how do chickens mate

How Do Chickens Mate? 9 Amazing Tips for Breeding Chickens

As a chicken owner, you should be aware of the mating rituals of your birds. Chickens don’t have monogamous relationships like humans do, but their high mating frequency can be problematic if you keep more than one rooster.

A rooster is not necessary for a hen to produce eggs. A rooster is not necessary for eggs to hatch into a chick; in his absence, they will simply become part of your breakfast.

how do chickens mate

This is why commercial egg farms typically don’t keep roosters on the premises. On average, hens produce a new egg every 26 hours.

In many communities across the country, you’ll find that keeping chickens as pets and for food is perfectly legal. One common way for a suburban hobby farmer to get started is to order a live crate of baby chicks online.

Those who are just starting out in the hobby of raising chickens may be curious about chicken mating rituals. If you want to raise more chickens, this may be an interesting topic to research.

So, let’s take a look at how do chickens mate and the steps you can take to increase your egg supply.

How Do You Breed Chickens?

how do chickens mate

Hens can lay eggs without roosters, but the eggs will be unfertilized and used for human consumption.

Fortunately, getting chickens to breed requires little human intervention. In the wild, roosters will voluntarily seek out hens and engage in courtship behavior that will ultimately result in mating and the production of fertilized eggs.

Depending on the breed, roosters can be more aggressive and dominant than hens. Before keeping a rooster with your hens, think about this. You don’t even need roosters if you don’t want your eggs to be fertilized.

How Do Chickens Mate:  The Mating Behavior of Roosters

how do chickens mate

When compared to hens, roosters are typically larger and have brighter feathers. To identify a rooster, listen for his distinctive crow and look for the larger comb and wattle typical of male chickens.

Roosters, by the way, don’t limit themselves to crowing in the morning. If you’re planning on trying to breed chickens, you might want to keep this in mind for the sake of your neighbors.

When a rooster is ready to mate, he or she will perform elaborate displays of courtship behavior. Struttin’ is a component of the posturing.

He’ll strut slowly toward your hens with his head held high. This stance is meant to both impress the hens and signal to the rooster’s potential mate that he is ready to have some fun.

The rooster will then select one of the hens. He’ll tilt his head to the side to show his chosen fowl how handsome he is, thereby setting the mood. If the hen agrees, she will stoop down and wait for the rooster to take the next step.

Chicken coops also sometimes house “brute” roosters. These roosters are the chicken equivalent of a rapist and an assaulter; they will take a hen by any means necessary. Here, the rooster couldn’t care less what the hen sees.

He chooses a hen, then pounces on it with his sharp talons, grabbing the bird by the head, comb, and neck. It’s important to keep an eye on your rooster’s mating habits, as aggressive roosters have been known to kill hens that reject their “advances.”

How Do Chickens Mate?

how do chickens mate

Given that chickens are birds, female fertilization takes place internally before the hen lays her eggs. Humans aren’t the only mammals whose offspring also hatch from eggs.

However, in the animal kingdom, fish and insects are just two examples of species in which egg fertilization takes place outside of the body. Most bird species do not behave this way.

Birds have cloacas to facilitate fertilization. Included in this group of organs are the genitalia, the uterus, and the urethra. Birds and chickens basically use the same opening to poop, and leave the coop.

When two chickens want to mate, their cloacas must touch. All the openings must be able to receive an anal syringe.  Chickens do not walk backward while bashing their buttocks together.

Instead, once the rooster has done his strutting and dancing, he arches his back and pushes his anal opening and cloaca downward into close contact with the hen.

In order to transmit the sperm and fertilize the eggs that are developing inside the hen’s ovaries, he rapidly shakes his tail for a few seconds.

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Chicken mating is started by the Rooster. They employ a variety of techniques to attract hens’ attention. Hens are most drawn to roosters that are dominant.

Tid-bitting is a form of courtship in which males show their interest in hens by scavenging for tasty morsels of food to give to their favorite hen. This ingenuity might help them persuade a hen to mate with them.

However, some roosters skip these preliminary steps and jump right into courtship, dancing, or even mating.

When a rooster is interested in a hen, he will first show his interest by bringing her food. Hormones play a role in the mating behaviors of chickens and roosters.

How Do Chickens Mate:  Dance of Courtship and Chicken Mating

how do chickens mate

Before mating with a hen, a rooster performs a mating dance. With his wings spread out, he makes a scuttling motion around the hen. He will also dig at the ground to show the hen that he means business and to stake his claim to the area.

When a hen agrees to be mounted by a rooster, she squats down to make herself vulnerable. The rest of mating is quick, but quite violent.

In this position, the rooster will grab the hen by the crown of her head, balance himself on her back, and lower his cloaca.

The hen may make loud, distressing squawking noises or other vocalizations during this time. She is not usually hurt when these sounds occur.

For the rooster’s sperm to be transferred into the hen, the hen must invert her vent and touch the cloaca. An sperm cell travels up the oviduct to fertilize an egg.

When it’s done, the hen will stand up, ruffle her feathers, and continue on her merry way.

Although a hen may not lay a fertile egg right after receiving rooster semen, that does not rule out the possibility of future fertilization because the semen can remain viable for up to a month in the hen.

Since roosters often mate with multiple hens daily, there is rarely any problem with a lack of fertile eggs. Hens can start laying eggs as late as a month after being around a rooster.

Roosters will frequently gather around the hen they are courting. When they are ready to mate, they will engage in a courtship dance that typically entails a rooster circling a hen with his wings spread wide.

During this ritual, the rooster will display his superiority over the other roosters by scratching the ground or even fighting them off. The hens’ decision is not solely based on the dance, though.

The roosters who are the best parents and protectors of the flock are the ones that chickens prefer to mate with. The “alpha rooster,” or largest rooster in the coop, is typically this one.

The likelihood that a rooster will be able to find a hen to mate with increases with his size and strength.

How Do Chickens Mate:  Frequency of Chicken Mating and Their Success

how do chickens mate

Roosters are very prolific breeders because they care deeply about the continuation of their breed’s lineage.

Multiple matings per hour are not uncommon for roosters, who may mate with the same hen or with any available hen in the coop.

This frequent mating is required to fertilize enough eggs to fill a nest because only a small amount of sperm is transmitted at a time and because most hens will only lay one egg at a time.

There are several variables that affect a rooster’s chance of survival. For one, it’s essential to know how old the rooster is. A very old rooster may still be able to mate, but his sperm may not be as viable.

Also, a rooster that is getting on in years might not have the strength to firmly grasp and maintain a hen’s genitalia for the duration of the mating process. Older roosters can only successfully mate with a dozen hens at the most.

Two, your hens may be so frightened by a rooster’s behavior that they won’t mate with him even if he’s friendly. If you want multiple broods of chicks, you’ll need a calm rooster.

You should also be aware that hens will lay eggs whether or not they have been inseminated, so if your rooster is free to roam, you’ll need to be careful when collecting eggs for human consumption.

How Do Chickens Mate for Social Reasons

how do chickens mate

To lay eggs is not the only reason for a chicken to mate. The behavior serves a social purpose as well, helping them establish a pecking order within the flock.

It may be strange to us, but many species “mate” or “mount” to demonstrate dominance. There are many animals that share this characteristic, including horses, dogs, and goats.

There is a clear pecking order among a group of chickens. A single rooster will always be at the head of the flock, followed by the hens, the cockerels, and the younger pullets.

If there are multiple roosters in the flock, they will fight to determine who gets to mate with the hens first, hence the name for the sport known as cockfighting (from the word “cock,” which is another name for a rooster).

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If the best rooster tries to fertilize an egg, the egg will be fertilized and the top rooster will have passed on his genes to the offspring.

This rivalry is risky for both the roosters and the hens if there aren’t enough hens to go around. While hens tend to put up with roosters vying for their attention, exposing them to too many sexual partners can cause health issues.

In the absence of suitable hens, roosters are known to engage in vicious competition, with fatal results on occasion. If there are more roosters than hens, you’ll likely need to intervene or separate them.

How Do Chickens Mate:  The Fertility of Hens

When the rooster has successfully courted the hen, the hen is nearly ready to lay eggs. Since they are constantly laying eggs, they don’t have to do anything special to get their bodies ready for fertilization.

In the absence of a rooster, the hens would continue to lay eggs, but they would never develop into chicks.

Without a rooster, you can have breakfast made from the unfertilized eggs. Most hens can produce eggs throughout their entire lives. An aging hen may eventually slow down or stop laying eggs altogether.

It was still possible for her to mate and have chicks, though usually not as many. When hens reach a certain age, they stop laying eggs altogether and are typically eaten for Sunday dinner.

How Do Chickens Mate:  How Does a Rooster Fertilize an Egg?

how do chickens mate

When the hen decides she wants to mate with the rooster, she will squat down so that he can mount her. To better balance the hen, most roosters will grab her comb while mounting her.

During this time, it’s common for hens to squawk or make other strange noises. Although it may appear aggressive and uncomfortable at first, this behavior is completely normal.

Even though they may appear to be aggressive, roosters are typically very gentle with the hen. The two birds’ cloacas touch during mating, and the male passes his sperm to the female.

Since there is no penetration involved in chicken mating, this process is often referred to as a “cloaca kiss.”

Fertilized eggs are produced when the semen travels to the oviduct of the hen. The semen has a 30-day shelf life inside the oviduct of the hen.

For the majority of chickens, mating only takes about 30 seconds. The chickens will shrug their shoulders and carry on with their day after mating is complete.

How Do Chickens Mate?  Is It a Good or Bad Idea to Have Multiple Roosters?

In order to prevent other roosters from stealing their hens, roosters will gather their “harems” together.

Furthermore, they will engage in brutal cockfights within the coop to determine who is the top bird; the victor will be granted complete autonomy and the right to breed with the other birds.

If the losing rooster manages to escape the brawl, it’s best to get rid of him so he doesn’t get into another fight where he might not make it.

Having more than one rooster will give you a wider selection of healthy chicken genes, but you should rotate them every few weeks.

Some hens could be kept with one rooster in one coop, and some hens could be kept with another rooster in a different coop. If you want to shake up the mating and breeding routine, try switching out the roosters.

Things To Watch when Chickens Mate

One of the first things to keep an eye out for when mating chickens is whether or not the hens are becoming overly stressed. If you notice that many of the feathers on their back are broken or missing, you know there’s a problem.

If the rooster is causing physical harm, it’s because they’re mating too often. The raw sores on the back of your hen’s head may also be a sign that she has been over-mated.

Make sure there are no injuries among your chickens. They may look docile and submissive, but that doesn’t mean the rooster isn’t hurting her behind her back. It’s best to relocate your hens away from the rooster if he’s hurting them.

Whenever a new rooster is brought into the flock, it is vital to keep a close eye on him. There are roosters in the flock that will go to any lengths to prove their dominance, including harming your hens and other roosters, in the process.

When Will the Baby Chicks Hatch?

About 5 billion sperm are typically present in the sperm packet that is absorbed by the hen. Fertile eggs from hens might not appear right away after mating, but you should see some by day ten.

Hens can store sperm for several days, so they can still lay fertilized eggs even after they’ve stopped being around roosters.

Chicks hatch about 21 days after the eggs are laid. The embryo grows significantly each day in the egg. The chicks will then emerge from their eggs with damp feathers that will quickly dry.

When they are young, chicks need to be kept in a “brooder area,” which is a warm room with an infrared lamp. As long as they are fed well and kept in a clean, comfortable environment, they will develop normally and be ready to join the other chickens.

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Chicken Mating Issues

If you want to expand your flock, you’ll need to let your chickens mate. Things don’t always go as planned, though. Here are some potential issues.


Even though chicken mating is typically quick and gentle, some roosters can be too aggressive. After using them, you might find yourself scratching or losing feathers.

If you see a hen that looks sick or injured, you should keep her away from the roosters until she recovers. However, you might want to take one rooster out of the coop if he is excessively hostile during mating.

Without the rooster hurting the hen, chickens can breed safely in chicken saddles. However, saddles are notorious for harboring mites and lice, so they require regular inspection.

Non-Dominant Roosters

However, not all roosters are aggressive enough. Hens might not be interested in mating with a rooster if he isn’t dominant. This is more common in juvenile roosters, but they usually outgrow it by adulthood.

Fluffy Feathers

It can be challenging to mate a chicken with a lot of fluff. If there are too many feathers in the way, it is difficult for roosters to transfer their sperm to hens. It can be easier for roosters to mate with hens if the feathers around their cloaca are trimmed.


It can be difficult for hens to lay healthy eggs if they are overweight chickens. Try to keep the hens active by giving them more room to roam and more toys to play with. Although it is possible for obese chickens to produce eggs, the success rate is lower.

If You Don’t Want Chickens Mating, Here’s What to Do

how do chickens mate

Many people only keep chickens for the purpose of collecting fertile eggs to sell or eat. If that’s the case, you probably don’t want your chickens to mate.

The only way to completely stop chickens from mating is to keep roosters and hens apart. If you don’t want to, you don’t even need roosters. Hens can lead contented, healthy lives without ever meeting a rooster.

Learning How to Raise Healthy Chickens

Inexperienced chicken keepers frequently wonder, “How do chickens mate?” You’ll undoubtedly find out if you keep roosters and hens together. But it’s always better to be prepared for these kinds of situations if you can.

Having roosters and hens mate is a great way to increase the population of chickens in your coop. It’s best to avoid having any roosters in the coop if you’re only interested in edible eggs. As long as you properly care for all the birds, either option is fine.

Which is Better:Purchasing an Adult Pair or Raising Young Birds to Adulthood?

There are advantages and disadvantages to both buying a male and female chick and raising them yourself, as well as purchasing an established pair of adult chickens that will mate successfully.

In order to start a hen house full of chickens, all you need is a mating pair. Every clutch of eggs is likely to be produced by this pair, but you’ll need to get rid of the male chicks before they reach breeding age.

While inbreeding is not known to cause physical abnormalities in chickens, it’s still probably best to keep your birds apart from each other. Always keep an eye out for abnormalities in your chicks if you plan on doing any line breeding.

One possible cause of these anomalies is a genetic flaw in the line, so you’ll want to be selective when breeding your chickens in the future to eliminate the problem.

So, if you want to start your flock with a breeding pair, you might want to consider getting a few different adult hens.

However, if the chickens you plan to breed are not genetically related to one another, raising a mated pair can be a successful strategy. The chicks’ personalities will emerge as they mature.

Without knowing the gender of the male chicks, it is impossible to tell whether you have a good rooster or a violent rooster when they reach adulthood.

You wouldn’t want to instill the rooster’s bad attitude and aggressive behavior in your eggs. If you want to help with that, you can get a full-grown rooster.


In conclusion, mating between chickens is a normal part of their lives and rarely causes any problems. In coops with more than one rooster, it is especially important to keep an eye out for signs of over-mating in the hens.

If you have a rooster, it’s important to keep an eye out for any signs of aggression toward the other chickens so that they don’t get hurt.





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