how often do chickens lay eggs

9 Amazing Scientific Explanations How Often Do Chickens Lay Eggs?

“How often do chickens lay eggs?” is a question that is frequently asked. The majority of chicken keepers strive to produce as many eggs as possible, whether those eggs are intended for sale or for use in the kitchen.

It is not true that all hens lay eggs at the same pace. The number of eggs laid by a chicken might vary depending on the breed, age, and overall health of the chicken. So let’s have a look at how frequently the majority of chickens lay eggs.

What is the average number of eggs laid by chickens?

Poultry Health Management
Poultry Health Management

A chicken’s egg-laying frequency might vary widely depending on the breed, however, most chickens lay between 4 and 6 eggs each week on average.

It is expected to decrease as the chicken grows older, and the number may vary depending on health problems and the time of year.

Every day, how do chickens lay eggs?

You may be wondering how the egg-laying process works.

The egg-laying process, however, starts far sooner than you may expect. A hen is born with all of her eggs within her. Throughout her life, she will not generate any more eggs and will only lay the eggs she was born with.

When the eggs in the hen’s body have grown into an egg yolk, she is ready to lay an egg. The egg yolk is subsequently ejected from the follicle and placed in the ovary.

The yolk is then discharged from the ovary and into the oviduct, a conduit that permits the yolk to move throughout the reproductive system.

It flows from here to the magnum and the isthmus (two other sections of the oviduct). The egg white is generated in these parts.

The egg then travels to the uterus, where the shell is created.

It spends more than 20 hours here developing the shell. The pigment is put here if the hen is known to lay a certain colored egg. Finally, a thin anti-microbial coating is created on top of the shell of the egg.

Finally, the egg is placed in the vent and put into the nest box by the hen.

This process of egg-laying takes between 24 and 26 hours.


Do chickens lay eggs on a daily basis as a matter of course?

Not all chickens lay eggs on a daily basis, although many do, on average, one egg every day. Some hens may lay two eggs in a day, but they will never lay more than two eggs in a single day.


Is There a Specific Time of Day When Hens Lay Eggs?

9 Amazing Scientific Explanations How Often Do Chickens Lay Eggs?

The majority of hens lay their eggs during the middle of the day. Fresh eggs are normally available six hours after sunrise, if you’re lucky.

The egg-laying processes of chickens are activated by sunshine, which is why they always lay their eggs during the daytime. It is conceivable for a hen to lay an egg in one night, but this is quite rare.

Chickens are notorious for keeping their egg-laying locations a secret. If you know your hens are laying eggs but can’t locate them, it’s a sure indicator that the chickens are depositing their eggs in a hidden location.

However, knowing when they are likely to lay can help you begin searching for the eggs. You may be motivated simply by curiosity to learn which chickens lay when.

Chickens often deposit their eggs in the morning. However, this is not a black-and-white rule. Because chickens have a 26-hour egg-laying cycle, there is no set time for the hens to lay their eggs.

What can be claimed with some confidence is that they will lay their eggs during the first six hours after daybreak, assuming they lay eggs at all that day. Chickens producing eggs in the late afternoons, on the other hand, are not unheard of.

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While you can’t anticipate when your chicken will lay an egg with confidence, you can get a good idea by understanding the 26-hour egg-laying cycle and the fact that it will most likely lay the egg during the first six hours after dawn.

This should give you an indication of when you should go to the coop to get the eggs.


Is it possible for chickens to lay eggs all year?

With the reduction in daylight hours, hens’ ability to lay eggs will decrease in the winter, as their natural motivation to lay eggs decreases.

A lack of daylight during the winter months can cause certain chickens to cease producing eggs. They will, however, resume during the warmer months.

If you provide your chickens with artificial lights, you can encourage them to lay eggs all year round.

You can use a timer to ensure that your hens get a few extra hours of light each day by setting the light on a schedule. This, however, may not be the case for every chicken in the flock.

As is often the case, it is dependent on the breed, and certain chicken breeds will lay eggs all year round. You should take that into consideration when selecting a chicken breed if it is essential to you.


Which chicken breeds are the most prolific egg producers?

Production chickens, heritage chickens, and dual-purpose chickens are the three main types of chickens.

The eggs from production hens are produced at a rapid pace, whilst the eggs from dual-purpose birds are suitable for both laying eggs and supplying meat.

Heritage hens lay eggs less frequently than modern chickens, but they are built to survive for a much longer period of time.

In other words, if you’re searching for a chicken that will lay a lot of eggs, you might want to consider one of the breeds listed below. The majority of them are referred to as production chickens.



9 Amazing Scientific Explanations How Often Do Chickens Lay Eggs?

Leghorn hens lay large white eggs approximately 5 to 6 times each week, depending on the breed. One chicken can lay up to 280 eggs in a single year. They typically begin laying eggs when they are between 16 and 17 weeks old.

Because they do best in the summer, they will lay eggs on a constant basis as long as they are kept warm and receive adequate food and water.

The Leghorn is unquestionably one of the most popular chicken breeds.

They are most likely the first breed that springs to mind when you think of a conventional chicken.

She is a popular dual-purpose breed with a strong physique and excellent laying powers.

These hens are considered to be clever and thrive in the wild. Leghorns are also quite vociferous, making them best suited to rural homes.


Rhode Island Red

9 Amazing Scientific Explanations How Often Do Chickens Lay Eggs?
Rhode Island Red Hens

Rhode Island Reds are similar to Leghorns in that they lay 5 to 6 eggs per week. They begin laying eggs between the ages of 18 and 24 weeks, and they produce approximately 260 eggs per year.

Because Rhode Island Reds are excellent foragers, they are at their healthiest when raised in a free range environment. Because they can be domineering, it’s best to keep them apart from the smaller chickens.


Easter Egger

how often do chickens lay eggs

Easter Egger chickens lay approximately 4 eggs per week on average. They are capable of laying up to 250 eggs each year, however they begin laying eggs at a late age of 25 to 30 weeks.

Easter Eggers are well-known for their brightly colored eggs.

They are often quite friendly and ideal for families.

This is also a low-maintenance breed that should be let to graze freely in the pastures.

In order to boost egg production, these birds were developed from Ameraucana and Araucana hens, respectively. Due to the fact that not all hens lay the same hue eggs, you may wind up with a “rainbow” of colored eggs.


Plymouth Rock Chicken

9 Amazing Scientific Explanations How Often Do Chickens Lay Eggs?

Plymouth Rock Chicken is a type of chicken that originated in Plymouth, Massachusetts.

They begin laying eggs when they are 18 to 22 weeks old, and they can produce approximately 280 eggs per year.

These hens are excellent foragers, which makes them ideal for free-range situations. Their eggs are usually a light brown or peach color, depending on the species.

Plymouth Rocks are a classic breed distinguished by their white and black barred coloring.

These chickens are great egg layers as well as multipurpose hens. You may count on them laying four to five eggs every week.

They are gregarious and kind, making them ideal for families with little children.

Overall, Plymouth Rock is an excellent choice for a dual-purpose hen.



9 Amazing Scientific Explanations How Often Do Chickens Lay Eggs?

Typically, Sussex chickens lay 4 to 5 eggs each week, depending on their size and breed. Nonetheless, it differs depending on the Sussex variety. Speckled Sussex chickens are the most prolific layers, producing approximately 250 to 300 eggs per year. They begin to lay eggs when they are 16 to 20 weeks old, depending on the species.

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However, despite the fact that these hens are huge, they are also kind and quiet. They may need to be separated from other breeds as a result of the frequent bullying they endure.


9 Amazing Scientific Explanations How Often Do Chickens Lay Eggs?

In addition to laying approximately 3 to 4 eggs every week, orpingtons are huge birds. Their reproductive capacity is 150 to 200 eggs per year, with laying commencing between 19 and 24 weeks after hatching.

Because of their gentle nature, these chickens are very easy to care for. Being unable to fly, they perform best in a small, enclosed space where they are protected from predators and other animals.


9 Amazing Scientific Explanations How Often Do Chickens Lay Eggs?

Australorps are a relatively young breed that has grown in popularity in a short period of time.

The entire name of this breed is the Australian Black Orpington, which was later abbreviated to Australorp.

They are excellent layers, laying four to five eggs every week.

Australorps have eye-catching black feathers that glow green in the sunshine. However, because of their colour, they are prone to overheating and should be maintained in the shade.

While they handle confinement well, they would much rather be outdoors grazing in the pastures.


Why Don’t Chickens Lay Eggs When There Isn’t A Rooster Around?

bantam chickens

As soon as hens are born, they contain all of the eggs that they will lay in the future. Even if the eggs are never fertilized by a rooster, they will continue to generate all of those eggs throughout their lives.

As soon as the eggs begin to generate an egg yolk, they are liberated from the ovary and sent to the oviduct. Within a short period of time, the egg white is visible.

As soon as the egg reaches the hen’s uterus, the shell starts to form around it. A certain color will appear in that stage if the egg’s shell has a particular hue to it.

The production of an egg within the body of a hen takes at least 20 hours. It doesn’t matter whether or not the egg is fertilized; once the egg is completely formed, the chicken will lay it.

The egg may become fertilized and hatch into a chick if there is a rooster in the enclosure. The eggs will always be used for human consumption if they are not used for animal use.

While chickens do not require the presence of an egg-laying male in order to produce eggs, keeping an egg-laying male in the flock is a good idea for increasing the number of chickens in the flock.


Does it make a difference if a chicken’s eggs are taken away?

laying hen

In most cases, hens will not react negatively when you take their eggs. When their eggs are taken away, broody hens may become enraged.

Choose non-broody breeds of chickens if you are concerned about your chickens being depressed without their eggs.

Chickens have an innate desire to lay eggs. As a result, many of them carry out their actions without any emotional consideration. In other cases, the hens may not even be aware that their eggs have been stolen.

Generally speaking, chickens will leave their eggs alone once they’ve been laid, and they’ll get used to the idea of someone removing their eggs.


Do Chickens Stop Laying Eggs When They Reach a Specific Age?

hens stopped laying eggs
Chicken Laying Eggs

According to their lifespan, the length of time a chicken lays eggs will vary. In their first two years of egg laying, they lay the most eggs, but as they grow older, their egg laying frequency decreases.

When most chickens reach the age of 6 or 7, their egg production begins to diminish, and eventually stops completely.

If a hen becomes ill or is not properly cared for, she may even cease laying eggs sooner than usual. While most egg-laying chickens have a life span of 8 to 10 years, their egg production in their final years will be minimal.

Keeping chickens that do not lay eggs isn’t something most people are interested in.


In the event that your chicken isn’t laying eggs, what should you do?

chicken lay eggs
Chicken Lay Eggs

First and foremost, you must ensure that the chicken is in good health prior to cooking it. While still young, hens are susceptible to losing their egg-laying ability as a result of malnutrition, molting, stress, and/or lack of sunlight.

In order to restore their egg-laying capacity, better care must be provided to them.

If, on the other hand, the cessation of egg production appears to be due to old age, it is likely that they will never lay another egg again. There are two basic options available to you in that situation.

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Find the Chicken Alternative Options.

On a farm, chickens can provide a variety of benefits in addition to egg laying. When you let your hens wander free, they will eat the pesky pests and plants that you don’t want them to come into contact with.

When compared to younger hens, older hens are also better moms, so if you have chicks or pullets in your coop, they’ll take excellent care of them.

As a result, they’re more vigilant to predators, which means they can assist in alerting the younger flock before it’s too late.

You Can Use Them for Meat

In the event that you do not require additional chickens running around your property and do not know of anyone who does, you can use the older hens for meat production.

As a result, because older hens have tougher flesh than young hens, you may only be able to use their meat in a few types of recipes.

But many chicken keepers simply keep chickens for the eggs they produce rather than the meat they make. In other words, if you are uncomfortable with the concept of slaughtering your hens, the first alternative is probably preferable.


Keeping Chickens and Eggs in Good Health

poultry egg production
Poultry Egg Production

To ensure that your chickens produce a large number of eggs, it is important to provide them with excellent care. Your chickens will stay healthier if they have enough space, a good diet, and adequate shelter.

This will allow them to lay more eggs. It goes without saying that the breed you choose is important, but only if you are aware of the care requirements for that particular breed as well.

The instinct to lay eggs is ingrained in hens from an early age. No matter if your goal is to raise newborn chicks or edible eggs, it is critical to provide your hens with the best possible environment, which will encourage them to produce as many healthy eggs as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often do chickens lay eggs naturally?

Many chicken breeds lay one egg per day by nature.

If you expose your hen to prolonged periods of light, she may lay more eggs during the winter months.

How often do chickens lay eggs in the wild?

Wild chickens do not lay as many eggs as domesticated chickens. Given their poor diet and skittish nature, wild chickens can be expected to lay one or two eggs per week.

In the winter, how often do chickens lay eggs?

The egg-laying pattern of a hen is heavily influenced by daylight.

Hens will lay lesser eggs than usual during the winter due to the shorter daylight hours.

Some breeds may even stop laying eggs.

If you’re worried about the reduced egg-laying, there are some breeds that will lay all winter.

How often do chickens lay eggs when they first start laying?

When chickens first lay eggs, they typically lay fewer eggs than expected.  The eggs will also be smaller.

They will grow in size and frequency over the next few weeks.

What is the average number of eggs laid by a chicken in her lifetime?

It’s difficult to say with certainty.

As a pullet, the average hen will lay around 200 eggs per year.

If the breed is known to live and lay for an extended period of time, a hen could easily lay in the hundreds of eggs over her lifetime.

Although there is no one-size-fits-all answer to how frequently your chickens lay eggs, hopefully, this article has helped you better understand.

Many factors combine to create a set of conditions in which a hen will lay eggs.

As you may have guessed, not all popular chicken breeds are good egg layers. The Cochin, for example, is better suited to being a backyard pet and cuddle bug than an egg layer.

Before adding a breed to your flock, it is critical that you understand its purpose.


  1. Outlook for egg production WATT Ag Net – Watt Publishing Co
  2. “Eggs, hen, in shell; Production/Livestock Primary for World in 2017”Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Statistics Division (FAOSTAT). 2019. Retrieved 3 October 2019.
  3.  “Information on chicken breeds” (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 16 February 2010. Retrieved 10 January 2010.
  4. “Commercial Egg Production and Processing”. Archived from the original on 12 October 2009. Retrieved 10 January 2010.
  5.  “Free-range eggs”. Archived from the original on 24 January 2010. Retrieved 10 January 2010.

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