white chicken breeds

9 Amazing White Chicken Breeds You Should Raise

When it comes to picking chickens to raise, some individuals choose practicalities over personal preferences. How awesome would it be to find a breed that had both traits? This is why, before choosing your hens, you should do some research and assessment.

For those who favor cloud-colored hens, these are the Top 9 White Chicken Breeds.

1. Rhode Island White Chicken Breeds

9 Amazing White Chicken Breeds You Should Raise

The Rhode Island white chicken, the first of our listed breeds, was created in the USA in 1888. These birds are rather small and silent. Its name is an accurate description of its appearance: completely white with yellow skin and legs.

It’s true that Rhode Island Reds are more common, but White chickens are quickly gaining ground.

They are well-liked for being sociable and adaptable, making them a good choice for most backyard coops. Under optimal conditions, Rhode Island whites can lay 220 to 280 eggs annually.

They’re great for use as brooder chickens due to their huge brown eggs. If you plan on raising chickens for food, you should know that their meat is highly sought for.

Mr. J. Alonzo Jacoy created the Rhode Island White Chicken breed. He hails from Peacedale, Rhode Island, hence the species’ name. White Wyandottes were crossed with Partridge Cochins and Rose Comb White Leghorns to produce the breed.

Because they are entirely white and fluffy, these birds resemble walking clouds. Their yellow legs and feet stand out on a white background, while their vivid red wattles and solitary combs stand out.

These birds are a great addition to your flock because they produce a lot of eggs. Rhode Island White Chickens are exceptional layers and meat producers, laying 240 to 250 eggs per year on average.

Their eggs are always brown and fixed. One of the friendly birds is the Rhode Island White Chicken. They are friendly to their own species and rarely get into confrontations.

The Rhode Island White Chicken is a resilient bird that can adapt to changing weather conditions. They’re noted for laying a lot of eggs in the winter.

Large or extra-large eggs are produced by these calm and productive birds. This means that their output is unaffected by the cold.

2. California White Chicken Breeds

9 Amazing White Chicken Breeds You Should Raise

The California White Chicken is a cross between a White Leghorn hen and a California Gray Rooster. The production of eggs for business transactions was the earliest and most important reason for its growth.

This breed combination can be added to the list of breeds that have worked well together. The imposing physique of the White Leghorn, along with the hardiness, broodiness, and docility of the Barred Plymouth genes, results in an exceptional chicken type.

These white-egg-laying birds are well-known in the commercial world. They can lay up to 300 eggs per year and are highly prized commercially.

They are also amazing companions, in addition to being productive. These chickens are entertaining and easy to care for. California white hens are known for laying large white eggs in any weather.

California White Chickens are sturdy and can withstand both cold and hot weather. One of the reasons for their popularity, particularly in the commercial world, is because of this. Their ability to deposit eggs is proportional to how broody they are.

Some flock owners don’t like how broody they are. It is, however, entirely a matter of personal preference. If you like to have chicks, this breed could be an excellent addition to your flock.

These gentle birds are tranquil and docile, allowing them to live near homes with children and babies.

More information here on California White Chickens.

3. White Plymouth Rock Chickens

9 Amazing White Chicken Breeds You Should Raise

White Plymouth Rock chickens are bred for both meat and eggs. These birds deposit a lot of eggs and produce a lot of meat.

Their calm and friendly nature makes them ideal backyard hens. They’re the house’s all-star chicken. What an all-rounder! They offer eggs as well as wonderful meat.

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Their white feathers and yellow flesh give them a chicken-like appearance. Their dazzling white feathers give the impression that there are clouds striped with sun rays roaming about your property.

These birds can withstand confinement, but they would be happier and more active if they were allowed to travel freely.

Winter is not a problem for these birds. When the weather gets colder, their feathers act as insulators, keeping them warm. There is, however, a limit to this.

Because of their single combs, they are prone to frostbites. It’s preferable to keep your White Plymouth Rock chickens inside a warm, well-insulated coop if you live anywhere where the weather drops below zero.

Besides being a robust bird, the White Plymouth Rock hen is also quite personable, making her a fantastic asset to any small farm. They have white bodies and golden limbs.

These hens are kept for their fertile eggs and also because they can be slaughtered for their meat. In ideal conditions, they can produce as many as 280 brown eggs a year. Depending on the breed, these chickens can become quite huge.

Broody hens, like Plymouth Rock white chickens, are common and can be relied upon to hatch not only their own eggs but those of other hens in the coop as well.

Adults can weigh anywhere from 7.5 to 9.5 pounds, with the range largely determined by gender.

4. White Jersey Giant Chicken

9 Amazing White Chicken Breeds You Should Raise

White Jersey Giants is the name given to these fowl. These birds are, in fact, more significant than the majority of breeds.

This is one of the most popular chicken breeds on the market. The genes of numerous huge species were combined to create this breed.

These chickens may weigh anywhere from 8 to 13 pounds, making them quite the heavy birds! They may grow slowly once they reach maturity, but they can eventually outgrow most chicken breeds on the market in terms of weight and size.

These behemoths are also excellent layers, laying an average of 240 eggs every year.

Despite their enormous size, these birds are calm and sociable. They are not hostile in any way. White Jersey gigantic chickens are easygoing, so there’s no need to be concerned even if you have children or smaller birds around.

These lovely chickens are a sight to behold. One of the crowd’s favorites are these gentle giants. They resemble cloud bricks strolling about the yard.

What a delightful sight to behold! They not only bring food to the table, but they also make terrific pets. These hens are quite kind to humans and other breeds, so letting them run around with other chickens is no problem.

5. White Leghorn

9 Amazing White Chicken Breeds You Should Raise

These chickens are quite well-known. They have a well-known name all across the world. This breed of character also appears in Looney Tunes.

White leghorns are distinguished by their white feathers and earlobes. Given the slight contrast they provide, their legs are yellow, which is rather astonishing.

These white birds have a lot of energy and love to fly about. Given this, it would be advantageous for you to provide them with enough space to move around. While these birds may withstand confinement, they rapidly become bored.

Because of their bursting energy, White Leghorns can be boisterous, so it’s best to get to know them. Despite their exuberant personalities, these birds are elegant. They seem to strike a good mix between elegance and silliness.

They make great layers and are a great complement to any flock. These chicks are for you if you desire practical and fantastic egg-laying chickens. Every year, they lay 280 to 320 eggs on average.

Their high output makes them one of the world’s first and most well-known egg producers. They’re a hit with poultry owners! They not only lay a large number of eggs each year, but the eggs also get bigger as the conclusion of her laying cycle approaches.

They aren’t much of a brooder, despite the large number of eggs they lay. White Leghorn chickens are rarely pushed or compelled to become broody. However, if you want some chicks, all you have to do is set up an incubator.

When compared to other breeds, their chicks mature swiftly after hatching. Leghorn Chicken is a breed of chicken that has been around for a long time.

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Farmers like White Leghorns for a variety of reasons. All of their feathers are white, while their fur and legs are yellow.

Leghorn hens, known for their resilience, often start laying eggs at the age of 5 months. Adult White Leghorns don’t weigh more than 5.5 pounds, making them small birds.

Due to their diminutive size, they are primarily used for egg production rather than as a meat source. They produce an abundance of eggs annually but are not particularly attentive parents.

More than 80% of hybrid layers are descended from White Leghorn chickens, making them the most common white chicken breed.

6. Ameraucana White Chicken Breeds

9 Amazing White Chicken Breeds You Should Raise

There is a wide range of color options available in the Ameraucana breed, and white Ameraucanas are just one of them.

They are completely white, except for their legs, which are gray, and their heads, which are adorned with characteristic muffs and whiskers. The size of the hen’s lovely blue eggs varies, but they’re usually between medium and big.

Because of their hawk-like look, white Ameraucanas can be scary. These birds are also extremely fluffy to look at. Their fluffy beards and muffs give them a chipmunk-like appearance, which contrasts with their fearsome hawk features.

They have wattles and crimson pea combs. These birds deposit a lot of eggs and produce a lot of meat. They lay 180 to 200 eggs every year on average. This breed is a good addition to your flock if you are growing a flock for market or business purposes.

These birds are excellent self-protectors, as their frightening appearance deters prospective predators. They can live in confinement, but it is preferable to provide them with a greater place so they can walk around as much as possible.

These chickens are self-sufficient, preferring to roam freely and run around. It’s vital to provide them with the tools they need to blend in with their surroundings and environment.

The color of their eggs varies between and within the white and blue spectrum. With the passage of time, blue eggs have grown more common on the market. If you wish to sell or experiment with blue eggs, you should consider rearing these birds.

While most Ameraucanas can adapt to different climatic conditions, certain accounts claim that these birds have difficulty adjusting to and living in hotter climates. More information on Ameraucana Chicken can be found here.

7.  Yokohama White Chicken Breeds

yokohama white chicken breed

Yokohama Chickens are one of the most opulent and elegant chickens on the market. Their magnificent feathers and size radiate power and assurance.

This is an ornamental breed that originated in Germany. Please don’t be misled by the name. These birds were produced in Germany and are descended from Japanese birds.

Onagadori and Minohiki, often known as Saddle Dragger, are two Japanese monument breeds important in the development of Yokohama Chickens.

The red saddles and white Yokohama chicken kinds are recognized by The American Standard of Perfection. As they move around the space, these birds appear to be royalty.

Their tail and trailing feathers make them stick out, and they make a reputation for themselves in terms of looks. Yokohama hens are also raised for the sake of their appearance.

The way they walk like royalty and the way their feathers are draped is breathtaking.

Their sweetness goes hand in hand with their grace. These birds have a calm demeanor. In fact, they like socializing with their owners and other individuals they know.

Yokohama chickens even want to be carried and cradled! These birds make excellent pets and companions for both youngsters and adults. To learn more about Yokohama Chicken, click here.

The major use of these exotic birds now, as was the case when they were first bred, is as decorative accessories for public displays. A long, swishing tail is a distinguishing feature of Yokohama roosters and, by extension, the breed as a whole.

The Yokohama is mild-mannered, easygoing, and patient people who perform well in captivity. The length of their tails necessitates particular housing, but they are highly prized as decorative birds in metropolitan areas.

As hens, they don’t do well at all. According to the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy, it is a “critically endangered” breed that needs immediate attention for its survival.

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8. Sultan White Chicken Breeds

9 Amazing White Chicken Breeds You Should Raise

Sultan Chickens are one of America’s oldest breeds. They’re also regarded as uncommon. The way these lovely birds carry themselves gives them a powerful appearance. They have beards, muffs, and crests on their heads.

They resemble angel fowls due to their all-white coloration. Serai Taook or Serai Tavuk is the name of a breed that originated in Turkey. In Turkey, royals are known to nurture these birds.

They would keep these chickens as pets and keep them in their gardens. As a result, the moniker Sultan’s fowl was coined, and it has now been adapted to Sultan Chicken.

The American Livestock Breed Conservancy’s Conservation Priority List lists this breed as critically endangered. Nowadays, these hens are usually kept for their appearance and exhibition.

In terms of space, Sultan chickens are fairly adaptive to their surroundings.

Whether they are contained or let to roam freely in the backyard, they can survive and grow. The lower temperatures, on the other hand, are unbearable to these birds.

Because of their feathers, it’s easy to imagine they can withstand the cold, but in reality, they develop colds quickly. To learn more about Sultan Chicken, click here.

9.  La Bresse Gauloise White Chicken Breeds

9 Amazing White Chicken Breeds You Should Raise

This breed lives up to its moniker of “Queen of Poultry, Poultry of Kings.” They have the world record for being the most outstanding table chicken.

The color scheme of La Bresse Gauloise Chickens is inspired by the French flag, with blue legs, red combs, and white feathers/body.

This breed’s name conjures up images of elegance and strength. This breed has been around for almost 400 years. They did not disappoint and retained their title after serving the table for four centuries.

These birds like foraging and roaming freely. To put it another way, they can’t be contained. Their freedom, or, to be more specific, the distinct terrain they roam over, is a major component of their wonderful meat.

Finally, the flavor is related to their consumption, which is completely supported by allowing them sufficient flexibility.

Because this breed, particularly the blue varieties, is difficult to come by, poultry owners might classify it as uncommon. The eggs laid by these white hens are white. They carry themselves with confidence, and their strength shines through in the way they move.

These chickens grow at a reasonable rate. Their weight appears to be well-balanced and in control. They develop quickly, but not to the point of being unbalanced like other chickens. Learn more about the chicken from La Bresse Gauloise.


It would be easier to narrow down your selections before selecting a breed if you had more information and a list of the top 9 white chicken breeds.

White chickens are one of the most beautiful breeds in the world of poultry. It can be challenging to make a decision, but it will be worthwhile if you do.


  1. Bresse Gauloise: Standard (in French). Bresse Gauloise Club. Archived 14 January 2014.
  2. Victoria Roberts (2008). British poultry standards: complete specifications and judging points of all standardized breeds and varieties of poultry as compiled by the specialist breed clubs and recognised by the Poultry Club of Great Britain. Oxford: Blackwell. ISBN 9781405156424.
  3. Breed Classification. Poultry Club of Great Britain. Archived 12 June 2018.
  4. APA Recognized Breeds and Varieties: As of January 1, 2012. American Poultry Association. Archived 4 November 2017.
  5.  E. Verrier, M. Tixier-Boichard, R. Bernigaud, M. Naves (2005). Conservation and value of local livestock breeds: usefulness of niche products and/or adaptation to specific environmentsAnimal Genetic Resources Information 36 (April 2005): 21-31. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. doi:10.1017/S1014233900005538.

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