Quail eggs are small, nutrient-dense eggs laid by quails. These medium-sized birds are known scientifically as Coturnix-coturnix japonica and can be found in Asia and Europe.
Quail eggs are beneficial to human health in a variety of ways. They are primarily used in Chinese medicine to treat a variety of health issues.

The Food and Agriculture Organization identified these eggs as sustainable foods in developing countries as well as an alternative food resource (FAO).
Their high nutrient content can be attributed to this development. These eggs are used as dietary supplements by bodybuilders.
Learn more about the many benefits of quail eggs, their nutrition facts, and the side effects of excessive consumption. Continue to read.
Best Quail Species for Egg Laying
If you’re looking to raise quail for their eggs, there are a few different species to choose from.
You might want to consider these breeds:
- Eastern Bobwhite
- Coturnix
- Japanese Quail
- Button Quail
In the United States, the Eastern Bobwhite is the most common “domestic” quail, but the Coturnix is also a good choice.
Both are great for first-time chicken keepers, and they lay about the same number of eggs. On the other hand, Coturnix quail are great meat birds, so you should think about them if you want to raise quail for that purpose.
Button quails can also be raised. In spite of the fact that these quail do lay eggs, you probably won’t be able to make much of a meal out of them due to their small size.
If you want to get a lot more eggs, the Japanese quail is an excellent choice. Even though this bird looks a lot like the Coturnix, it starts nesting at a much younger age—usually between 4 and 6 weeks.
These birds can lay around 200 eggs per year and can live up to two years in captivity, making them a good investment.
Both fertilized eggs and day-old chicks (also called cheepers) are available for purchase when you’re ready to begin raising quails.
Size and Appearance of Quail Eggs
The average quail egg is about one-fifth the size of a chicken egg. Its shell is spotted brown. These sliced eggs with spots resemble the malted milk balls sold around Easter.
The eggs of quails are among the tiniest birds on the planet. When compared to a duck egg, a quail egg looks remarkably like a tiny jelly bean. The same holds true if you’re hatching Button quail eggs.
A quail’s egg has none of the spots found on a chicken or duck egg but otherwise looks very similar. They typically have a cream background with a wide variety of spots and speckles.
They resemble chicken eggs in appearance, form, and shape, but are obviously much smaller.
There are approximately 150–300 eggs produced by a single quail in a year. It’s not uncommon for people to lie even more frequently than that.
How do quail eggs taste?
Many people believe that quail, duck, and chicken eggs taste completely different. But in reality, all three are remarkably similar; it’s unlikely that you’d be able to tell them apart in a blind taste test.
On the other hand, there are a few minor variations. It’s a common misconception that quail eggs have a gamey flavor, but that’s not the case. The real difference is in the egg’s consistency.
A quail egg, like a Guinea hen egg, is mostly yolk with a small amount of whites. As a result, the eggs are thicker and creamier, making them ideal for rich, succulent recipes.
However, quail eggs are often used in place of duck eggs because of their lighter weight. We promise that once you try quail eggs, you will never go back to store-bought chicken eggs again!
18 Scientific Health and Beauty Benefits of Quail Eggs
1. Quail Eggs Are High in Nutrients
Quail eggs have three to four times the nutritional value of chicken eggs. Quail eggs have 13% more protein than chicken eggs, which have 11% less.
They also have nearly three times as much vitamin B1 and twice as much vitamin B2 and vitamin A as chicken eggs. A quail egg is high in vitamin E, amino acids, fatty acids, iron, and zinc, according to the USDA’s national nutrient database.
Chicken eggs can cause allergic reactions in some people, resulting in symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, stomach aches, and rashes. Quail eggs, on the other hand, are hypoallergenic and completely safe to eat.
2. It may boost metabolism and improve immunity.
Antioxidants and vitamin B are abundant in quail eggs. These nutrients may help with metabolism because they are involved in a variety of cellular processes, including cell growth and regulation.
Leucine, an amino acid found in quail eggs, is important for a healthy immune system.
3. Could Help Treat Sexual Disorders
Traditional Chinese medicine used quail eggs to treat sexual disorders and improve virility. Although research in this area is limited, the nutrients in quail eggs are said to benefit the prostate gland.
A study on diabetic mice revealed that quail egg yolks can aid in the repair of testicular damage.
4. May Aid in the Treatment of Allergies
Due to the enzyme (trypsin) inhibitor ovomucoid, which is found in quail eggs, they may help treat allergies.
A mice study conducted in China discovered that quail eggs may help relieve the symptoms of food allergies. They stopped transcription factors from controlling the ways in which esophageal inflammation happens.
However, human subject research is required to demonstrate this benefit.
5. Could Be Beneficial During Pregnancy
Quail eggs are good for pregnant women because they contain a lot of choline and vitamin B12. Choline is essential for fetal brain development. These eggs are also high in protein and nutrients like zinc, selenium, and iron.
In the past, women ate quail eggs during and after pregnancy because it was thought that they helped with breastfeeding.
Even though quail eggs are high in cholesterol, research shows that they had no effect on the lipid profile or body weight of lactating mice. More research on human subjects is needed in this area.
Quail eggs are a safer alternative to chicken eggs, which may carry infections such as salmonella. Raw quail eggs, on the other hand, should be avoided during pregnancy.
But if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should talk to a nutritionist or doctor before eating anything, even cooked quail eggs.
6. Lowers the risk of anemia
Iron is an important part of our red blood cells, which carry oxygen to all the cells in our bodies. Iron is abundant in quail eggs. Anemia can be caused by an iron deficiency.
As a result, incorporating quail eggs into your diet can benefit your circulatory system.
Quail eggs contain five times the potassium of chicken eggs. Potassium is a mineral that is required for several bodily functions. It is a natural vasodilator, which means that it can both open and relax your blood vessels.
This helps control blood pressure and hypertension.
7. Could Be Useful for Depression
Choline and vitamin D, which are essential for brain health, are found in quail eggs. Choline is required for the production of neurotransmitters.
Even though more research needs to be done in this area, vitamin D may help reduce the signs of depression. Anecdotal evidence suggests that quail eggs can alleviate the symptoms of postmenopausal depression.
8. May Aid in Detoxification
Antioxidants such as beta-carotene and vitamins A, C, and E can be found in quail eggs. Antioxidants fight free radicals (toxins) and aid in their removal from the body. Quail eggs have a high water content as well.
This aids in the removal of toxins from the system.
A rat study discovered that quail eggs can protect liver cells from chemically induced damage in rats. The compounds in quail eggs help stabilize enzymes in the liver, such as alanine aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase.
This hepatoprotective activity of quail eggs needs to be studied in humans to understand how it aids in the prevention of liver cell degeneration.
9. May Help With Stomach Pain
For centuries, quail eggs have been used as a home remedy for treating gastritis. They have antioxidants and amino acids in them.
These compounds are said to repair the mucous cells that line the stomach. People say that eating quail eggs regularly can help treat stomach problems like ulcers and stomach aches.
There is, however, no research to back up this claim.
10. Could Improve Vision
Vitamin A is abundant in quail eggs. Vitamin A can help stop your eyes from getting older and reduce your chances of getting cataracts and glaucoma.
11. May Help in the Treatment of Respiratory Disorders
Quail eggs were used in ancient medicine to treat asthma and bronchitis. In a study published in Food Science & Nutrition, the symptoms of allergic rhinitis were found to be helped by a supplement made with quail eggs.
12. It May Aid In Lowering Cholesterol And The Risk Of Heart Disease
About 60% of quail eggs are essential fats, which are also called high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or good cholesterol. This healthy fat reduces the amount of bad cholesterol (LDL) in your body.
Excess low-density lipoprotein (LDL) can cause artery clogging and atherosclerosis. As a result, eating quail eggs may help to prevent a variety of heart diseases. However, there is insufficient scientific evidence to back up this claim.
13. May Aid in Cancer Prevention
The fact that quail eggs have a lot of antioxidants helps the body get rid of toxins. High concentrations of antioxidants can help reduce oxidative stress. When left unchecked, free radicals increase the risk of DNA mutations and cancer.
Lecithin is found in the yolks of quail eggs. Lecithin is involved in cellular repair and damage repair.
This egg also contains ovomucoid, an anticancer agent that prevents tumor growth.
14. May Aid in Diabetes Management
Diabetes management has been linked to quail eggs. A study on diabetic rats found that quail eggs lower blood glucose and creatinine levels. It also had a positive impact on kidney function.
Regularly eating these eggs can also make you less likely to get diabetes or kidney disease.
The glycemic index of quail eggs is low. So, it slowly releases sugar into your blood, which helps control how much sugar is in your blood.
15. Might Boost Skin Health
As previously stated, quail eggs are high in antioxidants. These antioxidants may aid in sun protection and fighting the signs of aging.
Lysine, an amino acid, is found in quail eggs. Lysine aids in the formation of collagen. Collagen is necessary for healthy skin because it is responsible for elasticity.
As a result, quail eggs may aid in acne control and complexion improvement. Anecdotal evidence suggests that raw quail eggs can be applied topically to treat sunburns.
16. Could Enhance Hair Quality
Quail eggs contain zinc, iron, selenium, amino acids, and vitamins A, B, C, and E, all of which are good for hair and scalp health and for preventing hair loss.
These are also high in antioxidants. These may help get rid of harmful free radicals and stop hair loss and graying before it’s time.
Aside from including quail eggs in your diet, you can use them to condition your hair.
17. Can treat kidney conditions and help prevent bladder stones
Chelating is the process of getting rid of dangerous heavy metals and free radicals from the body. Antioxidants can help prevent the formation of kidney and bladder stones.
18. It has the potential to strengthen bones, teeth, and nails.
Consuming quail eggs on a regular basis is said to strengthen your bones. They have nutrients like vitamin D and lysine that are important for bone growth.
Vitamin D controls the levels of other minerals important for bone health, such as phosphorus and calcium. So, eating quail eggs may make it less likely that you will get osteoporosis.
These nutrients are also said to be good for your teeth and nails. Because quail eggs are high in protein, they may aid in the prevention of brittle nails.
Calcium-rich quail eggshells may also aid in the prevention of calcium deficiency. However, there is insufficient research to support this claim.
Side Effects of Eating Quail Eggs
In moderation, quail eggs are safe to eat. Consult a doctor if you have symptoms such as bloating, flatulence, or stomach pain.
Even though quail eggs are thought to be safe for pregnant women, you should talk to your doctor before eating them.
Hypoglycemia and Hypertension
People who are hypoglycemic or hypotensive should avoid eating too many quail eggs because they can lower blood sugar and blood pressure levels.
Egg Allergy
People who are allergic to quail eggs should avoid eating them because they have been linked to anaphylactic reactions.
Quail eggs are more nutritious and smaller than chicken eggs. They contain a high concentration of protein, minerals, vitamins, and bioactive compounds. There are numerous advantages to eating quail eggs.
They aid in the management of diabetes, improve circulation, and alleviate stomach pain. They may also improve vision, immunity, and metabolism.
Quail eggs are hypoallergenic, making them an excellent choice for allergy sufferers. For optimal nutrition, children, pregnant women, and the elderly should consume quail eggs.
However, consuming too many of these eggs may cause dangerously low blood sugar and blood pressure levels. If you experience any side effects, contact your doctor.
Quail eggs are delicious and nutritious for most people, but there are a few individuals who should avoid them.
If you’re pregnant or have immune system issues, you shouldn’t eat quail eggs unless they’ve been cooked thoroughly.
Contamination is less likely if the yolk is not runny.
If you have an egg allergy, you should probably avoid quail eggs as well.
Due to its rarity, quail egg allergies are notoriously hard to diagnose, so those who are allergic to regular eggs should probably steer clear of quail eggs.
How to Cook and Eat Quail Eggs
If you are familiar with preparing chicken eggs, you should also be comfortable preparing quail eggs. Keep in mind that the proportions will be slightly altered. You’ll need three quail eggs for every chicken egg in the recipe.
If you really want to be precise, use a food scale to ensure that your recipe contains the correct amount of egg.
The most difficult aspect of cooking with quail eggs, aside from calculating ratios, is that they can be extremely difficult to crack.
The shells are firmer than those of duck or chicken eggs, so tapping the egg on the side of a bowl will not crack it. Instead, you’ll need to use a knife to literally cut off the top of the egg.
While a standard serrated knife will do the trick, dedicated quail egg scissors are worth considering if you plan to use them frequently in the kitchen. These are as effective as knives, but much less cumbersome to use.
On the other hand, boiling quail eggs takes much less time than boiling chicken eggs. To prepare them, simply boil them for two minutes, then drain the hot water and rinse them under cold water.
Quail eggs, when boiled, can be more difficult to peel than chicken eggs. The membrane, on the other hand, will be easier to handle despite the harder shell. Hard-boiled quail eggs are delicious in salads or sandwiches.
Quail eggs are a versatile ingredient that can be used in many different recipes.
Even if you substitute the same number of chicken eggs for quail eggs, the cooking time may need to be increased by a few minutes if you use a lot of quail eggs in the recipe.
This is due to the fact that there will be more yolks than eggs, which can cause cooking times to increase. If you’re not sure where to begin, look at some quail egg recipes for inspiration.
When does a quail start laying eggs?
Female quails begin laying eggs anywhere between two to eight months after they reach sexual maturity.
That’s a lot earlier than the norm for chickens, as even the “early bloomers” among chicken breeds don’t begin laying until they’re about fifteen or sixteen weeks old.
Despite the fact that quail begin laying eggs much earlier than chickens or other poultry breeds, they do not lay eggs for quite as long.
After nine months, quail production typically declines, and most only survive captivity for a year at most. But some quail can live up to two years.
While quail have a higher rate of egg production than chickens (roughly one egg per day or every other day), more quail eggs are needed to equal one chicken egg. Furthermore, the time spent with your quail will be limited.
How to Increase Quail Eggs Production
There are a few easy things you can do to increase your quail’s egg production. In many ways, these are also the same measures that can be taken to increase egg production in chickens and ducks.
Your quail, for instance, needs plenty of food. Even a basic game bird feed should be sufficient to provide your birds with all the nutrients they need to lay an adequate number of eggs, though there are many commercial quail feeds available.
In addition, your quail needs to be outside for at least 14–16 hours daily.
This may sound like a lot, but quail do not lay as long as chickens, so they can be raised in the warmer months when there is more daylight (as opposed to the dark days of fall, winter, and early spring).
The Best Way to Collect Quail Eggs
In terms of complexity, quail are among the simplest of birds. Ground nesting is the preferred method for quail, much like ducks. This may take some getting used to if you normally take care of chickens.
Instead of using a nesting box, quail will lay their eggs on the ground, in the grass and dirt. You can try to entice them to lay eggs by constructing a nesting box similar to the one your chickens use.
It would be better to simply place a nesting box on the ground or even some straw. Because of this, they will have a more comfortable and welcoming experience.
You shouldn’t, however, feel compelled to carry out this action. Your quail will lay eggs wherever they please if you don’t provide them with a safe and secure nesting box.
Quail can be raised in a standard cage with the help of a slanted tray that can be purchased separately. The eggs can now roll freely out of the cage. If you put your eggs in a tray, you won’t have to worry about them getting dirty or crushed.
However, if your quail are allowed free range, egg collection may prove to be more of a challenge. I
f you have quails that are pretty tamed and orderly, they may lay their eggs in the nesting places you have set up for them, but you shouldn’t count on this.
When it’s time to collect eggs, look in quiet places on the property that has grass or straw. This is where quail eggs are usually laid, especially if your females are feeling “broody.”
Feeding Quails for Good Egg Production
In order to maximize egg production, you need to know what to feed your quail.
Some say that you are what you eat. Probably nowhere else in life is this more true than in the industry of egg production.
Most of the nutrients that quail needs come from seeds and grains. But they will also eat things like grubs and bugs that are high in protein.
So, it’s best to let your quail roam free as much as possible, even if it’s just for a few hours a day. This improves the eggs’ flavor and nutritional value.
As with chicken eggs, you can usually tell the difference in quail eggs based on what the quail were fed. Free-range quail typically lay eggs with bright orange yolks and more intense flavors.
Raising Quails
Not only is it fun to watch the quail eggs hatch, but these unusual birds also need less space than other types of chicken. They also eat less than chickens because they are smaller.
Since quail lay an egg daily, or nearly every day, they are frequently considered a more cost-effective option than chickens. While smaller than chicken eggs, these are also extremely uncommon.
Since people tend to pay more for fresh eggs from local farmers, you can make a nice profit by selling them to your neighbors.
Another good thing about raising quails? They are silent. Male quails, in contrast to roosters, are not known for their morning crowing. Quails do have their own sounds, but they are usually much quieter and sound more like songbirds.
Consider purchasing some of the smallest chicken breeds if you’re looking for a chicken species similar to a quail.
Housing Requirements of Quails
Since quails can fly, their enclosures have to be very safe. Predators can easily pick them off, and they’re also more susceptible to bird flu and other illnesses because of their small size.
However, caring for quail is a fairly straightforward endeavor. All you will need is a proper enclosure with a place to sleep and a covered run. You’ll also need places for the birds to lay their eggs, as well as food and water.
As was already said, quail don’t need a lot of space. On average, each bird only needs about one square foot of space, which is about a quarter of what a chicken needs. Still, the housing needs to be completely enclosed.
Controlling the temperature and lighting of your quail coop will maximize egg production.
A permit from your state’s wildlife agency may be required before you can start raising quail as a covey.
Before you decide to raise quail, make sure you know everything you need to know about how to care for them.
Are Quail Eggs Good for Business?
There are a lot of people who sell quail eggs, and in most cases, this is legal. However, you should check the local laws before acting. The sale of quail eggs may necessitate a license or permit in certain jurisdictions.
Despite the fact that you may have previously sold chicken eggs, that does not guarantee that you are exempt from these regulations.
However, you should be aware that quail eggs can often be sold to individuals, at farmers’ markets, to restaurants, and even to some grocery stores. Most of the time, you can charge more for these eggs because they are rare.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you’re interested in quail eggs, you might be curious about a lot of things. So, here are some questions that a lot of people have.
Do quail eggs taste better than chicken eggs?
Quail Eggs Taste Just Like Chicken Eggs!
The taste of quail eggs is a little bit richer than the taste of chicken eggs because the ratio of yolk to white is bigger in quail eggs than in chicken eggs, but the taste isn’t too different from chicken eggs in general.
Are quail eggs considered a superfood?
Quail eggs are a superfood that is widely available and widely used in local cuisine. However, its numerous benefits are not as well known as those of other foods. Quail eggs are full of nutrients and can help fight off a number of diseases.
How Much do Quail Eggs Cost?
Quail eggs cost between $3 and $6 per dozen. So, they are not much more expensive than chicken eggs.
What makes quail eggs so special?
Compared to chicken eggs, quail eggs have more fat and protein by weight, twice as much iron and riboflavin, and about a third more vitamin B12. Eggs from chickens have a higher choline content. Quail eggs are also harder to find and more expensive.
How many quail eggs are equivalent to one chicken egg?
An egg from a chicken is roughly equal to three or four quail eggs. Quail eggs are just as healthy as chicken eggs, but because they are smaller, you can eat more of them every day.
How many quail eggs can you eat in a day?
Similar to chicken eggs, quail eggs are good for you, but since they are smaller, you can eat more of them. A single chicken egg is the same as three to four quail eggs. Meaning that you can eat between 6 and 12 quail eggs every day.
What Happens If You Overeat Quail Eggs?
If you eat too many quail eggs, your blood sugar might drop, your cholesterol might go up, and you might have trouble digesting food.
If you eat less than eight a day, you probably won’t experience those side effects. If you only eat a few of these eggs per day, there are no known side effects.
Conclusion: Are Quail Eggs Worth It?
Quail eggs are a great alternative to chicken eggs. They are smaller but have more nutrients than chicken eggs. Select quail eggs for a more fulfilling breakfast.
In addition, if you’re interested in keeping some of these birds in your backyard, you’ll find that they’re not too difficult to raise.
Due to their small size, some people are able to successfully raise them in the comfort of their own homes; and while their needs are slightly different from those of chickens, caring for them is still a simple task.
If you haven’t tried quail eggs yet, try them for breakfast today, and while you’re at it, get a few quail to add to your backyard flock.
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