raising mealworms for chickens

9 Amazing Reasons on Raising Mealworms for Chickens

Whether you have actually found a decrease in egg return or your chickens are simply looking a bit more sluggish than regular recently, it might be time to increase their protein consumption.

Discovering healthy treats for your backyard chickens can be a difficulty.

Sure, there are lots of choices out there, however many storebought treats are filled with ingredients and unneeded fillers.

What’s a backyard chicken keeper to do?

raising mealworms for chickens

Simple. You require to begin developing your own treats!

There are lots of fantastic choices to select from, consisting of homemade fermented grain and homemade suet cakes.

Fresh mealworms are some of the healthiest treats you can feed to your backyard flock.

There’s not a lot to producing your own mealworms in your home.

With a bit of knowledge and time, you can quickly grow your own mealworms for a portion of the expense of the storebought ranges– all while feeding your hens healthy treats all throughout the year.

Here’s whatever you require to learn about these delicious deals with (for chickens, anyhow)!

What are Mealworms– and Why Raising Mealworms Are So Good For Chickens?

9 Amazing Reasons on Raising Mealworms for Chickens

Clinically, mealworms are called tenebrio molitor.

Technically, mealworms are bugs that scavenge for their food in dark, dry places.

They are typically discovered in grain shops, munching on feed sacks along with periodic home dry goods like flour and cereal.

Mealworms tend to infest grain, which is why they are so simple to grow in the house by yourself.

As grownups, these animals are referred to as Darkling beetles, however, you will not let them get to that phase prior to you feed them to your chickens.

Here are a few of the significant advantages of growing your own mealworms and feeding them to your chickens.

Added Nutrition of Raising Mealworms

9 Amazing Reasons on Raising Mealworms for Chickens

If you discover that your chickens require an additional dosage of protein, mealworms are the method to go.

In the winter season, in particular, chickens have a more difficult time gaining weight and remaining healthy.

Mealworms consist of about 50% protein, making them a fantastic choice for an efficient, healthy flock.

Very Little Investment for Maximum Output

9 Amazing Reasons on Raising Mealworms for Chickens

Simply a couple of mealworms actually go a long way!

All you require to do is offer a handful of mealworms to each chicken every day– you’ll discover that this part truly improves their protein consumption.

Laying hens require about 16% protein every day, while more youthful birds require a lot more.

Assists with Molting

9 Amazing Reasons on Raising Mealworms for Chickens

Molting can be a difficult time in a chicken’s life– however, it’s required. Each year, your birds will require to shed their plumes and place them on brand-new ones.

This generally takes place in the fall, just as it’s getting chillier and daytime hours are being minimized.

The body immune system of your chickens will be lowered throughout molting, and they’ll likewise require additional protein to regrow their plumes (which are primarily protein).

Mealworms can complete the dietary spaces to make the shift simpler!

Raising Mealworms Enhance Egg Production

9 Amazing Reasons on Raising Mealworms for Chickens

If you raise laying hens, mealworms can assist enhance the size and taste of the eggs.

Eggs are nearly totally protein, so mealworms can assist increase their protein material and general quality, too.

Raising Mealworms Motivates Scratching

9 Amazing Reasons on Raising Mealworms for Chickens

If you’re intending on utilizing the deep litter approach of bedding your cage– or if you wish to motivate your chickens to scratch and to discover their own grit– mealworms are an excellent help.

Chickens take pleasure in scratching and pecking for these delicious morsels, so to motivate them to turn the bed linen and discover grit, all you need to do is drop a couple of mealworms on the ground. It will keep them amused for hours!

Storebought vs. Homegrown Mealworms

9 Amazing Reasons on Raising Mealworms for Chickens
You can quickly purchase mealworms at the shop. They are offered at most farm supply shops in addition to online– even Amazon brings them!

Beginning a mealworm farm is a lot more enjoyable– plus, if you have kids, it’s a fantastic task for them to see nature at work.

It likewise is a continuous, self-replicating food source for your backyard flock.

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Simply a little container of mealworms at the shop can cost a fair bit of cash– and once it’s gone, it’s gone.

When you grow your own mealworms, you will never ever need to fret about going out or investing cash once you start.

Plus, you do not ever genuinely understand where your storebought mealworms are originating from.

It can be difficult to discover a trustworthy regional source for mealworms, and outsourced mealworms risk infecting your flock with zoonotic illnesses like salmonella.

Do not risk it!

By investing simply a couple of dollars and a couple of minutes now, you can quickly raise your own long-lasting supply of mealworms for your chickens.

How to Raise Your Own Mealworms

9 Amazing Reasons on Raising Mealworms for Chickens

In this area, we will cover the essentials of raising mealworms. However– let’s look at mealworm ecology.

Understand Mealworm Ecology

9 Amazing Reasons on Raising Mealworms for Chickens

Prior to raising mealworms, you need to have a clear knowledge of how mealworms replicate and grow.

The typical female Darkling beetle will lay up to five hundred eggs in her life expectancy– which is generally just a couple of brief months.

A number of weeks after being laid, the eggs will hatch and become larvae, or what we describe as mealworms or perhaps yellow mealworms.

Mealworms produce an exoskeleton, molting a number of times prior to coming to the pupa phase. This happens at about 3 months.

If you are raising your own mealworms, you might be surprised by this shift– the pupa appears like a dead mealworm, and this can be preventing if you’ve striven to cultivate a population of mealworms.

Do not be shaken off, however– it just suggests that the pupa remains in the procedure of changing into a Darkling beetle.

You may see a periodic shudder or jerk if you occur to bump or otherwise interrupt the pupa.

Throughout the pupa phase, the mealworm does not eat at all. It remains in this phase for about 3 weeks prior to hatching into an adult beetle.

The overall shift from egg to adult takes about 6 months.

Get a Container

9 Amazing Reasons on Raising Mealworms for Chickens

Prior to you can get going you require to discover a container in which you can grow your mealworm farm.

You have great deals of choices when it concerns the best container– you do not require to invest a great deal of cash, or perhaps any cash at all. You can utilize any of the following choices:

Old fish tank
Plastic lug
Glass box
Recycled trash can

The primary requirements that your container needs to satisfy are that it should have to do with 12″ x 24″ x12″ in size. It must be constructed out of a strong product that will not rot, like plastic or glass. Prevent cardboard or wood.

If you utilize a non-porous product, make certain there are breathing holes. You can drill holes utilizing a thin drill bit, approximately ⅛”.

Your container must likewise be geared up with a screen mesh or cover to discuss the top. The cover must enable some air blood circulation in the container.

It’s finest to utilize a clear container so that you can view your mealworms as they establish. This will produce much easier upkeep.

Prepare Your Container

9 Amazing Reasons on Raising Mealworms for Chickens

As soon as you have your container selected, ensure it is tidy and dry.

Particularly if you are utilizing a recycled container like an old aquarium, you require to ensure any particles or pollutants are cleared out.

If you as soon as raised fish in the fish tank, you might have utilized chemicals like prescription antibiotics or other treatments on your fish. Get all of these out with an extensive cleansing.

Next, you’ll wish to choose an area for your mealworm container. The very best area is one that is warm (around 80 degrees) with very little lighting.

You can put your mealworms in a closet, however, you require to make certain you choose an area where they will not be quickly interrupted.

Plus, you’ll wish to let any visitors you have more than understand that there are mealworms in the closet if they are especially squeamish!

If heat is troublesome, you can constantly supplement with a heat mat developed for reptiles or other animals.

These typically come pre-wired and with programmable thermostats so you barely require to lift a finger to keep your mealworms at the correct temperature level.

If you reside in a warm environment year-round, do not fret– your mealworms will most likely be great with no sort of temperature level control.

Simply make certain you keep everyone in a dark area as excessive light can kill your mealworms.

If darkness is an issue, here’s an alternative– you can position a piece of cardboard on top of the stack.

Press gently down– do not eject all the oxygen.

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This will assist keep the mealworms in the dark and it will likewise assist warm them up.

Include a Substrate

9 Amazing Reasons on Raising Mealworms for Chickens

If you’ve ever raised fish in the past, you’re most likely acquainted with the term substrate.

When it comes to raising tropical fish, it describes the product on the bottom of the tank to supply the fish tank with some structure.

When it comes to growing mealworms, it describes the food source.

The specific quantity of substrate you require will differ depending upon the container size. Generally, you will require a layer that has to do with 2 to 3 inches deep.

The very best feed will be alternatives such as:

Wheat bran
Rolled oats
Cereal crumbs
Chicken mash

Simply make certain the substrate you utilize is safe for usage with mealworms. Some chicken feeds consist of harmful active ingredients for mealworms, like diatomaceous earth.

You do not require to invest a lot in the substrate. Generally, it can be bought for less than a dollar a pound.

No matter which kind you utilize, ensure you decontaminate it prior to you include it in your mealworm farm. This will guarantee that no insects are residing in the feed.

To do this, merely bake it on a cookie tray in your oven for about twenty minutes. Prepare it at temperature levels around 150 degrees Fahrenheit.

The other advantage of disinfecting your substrate is that it will dry it out– you do not desire any excess wetness as it will produce mold, which can be damaging to your mealworms.

Once it’s been decontaminated and cooled, you can proceed and include it in your tank.

Start with Storebought Mealworms

9 Amazing Reasons on Raising Mealworms for Chickens

Now it’s time to include your mealworms. You will require to start with store-bought mealworms as a “starter nest.”

You will require a minimum of 500 mealworms to begin with.

These can be bought online or purchased from particular feed or animal supply shops. Make certain you buy top-quality mealworms.

In particular, you would like to know precisely what the mealworms were fed. This can affect your chickens’ health.

Some mealworms have the possibility to send zoonotic illnesses. Salmonella is one significant issue.

You will want to make sure you are purchasing mealworms from a reliable source.

Numerous online and regional feed shops offer huge mealworms. Do not utilize these for your mealworm farm.

Frequently, they have actually been treated with growth hormone that can make it harder for your mealworms to pupate– they will produce beetles that are, regrettably, sterilized.

After you’ve acquired your mealworms and ensured they are healthy, you can go on and include them in your container.

To do this, carefully put them out and put your cover on the container.

You do not need to stress over the mealworms attempting to crawl out of the container. The cover is simply created to keep possible insects out.

Great deals of other animals delight in crunching on mealworms, so you require to make certain you have a barrier in place!


Feed and Care on Raising Mealworms

9 Amazing Reasons on Raising Mealworms for Chickens

Now that your mealworms are ready to go, all that’s delegated do is take care of them. You will feed them more food (or “substrate”) every couple of weeks.

Simply drop a couple of handfuls of feed into the tank so that it keeps a depth of about 3 inches.

You do not need to adhere to your initial substrate product, either. You can feed bits of fruits and veggies.

Simply bear in mind that raising mealworms may take in these more gradually, so you will need to watch out for food-wasting at the same time.

Here are some choices when it concerns food to feed your mealworms:

Dry oatmeal
Sliced apples
Sliced carrots

Watch out for possible problems in the container, such as mildew or mold development. Otherwise, that’s all there is to it!

Harvest Your Mealworms

9 Amazing Reasons on Raising Mealworms for Chickens

Depending upon the conditions in which you are raising your mealworms, you need to just need to wait a couple of months prior to you can start feeding mealworms to your chickens.

Both the pupae and the beetles need to be left in the container to continue to replicate– just feed the real worms themselves to your chickens.

You do not require to fret about eliminating dead beetles that you may discover in the container. The larvae will do this for you. You ought to just eliminate pieces of mold or musty food.

Take care collecting your mealworms. You will wish to use gloves to prevent contamination.

In addition, you might discover that you are sensitive to the dust that the mealworm farm produces. You might wish to use a dust mask to prevent any inflammation of your breathing system.

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When you’re prepared to gather your mealworms, all you require to do is include brand-new food on the farm.

Take a piece of carrot or another comparable veggie and include it in the container. Leave it there for about 5 minutes.

You will observe that throughout this time, the larvae will connect to the veggie.

You can then take the veggie and shake it out over another container. You’ll have lots of mealworms to fill the container, which you can then feed straight to your chickens.

You can simply feed the veggies covered with mealworms– they’ll delight in crunching on that reward, too!

If you have a lot of mealworms when you go to harvest, do not fret. You can save them for long-term usage!

Just as you can purchase frozen or freeze-dried mealworms to feed to your chickens, you can likewise freeze your own mealworms. All you need to do is stash them in plastic bags.

Feeding Mealworms to Chickens

9 Amazing Reasons on Raising Mealworms for Chickens

You can feed mealworms to chickens as typically as you’d like.

Raising mealworms is a fantastic opportunity for individuals who are looking to get rid of storebought chicken feed from their spending plans.

Integrated with an excellent source of carbs, like grain, you can essentially remove all of your chicken-raising expenditures!

Start sluggish when feeding mealworms to ensure your chickens require to them well.

Typically, you will prefer to begin with half a cup per chicken, and after that, you can scale the ratios and part measure or down as required.

The Drawer Method of Breeding and Raising Mealworms

9 Amazing Reasons on Raising Mealworms for Chickens

If the concept of using an old aquarium or plastic lug for reproducing mealworms does not interest you, here’s another fast, hassle-free concept.

Buy among those standup plastic sets of drawers. They’re economical– normally less than $20 at most deal shops.

You’ll prep the drawers in basically the same way. The mealworms will enter the bottom drawer with about an inch of your substrate.

You can include some fruit for a bit of wetness.

9 Amazing Reasons on Raising Mealworms for Chickens

The top drawer will have the plastic bottom eliminated and changed with a screen this will enable the beetle eggs to fail the drawer.

This approach can avoid the beetles from eliminating and consuming the pupae– an irregular incident that nevertheless is really aggravating if you are venturing to raising mealworms.

In the center drawer, you can put some additional food. This will enable you to continue including food every couple of weeks without needing to interrupt your mealworms.

This approach is an excellent method of reproducing mealworms if you’re pressed for an area and likewise desire a neater, cleaner service.

It will enable you to separate out the mealworms at the numerous phases, as they will merely move amongst drawers when the time is.

Other Benefits of Raising Mealworms

9 Amazing Reasons on Raising Mealworms for Chickens

Mealworms aren’t simply insects that enter into your chicken feed supply– they are likewise helpful food sources for your flock!

Sure, they may not look really enticing, however, these yummy morsels will enhance the general health of your flock.

It’s enjoyable to see them run around the chicken backyard in hot pursuit of wriggly raised mealworms, and normally, simply a couple of cans go a long way.

Start growing your own mealworms today– for a couple of minutes of time monthly and very little financial investment, you’ll have an endless supply of treats for your laying hens.



  1.  Boffey, Daniel (2021-01-13). “Yellow mealworm safe for humans to eat, says EU food safety agency”The GuardianISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved 2021-01-15.
  2.  Schmidt, Anatol; Call, Lisa; Macheiner, Lukas; Mayer, Helmut K. (2018). “Determination of vitamin B12 in four edible insect species by immunoaffinity and ultra-high performance liquid chromatography”. Food Chemistry281: 124–129. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2018.12.039PMID 30658738.
  3.  Lockwood, Deirdre (September 30, 2015). “Mealworms Munch Polystyrene Foam”Chemical and Engineering News. Retrieved 2019-02-04.
  4.  Forbes/Alex Ledsom (13 January 2021): Insect Market To Explode: EU Gives Green Light To Eating Mealworm.
  5. Pölkki M, Krams I, Kangassalo K, Rantala MJ (2012). “Inbreeding affects sexual signalling in males but not females ofTenebrio molitorBiology Letters8 (3): 423–5. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2011.1135PMC 3367757PMID 22237501.

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