can chickens eat celery

Can Chickens Eat Celery? The 5 Amazing Benefits of Celery for Chickens

Can Chickens Eat Celery

Many people have been raising chickens in their yard or farm for many years. For those of us who are new to raising chickens, you might be wondering … can chickens eat celery?

Can Chickens Eat Celery? The 5 Amazing Benefits of Celery for Chickens

This is an excellent concern since, frequently, we count on ready-made pellets and feeds for our birds to help them grow healthy and supply more eggs.

But did you realize that chickens can eat a vast array of fruits and vegetables too?

A fine example is celery.

Chickens have a sense of what food can be dangerous for them and what food is safe to eat, which makes them excellent family pets and livestock.

Chickens have actually been observed to refuse to eat tomatoes and eggplants, for example, because they belong to the nightshade family and are possibly harmful to a chicken’s health.

The answer to the concern might be responded to by the chickens themselves. Nevertheless, it stays a genuine question that we would rather not risk innocent chickens’ lives on.

Can celery prove to be unsafe to a chicken, or can they be fairly advised as food– Can chickens eat celery?

Can Chickens Eat Celery? The 5 Amazing Benefits of Celery for Chickens

Celery is Healthy for Chickens

Celery is extensively known to be very healthy for human usage. It stands as one of the very best veggies that typically grow in lots of environments.

For chickens, celery is very healthy too.

It contains a significant amount of Riboflavin, which is proven to be useful for good chicken growth. Celery likewise includes many other advantageous vitamins and minerals, such as Calcium, Vitamin B6, Pantothenic acid, Vitamins A, C, and K, Manganese, and a lot more.

Together with kale and lettuce, celery can be offered to chickens as a part of the green category of their vegetable diet plans.

Basically, food that benefits a human is good enough for a chicken, with a few exceptions.

Food that has high sugar or salt content ought to not be provided to a chicken, for example.

Following this, celery can be a great step towards a healthy chicken’s diet plan

Stabilizing their diet plan out with pellets allows your chickens to receive the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that they could be missing from a human food-based diet plan.

If your chickens can’t stroll around an outside space, pellets become more vital for them because they would be missing the salt and minerals that they would normally receive from the ground.

If you feel like your chickens are burning out of pellets, you can diversify their diet plans with some corn or wheat.

Chickens are big fans of fruits and vegetables. Ours are particularly keen on bananas, apple cores, vegetable peels, broccoli, and carrots.

Apart from raw green peels (like green potato peels) and fruits in the citrus family like lemons and oranges, you are practically free to give your chickens any fruit or vegetable.

Bear in mind that vegetables and fruits are not the only part of a totally healthy diet. They need low sugar and low salt foods, along with whole grains.

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can chickens eat celery

Presenting celery to your chickens’ diet.

Instead of throwing your table scraps away, they can be tasty treats for your chickens to eat. They should stay to be treats, however, and must not change their regular diets.

Keep in mind not to provide a lot of deals with them, otherwise, they might refuse to eat their routine meals and become unhealthy as a result.

Before providing the scraps, constantly examine the scraps if they have not rotten or spoiled. Feeding chickens spoiled or rotten food is never great and sometimes dangerous to their health.

A practical way to gather your table scraps is with a little pail under your kitchen sink.

Add all your food scraps into this pail to give to your chickens later on. After gathering all your food scraps, toss them over to their pens or on the ground where your chickens can see or smell them.

Your chickens will swarm in to investigate and take pleasure in a great change of rate from their regular pellet diet plan.

Sometimes, chickens may leave the celery for last, or not touch them at all. Do not fret though, once they have a taste of celery, they will be waiting on more of this green, leafy reward.

Supplying a healthy diet plan for your chickens keeps them safe and healthy. Supply them the nutrients they deserve due to the fact that doing so is both beneficial for them and highly fulfilling for you, as they will have the ability to produce higher-quality eggs.

Much like any other animal, chickens have unique digestive systems and dietary needs, both of which must be considered if you want to keep your chickens as healthy and happy as they can be.

Can Chickens Eat Celery? The 5 Amazing Benefits of Celery for Chickens

Can Chickens Eat Celery Scraps?

Yes, they absolutely can.

This doesn’t indicate they will eat celery if you give it to them though. Chickens can be picky about what they eat, particularly specific veggies that tend to be dull and not the simplest to consume.

Remember, chickens do not have teeth. They can’t break up celery, and it can be quite stringy and challenging to consume. They’ll have no problems digesting it, however, if you hand it over in a long string they might leave it.

Is Celery Healthy for Chickens?

Yes, celery is healthy for us and chickens. It’s low in calories and high in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other good nutrition (source).

Celery in fact has around 12 types of anti-oxidants, is abundant in vitamins, A, B, C, and K, and most importantly it provides calcium. Making it a great treat for laying hens requiring a little extra calcium and goodness in their diets.

As long as it’s in date, you’re serving it correctly, and you’re not giving them excessively, there are no disadvantages to sharing celery with your flock.

Celery is healthy for all. It can be eaten by humans, animals, and birds. It is one of the best foods for poultry. Chicken and chicken eggs contain lots of nutrients. Celery is a great food for poultry. It is rich in calcium.

Also, it is a good source of vitamin B and vitamin K. It is low in calories and fat. It is an important part of your chicken diet. It provides a lot of energy to your chickens. It is healthy for you and your chickens.

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It is low in calories and has a very low-fat content. Also, it is rich in vitamins and minerals. If you add some celery to your chicken feed, they will be able to get the energy they need. They will be healthy and full of nutrients.

What About Stalks, Pulp, Stems, Leaves, Tops, and the Roots?

There is a general guideline when it pertains to feeding table scraps to your chicks; if you would not consume it, do not give it to them.

If you have other parts of the celery plant you wish to share with them, following this guideline it’ll be great.

In fact, the leaves contain the most vitamin C, potassium, and calcium so this part is even much better for chickens.

The root, which is also called celeriac, is also edible for us. It has a denser texture and is more starch, however tastes the same as the stalk if you want to try it.

As far as veggies go, celery is among the very best. You can eat or share almost all of the plants if you’re growing them yourself.

The first thing to do is to know what kind of food you want to give your chicken. If you would not eat it, do not give it to your chickens. It’s the same for celery. The leaves, stems, and pulp are very good for them.

They can even eat celery stalks. The tops and the roots are also great for them. The most important thing is to not give them anything that you wouldn’t eat yourself.

The root and the leaves contain the most vitamin C, potassium, and calcium. Also, the root is similar to celery stalks in texture and taste. If you can, try to give them everything you grow yourself.

Can Chickens Eat Celery? The 5 Amazing Benefits of Celery for Chickens

How to Feed Celery to Chickens

Waving a stick of celery at your chickens isn’t how you feed it to them. Here is what we advise:

Examine It’s Great

First of all, inspect it’s still in date and fresh. Like I said previously, you should not be feeding your chickens anything that you would not consume yourself.

This consists of how fresh foods are, your chickens are not recycling dustbins for foods that you no longer want to eat. The toxic substances that grow on moldy foods are possibly very harmful to your flock.

If you find mold growing on celery, throw it out immediately. Mold is a fungus that can cause illness in your birds, and if they ingest any of it, it could make them sick.

Slice It Up

Celery is stringy, and without teeth to break and chew it up, it can cause problems for chickens if given to them in long hairs.

Slice it up sideways or dice it so it’s easy for them to peck at and consume. As soon as in their crop, it must be great, in addition to grit, they will have the ability to break it up even more if needed.

If you feed your chickens celery, they will peck at it and eat it, but they won’t be able to digest it properly because it’s too hard to break down. So, it should be chopped or sliced into smaller pieces before giving to them.

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Add Celery to Chickens’ Feed

Foods you’re slicing up into small pieces can easily get lost on the floor or deteriorate prior to being eaten. I like to add celery to their feed so I understand they’re benefiting from it soon after having it.

I know you’ve heard this advice before, but adding celery to your chickens’ diet is a great way to make sure you’re getting the most out of your fresh produce.

It’s a natural probiotic, which helps keep the digestive tract healthy, and it’s also a natural source of fiber, which helps promote regularity.

Do Not Get Carried Away

If they are plainly enjoying eating celery, that’s terrific. Don’t get carried away and keep giving it to your flock though.

Keep alternating in different scraps for them to try. Also, keep in mind the 90/10 guideline, 90% of their diet plan ought to be formulated feed and only 10% need to be scraps and treats.

If your chickens are used to getting a constant supply of food, they will probably resist the idea of eating celery. However, if you alternate celery in with their regular feed, they will learn to appreciate it and will come to look forward to it.

You can use celery as a reward for good behavior as well. For instance, you can reward your chickens by giving them some fresh celery when they do something nice like picking up an egg or a worm.

In Summary– Can Chickens Eat Celery?

The short answer is– yes, chickens can eat celery. It offers some great nutrition, is simple to feed to them, and helps complement their overall diet.

If you want to add some extra nutrition to your chicken’s diet, then celery is a great option. It has a high calcium content, so it is a good addition to egg production.

It is also an excellent source of vitamins B2, B3, C, E, and K. In addition to this, it provides iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and zinc.

All reasons that you must consider it if you have celery in your house. It’s best chopped up and added to their feed, but see what works best for you and your backyard flock.


  1. Apium graveolensGermplasm Resources Information Network(GRIN)Agricultural Research Service (ARS), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Retrieved March 31, 2016.
  2. El-Shinnawy, Nashwa (1 February 2013). “The therapeutic applications of celery oil seed extract on the plasticizer di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate toxicity”. Toxicology and Industrial Health31 (4): 355–366. doi:10.1177/0748233713475515PMID 23377116S2CID 46193115.
  3.  “eat celery root”. 2010. Retrieved 29 April 2014.
  4.  “Complementary and Alternative Medicine Guide > Herb > Celery seed”. University of Maryland Medical Center. 2015-06-22. Retrieved 2018-02-15.
  5.  Meltzer, Marisa (June 27, 2019). “Why Is Everyone Drinking Celery Juice as if It Will Save Them From Dying?” – via

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