jubilee orpington chickens

10 Amazing Reasons to Raise Jubilee Orpington Chickens

The Jubilee Orpington Chicken is a rare and royal breed that has captured the hearts of many poultry lovers. It has taken over the world, both metaphorically and literally. We’re presuming that because you’re here, this bird has captured your heart, or at the very least, your attention.

The Jubilee Orpington has a ‘royal’ history and is one of the rarest and most elegant chicken breeds in America. This is due to the fact that these Orpingtons have only been brought into the United States and Canada in the last ten years, despite being found in England for almost a century.

jubilee orpington chicken

What’s more, we’re sure that you’re eager to find out more about the Jubilee Orpington. The Jubilee Orpington is the world’s most loved breed of chicken.

The name “Jubilee” comes from the period of time when it was first developed, and that was in the year of the Queen’s Silver Jubilee in 1977.

The Jubilee Orpington is a rare breed that was created in 1977 to commemorate the Queen’s Silver Jubilee.

Perhaps you’re just getting started and looking for your first chicken. On the other hand, maybe you’ve been in the poultry business for a while and are only wanting to add another breed to your flock.

Whatever the reason, we’ve got your back. In this article, we’ll go over everything we think you should know about the Jubilee Orpingtons.

Let’s try if you’re up to the task of handling this royal bird!

Background and History of the Jubilee Orpington Chickens

10 Amazing Reasons to Raise Jubilee Orpington Chickens

The Jubilee Orpington breed has a long and illustrious history. This Orpington breed was discovered in 1897, which means these beauties have been around for more than a century! It is without a doubt one of the oldest chickens on the planet.

William Cook discovered it and introduced it to England. He was also the creator and originator of the standard Orpington breed. Cook has continued to breed and introduce new Orpington kinds since the Orpingtons’ inception, eventually leading to the establishment of this royal bird.

In the mid-nineteenth century, William Cook popularized the Orpington Chicken breed. It was named after the town of Orpington in Kent, which is located in southeast England. Cook and his family proceeded to vary the color variants of the heritage breed after its popularity.

The Jubilee Orpington was created in 1897 and was initially known as Diamond Jubilee Orpingtons in commemoration of Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee on the throne. The Queen was presented with a flock of these majestic Orpingtons as part of the celebration.

Jubilee Orpingtons were thought to be the offspring of Spangled Old English Game, Dorkings, Buff Orpingtons, and maybe Speckled Sussex.

The Jubilee Orpington has recently spread to various parts of the world. It is believed that it first arrived in the United States in 2011, implying that these birds have only been in the country for about a decade. While it is scarce in other countries, it is not so scarce in its own country.

While this species bears the appearance of a royal bird, it is not the only reason these poultry have been crowned as kings. They have a connection to a monarch!

Aside from its connection to the British, this chicken is closely linked with Queen Victoria. It was initially known as Diamond Jubilee Orpingtons in honor of the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria’s reign. The Queen was given a flock of the freshly discovered hens as part of the festivities.

Even after a century, the Jubilee Orpington remains one of the most sought-after birds in the poultry world. Regardless of how difficult it is to obtain one, there is little possibility that these birds will be forgotten anytime soon. Its past was only going to get richer from here on.

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Appearance of the Jubilee Orpington Chicken Breed


10 Amazing Reasons to Raise Jubilee Orpington Chickens

These fluffy, lovely chickens are one of the largest breeds, with full Orpington bodies and fluffy buttocks. It can take up to 18 months for their beautiful and complex feather design to mature in color.

The mahogany background hue is speckled with black and white speckles and has a vivid scarlet and emerald gloss. This patterning is similar to the Speckled Sussex, but the Orpington carriage and feather texture set it apart.

The Jubilee Orpingtons have rich, fluffy feathering, particularly on their thighs and buttocks, which are striped in brown, white, and black. Their beaks, legs, and feet are white, while their faces, earlobes, combs, wattles, and eyes are red.

They are among the largest birds on the planet. They weigh about 3.6kg on average.

This breed’s predominant color is mahogany, and speckles of white and black cover their bodies and even their heads. Their beaks, legs, and feet are also white. Their eyes and wattles, on the other hand, are crimson.

The breeds and chicken varieties utilized to create the Jubilee Orpington are unclear, however, there have been a few theories. For one thing, their patterns are comparable to those of the Speckled Sussex.

The fluffy feathers of the Jubilee Orpington are a trait shared by most – if not all – Orpington varieties. It is, without a doubt, one of its most appealing physical characteristics. Their fluffy bottoms, in particular!

You see them and all you want to do is hug them, and you won’t have to worry about that. These birds will most likely accept your hugs and love with open arms!

Jubilee Orpington’s Character


10 Amazing Reasons to Raise Jubilee Orpington Chickens

The Jubilee Orpingtons are enormous. Maybe it’s to make room for their large hearts!

These birds are among the friendliest you’ll ever meet. They get along nicely with their Orpingtons. They will also get along with other fowls, unlike other breeds. They are on the larger end of the spectrum, but they do not utilize it to frighten smaller birds.

They are very good with humans, so you won’t have too much trouble with them. Their warmth extends to youngsters, so if you have a child, you can put your trust in them.

They like eating and are cold-hardy because of their highly feathered bodies! They would, however, require cool water and shade to avoid heatstroke in scorching summer temps.

Jubilee Orpingtons are vulnerable to bullying from more aggressive breeds due to their meek temperament. Despite their imposing size, they require protection from predators.

They’re also docile and don’t seem to mind being picked up, so they could be lap chickens if that’s what you’re looking for! If you’re seeking for a family pet, the Jubilee Orpingtons are an excellent choice.

However, despite their small size, you should keep an eye out for them because friendlier breeds are often intimidated by more dominant or violent fowls. Furthermore, they, like most chickens, require predator protection.

On the other hand, though it is rare, they may generate a commotion if they become overly anxious. Just make sure you take care of their needs, and they’ll be OK.

Do Jubilee Orpingtons Get Along With Other Pets?

Jubilee Orpingtons get along great with other Orpingtons and other chicken breeds. They rarely fight because they are such amiable, sturdy, and adaptable birds unless they are kept in restricted spaces for extended periods of time.

Most other hens will get along with your Orpingtons if you offer them lots of space in their coop and free-range space.

Jubilee Orpington Chickens’ Egg Production

laying hen

If you’re searching for a productive bird, Jubilee Orpingtons are the way to go! They are a dual-purpose breed that will not disappoint you in terms of meat or eggs.

Their eggs are dark and huge in size. They are regarded to be one of the best egg layers available, producing up to 200 eggs every year. They have been known to lay as many as 280 eggs in some cases.

Furthermore, they are excellent mothers and frequently go broody, which is beneficial if you want to hatch those eggs.

Health Concerns of Jubilee Orpington Chickens

10 Amazing Reasons to Raise Jubilee Orpington Chickens

The Jubilee Orpington is a robust, tough, and healthy chicken, as any veteran Orpington owner can tell you. Of course, this is assuming they are fed a good diet and have lots of freedom to roam and exercise.

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The main concern with these birds is their weight, which can cause a variety of health difficulties, from their feet to their egg-laying abilities. Make sure not to overfeed them.

In general, this breed is known to be healthy, and they are rarely ill. The Jubilee Orpingtons do not require any extra consideration. You merely need to be concerned about the regular health issues.

If you want to be especially cautious, we recommend that you inspect their feathers on a regular basis to avoid lice and mites from building a home in these fluffy birds. If you have fluffy breeds, this is a common practice.

Also, remember to consider their size in all of their requirements! Because they are huge birds, keep an eye on their food. Make sure they get a good portion but don’t overfeed them. Also, make sure they have plenty of room to move around.

Furthermore, they are resistant to cold, so you don’t have to be concerned about them when winter arrives. However, because this breed is not heat tolerant, you may need to provide enough shade and water throughout the summer.

How To Raise Jubilee Orpington Chickens?

10 Amazing Reasons to Raise Jubilee Orpington Chickens



Because this breed is rare, it is tempting to say yes right away if the opportunity to purchase one arises. However, before you bring these beauties home, make sure they will fit in the area you intend to put them in.

Coop for Jubilee Orpington Chickens

Because Jubilee Orpingtons are such large birds, they require a lot of space. Having said that, their housing requirements are not much different from those of other chicken breeds.

Jubilee Orpingtons require at least 4 square feet of coop area per bird, but the more the merrier. This is especially true if you have a mixed flock, and a minimum of 6 square feet is recommended simply to be cautious.

This extra space will help to reduce tension and keep your hens from pecking one other, which they are prone to do in tense situations.

Chickens enjoy stretching their wings and resting on perches, so make sure they each have about 10 inches of perch area within their coop.

Nesting Boxes

Jubilee Orpingtons, being such productive layers, will require a cozy nesting box to lay all of their tasty eggs. Although they are bigger than most other chicken types, this extra size is primarily due to their fluffy feathers, thus a conventional 1212-inch nesting box should suffice.

Their nesting box should be put in a warm but well-ventilated coop where they feel comfortable and safe, with plenty of seclusions.

Chicken Run for Jubilee Orpingtons

Although all hens thrive when allowed to roam freely, many chicken caretakers simply cannot afford to do so. If this is the case, you’ll need to construct a secure run for your hens to spread their wings, graze, scratch, and get some exercise.

We recommend that each bird have at least 10 square feet of run space, but more is better. Fortunately, your run may be created out of a simple fence that doesn’t have to be very high, as these hefty birds can only fly an inch or two above the ground.

Keep Things Clean and Cool:

Prevention is usually better than cure, so before your bird gets into any serious trouble, it’s best to prevent these issues from occurring in the first place. With all those feathers, these birds could get very hot, so maintain the temperature in mind at all times.

Provide them with plenty of water and shade. Furthermore, filthy feathers are a tempting invitation for lice and mites. Keeping their surroundings clean aids in the cleanliness of their feathers. Clean feathers are less appealing to bugs.

Healthy Diet:

They will most likely eat everything you give them, but these birds require high-quality feed. Check to see if they’re getting enough protein in their diet! In addition, they are not foragers.

If they have a flaw, it is that they are slackers. Including some fruits and vegetables on occasion might also be a good idea.

What Should You Feed Your Jubilee Orpington?

Orpington chicks must be fed a high-quality feed that contains at least 20% protein. When they are about 16 weeks old, they can be switched to normal layer feed. Because these chickens are poor foragers, they will require daily leafy greens as well.

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They are also considered to be very sluggish birds who will sit near their feeder all day, making them prone to obesity. To avoid this, you may need to closely watch their feeding.

Backyard Orpingtons will benefit considerably from the inclusion of leafy greens, cooked beans, cereals and grains, fruits such as berries and apples, and vegetables in moderation. They’ll appreciate your organic cooking scraps as well!

Breeding Jubilee Orpingtons

The Jubilee, like all Orpington varieties, is an excellent breeder. You will have the best success if you provide your hens with a natural setting that includes lots of space and comfort.

A separate breeding cage for breeding chickens, with its own coop and run apart from the rest of your flock, is perfect. Furthermore, the rooster-to-hen ratio is critical: One mature rooster to approximately ten hens is a good starting point.

Even if you intend to hatch your hen’s eggs, it’s a good idea to collect them on a daily basis so you can choose the healthiest-looking eggs. Furthermore, keeping fertilized eggs for 24 hours before incubation aids in hatching success.

Are Jubilee Orpingtons Right for You?

The Jubilee Orpington is an excellent choice for small backyard breeders or for a profitable egg business. They are sociable, docile, and easy to care for, making them perfect for novices and families with children, and their prolific laying skills make them good for eggs as well.

Orpingtons are hardy, tough birds that can readily handle cold weather, and they are highly flexible and can easily adjust to constrained life. However, because they are not the best foragers, you may need to feed them more than you would other breeds.

Overall, the Jubilee Orpington is a fantastic choice of chicken breed for backyard breeders, as proven by its increasing popularity.


10 Amazing Reasons to Raise Jubilee Orpington Chickens

The Jubilee Orpington Chicken is a unique and beautiful breed. Obtaining them, on the other hand, may be the sole challenging aspect of dealing with them.

They are easy to handle despite their size, rarity, and royal status. They are gentle giants who are renowned to be docile and sociable. These birds get along with practically everyone and everything.

Furthermore, they are a healthy breed that rarely gets sick and can live for more than eight years if properly cared for. Except for the preventive steps you can include into your routine, they don’t require any particular care or treatment.

Hence, you can easily raise them as a family pet.

We’ve all heard of the rooster’s crow, and the hen’s cluck, but did you know that the orpington’s melodic calls are actually distinct from those of other birds?

In fact, they are the only breed of chicken that has a specific call.

Finally, they are not just easy to manage. They are all-purpose birds who understand how to provide. They’ve got your back if you want a prolific fowl. They are considered to be good dining chickens, as well as producing a big number of huge eggs.

After all, not many chickens can lay 280 eggs in a year!

On the other hand, if you want a display bird or a pet, they will gladly oblige. They don’t appear to care how much attention and love they receive.

Overall, the Jubilee Orpington Chicken is a good breed to add to your flock.


  1.  Orpington. Poultry Club of Great Britain. Accessed October 2019.
  2. Breed Classification. Poultry Club of Great Britain. Archived 12 June 2018.
  3.  Victoria Roberts (2008). British poultry standards: complete specifications and judging points of all standardized breeds and varieties of poultry as compiled by the specialist breed clubs and recognised by the Poultry Club of Great Britain. Oxford: Blackwell. ISBN 9781405156424.
  4. The Orpington Breed Standards. The Orpington Club. Accessed August 2014.
  5. Chickens: Soft Feather: Heavy. Poultry Club of Great Britain. Archived 18 November 2018.

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