
Although they’re generally considered a breed that is well-suited to life in the city, Orpingtons are often quite happy in the country as well. In fact, they’re often used as a guard bird because of their ability to recognize intruders and make a loud noise if someone tries to get too close to their home.
If you’re looking for a chicken with the characteristics of the Orpington but with a bit more charm and personality, the Silver Laced Orpington is definitely worth a try.
The Silver Laced Orpingtons like to be free-roaming, although they may also survive in captivity. They are also fantastic mothers.
A Silver Laced Orpington is a massive breed with a rapid growth rate. Adult males weigh between 13 and 15 pounds, while females weigh between 9 and 12 pounds.
Silver Laced Orpingtons have tiny heads with large, piercing eyes, short, curved beaks, and small ears that perch on a robust, medium-length, fully-feathered neck. They have thick, wide bodies with attractively curled backs that appear to be short and concave.
This bird’s carriage is large, broad, and rising, with comprehensive and well-rounded breasts and a close-to-the-ground attitude. It also has a short, compact flowing tail that is higher than the head but not higher than the head.
Despite having well-formed wings, these chickens are unable to fly due to their great size, implying that they can be controlled.
Silver Laced Orpingtons have enormous, loose, fluffy, and full plumage that helps them to survive severe winters while still seeming cuddly. The feathers, on the other hand, are close and firm, making them less pleasant to the touch. They are likewise devoid of feathers on their legs.
One of the notable characteristics of these gentle giants is their exquisite sharp and transparent Silver interwoven patterns on their feathers, which contrast with the fowl’s body. They have pinkish white skin and legs, with some having yellow legs.
How to Care for Silver Laced Orpingtons
Are you attempting to choose the ideal approach to raise your Silver Laced Orpington? The good news is that you can raise this practically contemporary variety in the same way you would on any other chickens.
However, because it is a less common breed, how can you know whether you are raising it correctly?
Because these are huge breeds, they require wide and roomy enclosures to avoid overcrowding. As a result, provide each chicken 4-5 square feet of area in the coop.
And, because they are foragers, they occasionally prefer to forage on their own. As a result, you may build a 10-12 square foot room for each bird in the run.
These fowls, on the other hand, are typically lethargic and flourish in coops and confinements. However, because they are enormous and do not like to fly, you do not need to be concerned about their flying space in captivity.
The most crucial factor to keep in mind while designing this poultry enclosure is that Silver Laced Orpingtons are prone to overheating owing to their thick plumage. As a result, it is preferable to provide them with adequate shade and ventilation in their habitats.
Silver Laced Orpingtons, like other fully-feathered chicken breeds, can stink if there are too many of them in a habitat and their bedding is damp.
The easiest approach to ensure odor-free shelters is to use appropriate bedding that acts as a moisture absorber, floor insulator, and allows the chicken to play in the dust.
Woodchips and sawdust are the most widely utilized beddings. Straws are also common, although they are more difficult to clean and are less absorbent. During the summer, you may also use dried leaves.
Silver Laced Orpingtons, thankfully, are robust winter birds. They do, however, require proper shelter and mild temperatures during harsh winters to avoid frostbites.
These birds also do well in hot summers, however they might succumb to heat if shade and ventilated shelters are not provided.
Because they are good layers, they require lengthy periods of light to lay eggs. Throughout the year, you may supply them with at least 14 hours of daylight. They are, however, winter-tolerant and may lay during the dark seasons as well.
Do Silver Laced Orpingtons Get Along With Other Pets?
Well, this one really depends on the pet that you have. If you have a dog that likes to dig and bark at them, Silver Laced Orpington chickens are going to have a hard time. But if your pet is quiet, they will probably be fine.
Silver Laced Orpington chickens are neither aggressive or bossy, and they may cohabit with other gentle birds. However, they are readily picked on by other bully birds.
Silver Laced Orpington chickens are known for being quite friendly and loving towards people, and this is reflected in their personalities.
They’re also very active and athletic, which makes them great pets for kids. This makes them a good choice for families with children.
They do not tolerate bullying from other animals, despite their soft nature. As a result, they employ their bulk to defend themselves during fights.
Cats and dogs, understandably, have predatory tendencies, particularly against chickens.
This implies that Silver Laced Orpingtons cannot cohabit with these pets unless your other pets are trained to approach your poultry.
When it comes to other pets, Silver Laced Orpington chickens can be a bit nervous around them. But if you have a dog or cat that is tolerant of chickens, it should be okay.
Silver Laced Orpington chickens can be an excellent pet for most people. They’re active, athletic, and friendly, and they make wonderful companions.
Just keep in mind that they can be a bit nervous around other pets, so be sure to train them before introducing them to your family pet.
You may keep an eye on their relationships and separate them if your chicken feels threatened by the other pets in the house.
It’s also a good idea to build the chicken’s shelter a little higher off the ground to keep predators out.
What Should You Feed Your Silver Laced Orpington?
Silver Laced Orpingtons, due to their huge size, may be voracious eaters. As a result, owners should provide the birds with unfettered access to chicken feed. Depending on your eventual aim for the hens, you can give them normal layer and broiler diets.
It’s also critical to supplement their diet with vitamins and minerals from nutritious treats like fruits and worms, as well as lots of water. The vitamins and minerals in these diets, such as calcium, assist the fowls in developing healthy feathers and eggshells.
Also, feed them vegetables in moderation since some plants, such as asparagus, might affect the quality of your eggs. However, because these hens are big feeders, you may unintentionally expose them to obesity if the foods are easily available with little activity.
Consider putting their meal further away from them to require them to move and exercise while reaching for it.
Keeping Your Silver Laced Orpington Chickens Healthy
First, make sure your hens have regular access to clean water and appropriate nutrition. It is also critical to enable them to roam freely and exercise in order to avoid weight-related problems.
Chickens need lots of space and access to fresh air and water to thrive. If they are kept in an enclosed space, the environment can become unhealthy, resulting in disease.
In addition, a crowded hen house can lead to poor quality eggs, as the hens are unable to forage for food and waste resources.
To ensure that your chickens are happy and healthy, provide them with a large, clean area to roam and plenty of fresh food and water. This will help ensure that they are free from stress and disease, which in turn will lead to a healthier egg.
Provide a large, clean run or an outdoor area for them to forage. If you have an enclosed run or house, make sure that it is well ventilated. A good ventilation system will help keep the air clean, while also helping prevent any harmful pathogens from spreading through the air.
Make sure that your chickens have access to fresh food and water. These should be provided in a separate area from their run or house, so that they don’t waste resources and become overweight.
If you’re worried about providing fresh food and water, consider using an automatic watering system, which will ensure that there is always fresh water available for your chickens.
Make sure that your chickens have a comfortable environment. They need plenty of space and access to fresh air. Provide them with a safe place to roost, so that they are protected from predators and the elements.
Aside from nourishment, you can keep your chickens healthy by keeping their coops clean, dry, and odor-free. It’s great if you do this by collecting their old droppings and replacing their bedding on a regular basis. Use absorbent beddings that can be composted with litter top.
It is also critical to provide your chickens with dust baths to help them get rid of parasites on their own. Check their thick feathers for lice and mites as well, and take them to the doctor for aggressive treatment.
Breeding Silver Laced Orpington Chickens
When it comes to producing feather designs that are up to par, breeding the Silver Laced Orpingtons takes time and care.
For example, because Silver Laced Orpington chicken breeds have full plumage, trimming your rooster’s feathers will aid in effective and less stressful mating.
When breeding, it’s also critical to maintain a decent hen-to-rooster ratio, preferably one adult roaster for every ten hens. A sexually mature rooster has the ability to mate up to 30 times every day.
The good news is that this chicken breed becomes broody faster, with an incubation period of about 21 days. The chickens are excellent moms who tend to pass on their qualities to their chicks.
Surprisingly, these Orpington strains can hatch eggs from other chicken or poultry species and rear the chicks with remarkable care. The roosters are overprotective of the chicks and may swap positions with the brooding hen to keep an eye on them.
Are Silver Laced Orpingtons a Good Fit for You?
It’s difficult not to fall in love with the Silver Laced Orpington chicken breeds since they are gentle, peaceful, cuddly, friendly, and gorgeously colored.
These poultry species are simple to keep and need little care and supervision. Giving them extra care and attention, on the other hand, can help them bond with you more, stay healthy, produce more eggs, and create soft meat.
You don’t need to be concerned about space because these hens can flourish in small places and adapt to all climatic conditions. They are extremely kind and gentle, making them ideal for children’s pets. Furthermore, because they are not loud birds, they are appropriate for city inhabitants.
In fact, Silver Laced Orpington chickens are one of the most docile breeds of chicken you can get. This means that they’re relatively easy to handle and do well in both an urban setting and a backyard.
And because they’re so easy to care for, they don’t require much in the way of space or resources.
So if you want a chicken that’s easy to care for, but still have some personality, Silver Laced Orpington is definitely your kind of chicken!
- Orpington. Poultry Club of Great Britain. Accessed October 2019.
- Carol Ekarius (2007). Storey’s Illustrated Guide to Poultry Breeds. North Adams, Massachusetts: Storey Publishing. ISBN 9781580176675.
- Chickens: Soft Feather: Heavy. Poultry Club of Great Britain. Archived 18 November 2018.
- Breed Classification. Poultry Club of Great Britain. Archived 12 June 2018.
- The Orpington Breed Standards. The Orpington Club. Accessed August 2014.
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