dual purpose chicken breeds

Top Tips for Looking After Your Chickens in 2020


Best Ways To Keep Your Chicken Healthy 

There are several ways you can take care of your animals in the lead up to Christmas and into the new year. The type of animals you rear and your budget are some of the factors that will determine how you can look after them. Here are some of the ways you can take care of your chickens:


  1. Research… Research… Research!

Before you start rearing chickens or other animals in your home, you should research well to avoid common mistakes. If you are looking for information, there is plenty to find online through forums, blogs, and websites. Researching can help you make sure you are taking care of your animals in the best way possible. 

smart chickens

For example, if you are planning on building a chicken coop, researching online can help you determine the best materials to use, the right design, and the best approach to construction. Or if you’re buying a ready-made chicken house, which one would be the best decision for you.

     2.  Eggs or Meat? 

Before you start rearing chickens, you need to determine the purpose you’re rearing them for. You will have to choose between egg-laying and meat-producing breeds, and consider what you want from your chickens when choosing which breed you want to rear. Then, you will have to decide how your chicken is kept.

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laying hen

The best way to rear chickens is by using the free-range system. Because your chickens can move around, access sunlight, feed on insects and grass, have enough space, and are guaranteed safety. Chickens that are not free-range may require more work as you will have to clean the coops more frequently, regularly check the chickens’ health, and ensure they are consistently fed.

     3.  The Chicken Coop

Whether you buy or build your chicken house, you need to have the right accessories. The number of nesting boxes and perches you will need is determined by the number of chickens you have. 

chicken coop
chicken coop

Normally, chickens do not sleep on the ground and instead sleep in nesting boxes. Your chicken will lay their eggs in the nesting boxes, you should have at least one box for every 4 chickens. 


The perches should be removable to make it easier for you to clean the chicken house. Also, the perches should not be too thin, this will ensure your chickens are comfortable and can rest peacefully.  Finally, using absorbent materials for bedding is advisable as this makes it easier to clean the chicken’s waste quickly.


    4.  Guaranteed Safety

Chicken have numerous predators including cats, raccoons, and even dogs. This means your chicken coop should be predator-proof to guarantee the safety of your chickens. Some of the ways you can ensure the safety of your chickens include putting up a fence around the chicken coop, hammering the fence into the ground to make it harder for predators to break, and blocking off gaps in the fence using wood or tiles. This makes sure your chickens are safe at all times.

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chickens as pets
pet chicken

    5.  The Necessary Equipment to Take Care of Your Chicken

You need to have the right equipment to take care of your chicken. Bedding supplies, feeding equipment, and a heat lamp are recommended, especially if you live in cold areas (like the UK!).

Chicken Feeding Guide
Chicken Feeding Guide

It’s advised to clean the feeding equipment every day before feeding your chicken to avoid certain diseases. You should also provide dirt sand for your chicken to bathe in. Other good ideas are to collect the eggs, check your chickens’ temperature, isolate sick chickens until they’re well, and refill the water and feeding equipment 1-2 times a day.


Taking care of your chicken might seem like an easy task but it requires a lot of commitment, hard work, and learning from your experiences. Ensure you regularly research to get the recent news and emerging chicken rearing trends that you could try or change to. Finally, seeking help from professionals or other experienced chicken farmers is highly recommended.



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