cinnamon queen chickens

10 Amazing Reasons to Raise Cinnamon Queen Chickens

Cinnamon Queen chickens are relatively new to the poultry industry, in contrast to other native birds. For backyard chicken keepers, these chickens are prized pets.

In addition to being prolific layer birds, these birds are hardy and excellent meat producers. They grow faster than other hybrid chickens. Because of their gentle nature, they are highly prized birds to keep in any flock.

cinnamon queen chicken

History of Cinnamon Queen Chickens?

The history of Cinnamon Queen chickens is relatively interesting. The Rhode Island cockerel and Rhode Island hen were crossed to create these contemporary poultry.

These two varieties of chicken were combined by breeders to produce Cinnamon Queens, a species known for its massive egg production. There is no such thing as a real Cinnamon Queen chicken since cinnamon queen chickens are hybrids.

Similar to various other auto-sex chicken breeds. Cinnamon Queens was created to satisfy the requirements of contemporary herd caretakers.

The majority of individuals who own hens desire exceptional egg production, and these animals will not let them down.

From the moment they hatch, you can tell which is a hen or a rooster. If you reside in a region where roosters are prohibited, you should ascertain the gender of your chicks right away. Male chicks are white, whereas female chicks are reddish-brown.

Birds of the same breed are not bred together by cinnamon queens. To put it another way, if a rooster and a cinnamon queen hen mate, the resulting chicks won’t likely be identical to their parents in terms of shape and color at birth.

Another significant benefit of rearing hybrid birds is that they typically have greater hardiness than conventional breeds, in addition to having superior egg-laying capacity.

The producing hen known as the cinnamon queen is prone to egg sticking. Make sure your hen is getting adequate calcium to prevent egg blockage and disaster.

Caring for Cinnamon Queen Chickens?

These hybrid chickens are some of the easiest to rear among today’s birds. Since they are descended from some of the best chicken breeds, cinnamon queens are tough.

Since they don’t have inherited health conditions, the birds are generally in good health.

These hens are less prone to experience health issues because they are hybrids. These chicks will develop swiftly if given a consistent source of wholesome food and clean water.

Additionally, they can survive in almost any circumstance and don’t need any specific care.

How Can I Tell if a Chicken Is a Cinnamon Queen?

Anyone can recognize a Cinnamon Queen chicken due to its distinctive appearance. Chickens named Cinnamon Queen have red combs and golden legs. Adult hens have brown feathering with white tail feathers.

The shoulders and neck of mature roosters are covered in gold and brown feathers. These hens have crimson wattles and transparent upper ears.

Cinnamon Queen chicks lack feathers on their legs like the majority of chickens do. The bodies of these hens are hefty and small.

Cinnamon Queen Chicken Size

Cinnamon Queen hybrid chickens are large and compact. The weights of Cinnamon Queen roosters range from 5.5 to 7. 5 lbs. Hens typically weigh 4.5 to 5.5 pounds. Some hens may gain weight, particularly if they have a balanced diet.


Feeding Cinnamon Queen Chickens

High egg production is a characteristic of cinnamon queen chickens. As a result, these birds require a healthy diet that is appropriate for their capacity to produce eggs.

cinnamon queen chicken

These chickens, which are extremely productive egg-layers, need a particular diet to encourage regular egg production. Additionally, a healthy diet will encourage your chickens to produce eggs with thick shells or of high quality.

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Around 16% of a Cinnamon Queen’s diet should be protein. If your chickens don’t get enough protein, their egg output will decrease.

Despite the fact that commercial layer diets contain protein, Cinnamon Queen chickens are unable to continue producing large quantities of eggs from them.

Other protein sources must be added to the layer feed. For instance, since mealworms are a good source of protein, you can include them in your birds’ diet.

The greatest mealworms for Cinnamon Queen layers are dried ones since they contain 53% more protein. Give your flock some mealworms to enjoy so they can get some protein.

Fishmeal is a great source of protein for young hens, which will help them produce eggs of higher quality and greater consistency.

Since young hens are at the top of their egg production and need a lot of protein, they have a higher protein requirement than older hens.

The protein-rich meals pumpkin seeds, sprouted lentils, and sunflower seeds are also good choices for Cinnamon Queen hens that lay eggs.

Protein helps newborn chicks grow their feathers quickly after hatching, so it’s not just good for Cinnamon Queen hens or adult chickens. Your baby chickens will develop their feathers and muscles more quickly the more protein they consume.

In their first several weeks, chicks need a grower feed with about 20% protein. As the chicks continue to grow, you can cut back on the protein.

For excellent egg production, Cinnamon Queen hens also require calcium in addition to protein. Cinnamon Queen chickens, both young and old, need a diet that contains between 2.5% and 3.5% calcium.

The majority of commercial feeds, however, do not contain such a high quantity of calcium.

As a result, supplementing your chickens’ diet with calcium-rich items will help make up for the lack of calcium in their feed. Calcium grit, crushed eggshells, oyster shells, and limestone are a few appropriate calcium-rich foods to include in your layers’ diet.

All Cinnamon Queen chickens require vitamins, which they can obtain in large quantities from leafy greens like kale and dandelions.

Vitamins including vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin C will benefit the health of your chickens. Your Cinnamon Queen chickens require fresh water in addition to food, particularly in the summer, to prevent dehydration.


Cinnamon Queen Chickens Health Issues?

cinnamon queen chicken

Cinnamon Queen chickens have fewer health issues than most breeds, according to anyone who has raised them for years. Since they are a hybrid of two hardy species, these chickens are actually rather useful.

Like any breed, these hens do experience a few health issues. Look into some of the health issues that your birds may experience.

  • Although Cinnamon Queen hens have a high egg production rate, they are also prone to internal laying, egg binding, and reproductive cancer.
  • As these birds get older, the quality of their eggs may suffer.
  • It’s possible for cinnamon queen chickens to live shorter lives. The majority of these hens won’t live past the age of three.
  • Cinnamon Queen hens can eventually stretch their reproductive tract from routinely laying, causing them to feel pain and discomfort, particularly in their urethral regions.
  • Cinnamon Queen chickens, for example, are a hybrid breed that needs a lot of feed because they lay eggs every day. Because they are fed low-quality feed, these hens are thus at significant risk of suffering stomach issues.
  • Your Cinnamon Queen chickens may experience heat stress due to overcrowding and a lack of water, which increases their risk of passing away.
  • In addition to these health issues, Cinnamon chickens are also susceptible to illnesses like Coccidiosis, Salmonellosis, Fowl Pox, and Avian Influenza.

Even though Cinnamon Queen hens are disease-resistant, some of them can still get sick and die, especially young birds and chicks. The best way to prevent your birds from acquiring any of these illnesses over time is to vaccinate them.

Egg Production of Cinnamon Queen Chickens

When you discuss good layers, you eventually bring up Cinnamon Queen chickens. They can lay up to 300 eggs a year if the laying conditions are ideal for these birds.

In addition to producing such a big quantity of eggs, Cinnamon Queen chickens also produce large brown eggs, albeit some hens are capable of producing jumbo-sized brown eggs, particularly early in the laying cycle.

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Cinnamon Queen hens begin to lay eggs at 16 or 18 weeks of age. At the start of their laying cycle, the chickens will lay a lot of eggs. Nevertheless, as the chickens’ age, egg production declines.

Thankfully, these hens will continue to produce reliable eggs for almost three years. Cinnamon Queen birds’ egg production is also impacted by the cold. Even though they frequently become broody, hens make excellent mothers.

Cinnamon Queen chickens are regarded as excellent laying hens since they continue to produce eggs even in the chilly winter, ensuring that you will have eggs all year round.

This breed will begin producing huge brown eggs at an earlier age than the majority of standard breeds.

What Sort of Coop Are Needed for Cinnamon Queen Chickens?

First off, you should keep in mind that Cinnamon Queen chickens are heavy animals while creating a coop for your flock. Every chicken in the flock needs to have enough space in the coop, ideally 20 square feet per chicken.

There have to be a number of nest boxes for chickens that lay eggs within the coop.

Additionally, there must be perches where your chickens can spend the night. Given that your chickens will spend a large portion of their lives in the coop, it must be kept spotless at all times.

Bedding inside will provide your birds with a comfy area to reside in because it should also feel comfortable to them. Additionally, the coop needs lighting because Cinnamon Queen chickens’ egg production is affected by light.

During the shorter winter days, Cinnamon Queen chickens don’t lay reliably. Increase the amount of daylight inside the coop to encourage your chickens to continue laying throughout the winter.

When choosing a coop for your Cinnamon Queen chickens, take the climate in your area into account.

To keep the coop warm, for instance, if you are from a cold climate, make sure the coop has the right insulation. On the other hand, to keep your chickens from suffering from heat stress, make sure the coop has sufficient ventilation.

Are Cinnamon Queen Chicken Eggs Safe to Eat?

The answer is that anyone can eat Cinnamon Queen chicken eggs. These eggs are not only eye-catching and large, but they are also healthy.

These enormous eggs contain more yolk than regular eggs because of their size. Here are some reasons to think about consuming Cinnamon Queen chicken eggs.

  • These eggs are loaded with vitamins A, B12, B2, and B5, among other components, making them a nutrient powerhouse.
  • They also contain a ton of phosphorous, which supports strong bones and teeth.
  • Your immune system will be strengthened by the zinc in Cinnamon Queen chickens’ eggs, while the calcium in these eggs will keep your bones strong. Most significantly, they contain a lot of selenium, a potent antioxidant that fights cancer.
  • Brown eggs have beneficial cholesterol, which reduces your risk of heart disease and stroke, according to research.
  • Cinnamon Queen chicken eggs are brown.
  • They will keep your stomach full for longer because you won’t need to eat as many eggs to feel satisfied because of the enormous size of these eggs. You won’t need to overeat throughout the day because one egg will keep your stomach satisfied for a longer period of time.
  • They are good for your brain health because Cinnamon Queen chicken eggs are rich in choline, a nutrient that is essential for a healthy brain. Choline aids with memory and mood regulation. Choline is essential for enhancing verbal memory and cognitive function, according to clinical studies.

Meat Production of Cinnamon Queen Chicken

Egg production is the main reason people keep Cinnamon Queen hens. However, due to their compact and substantial bodies, Cinnamon Queen hens make very good meat. Particularly good meat producers are roosters.

These roosters’ enormous size allows them to produce meat in big pieces. Cinnamon Queen chickens are therefore suitable for both meat and layer purposes as they are dual-purpose animals. These birds provide flavorful, soft, and lean meat.

The Lifespan of Cinnamon Queen Chickens

Cinnamon Queen chickens typically live between three and seven years. These hens may live for almost a decade if given the right conditions. These chickens have a longer lifespan than the majority of hybrid breeds.

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Predators pose the biggest hazard to Cinnamon Queen chickens, despite the fact that diseases are less likely to kill them.

In order to prevent your free-range Cinnamon Queen chickens from coming into contact with chicken predators, please do not let them venture too far from your yard.

Fix any openings that predators can use to access the birds while they are in the coop to keep them safe from them.

Cinnamon Queen Chickens’ typical lifespan is less than 3 years, which makes them not known for having long lives. Excellent care, though, can make a big difference.

Your hens will live as long as possible if you immunize them, give them a safe, clean coop, and feed them premium food enriched with calcium.

Do Cinnamon Queen Chickens Do Well With People?

Yes, Cinnamon Queen hens are amiable creatures. When you bring these birds home, it is simple to tame them. They are friendly, sociable, and active birds. With other birds, these species get along well.

Despite their enormous, imposing size, they will never harass or attack other chickens in the flock.

First-time buyers of Cinnamon Queen are often concerned about the chicken’s temperament and how they will get along with the flock of various chicken breeds.

However, they may console knowing that the birds have a reputation for having a gentle and docile personality.

The majority of Cinnamon Queen Chicken keepers regard them to be the sweetest and simplest of the entire flock.

They’ll quickly make friends and blend in just fine. Along with getting along with the group, don’t be surprised if they start looking to you for attention.

They remain close to their owners or children so they can be seen and showered with love. They are not reluctant to express their love for their owners, unlike most chicken breeds.

Due to their hardiness, they adapt well to almost any environment. They can endure both colder and hotter weather.

Whether you kept Cinnamon Queen chicken in a cage or among a flock of other breeds, they wouldn’t whine.

The majority of folks are worried about whether it’s appropriate to leave a kid alone around poultry.

Some types of chickens are a little aggressive and won’t hesitate to attack children or even adults. Due to their friendliness, keeping them on the farm is completely safe, even if you have children.

They wouldn’t even cause the kids to feel threatened. The Cinnamon Queen chicken will make an effort to be gentle and play with them.

Are Cinnamon Queen Chickens Water Resistant?

Rainstorm resistance is substantially better in Cinnamon Queen chickens than in other breeds. Your Cinnamon Queen chickens frequently stay outside in the rain, especially while foraging.

However, intense downpours can leave your chickens drenched to the bone.

Yet, being wet isn’t the best thing for hens, especially if it’s too chilly outside and they can’t quickly dry out. It is crucial not to let your chickens get wet unless you have a way of drying them out.

What Are the Prices for Cinnamon Queen Chickens?

Cinnamon Queen hybrid chickens are comparatively less expensive. Typically, day-old chicks cost $3 to $5. Adult hens are priced between $15 and $20, while roosters are priced between $10 and $15.


Cinnamon Queen chickens are exceptional hybrids with two distinct purposes. They are outstanding layers with unrivaled capacities for egg production. These chickens are calm, sociable, and easy to care for.

They are also very resilient to both sickness and the cold. Consider growing cinnamon Queen chickens if you’re looking for a hybrid breed that won’t let you down.



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