Feed Cleaning Machine

The Poultry Feed Production Line

Building a poultry feed production line is generally a huge and costly undertaking. Poultry feed production line can cost anywhere from $25,000 to millions of dollars depending on the scale of the mills and generally requires expert assistance in order to get the process right.

The design specifications for a poultry feed mill will depend on a variety of factors such as the feed types and the budget for the project. Before the design is done, the poultry mill plant experts must decide on the scale of the poultry mill. How big will it be? What capacity are you looking for? What level of technological sophistication in the poultry feed milling process are you looking at?

They will look at the feed process and then recommend for you a suitable poultry feed machine that will be adequate for your needs. Based on your unique requirements, they can come up with a precise capacity for a poultry feed mill.

The next step will be choosing a suitable location for the poultry feed manufacturing plant structure followed  by the planning for the general drawing of the poultry feed mill plant site.

Cleaning Machine

Cleaning your poultry feed before you begin processing is a good manufacturing practice. The cleaning machine can be used in cleaning the pre-mix material at the inlet. This can be through a sieving effect or the pressure cleaning of the pre-mixes.

See also  7 Proven Scientific Benefits of Pellet Binders in Poultry Feeds
Feed Cleaning Machine
Feed Cleaning Machine


Grinding Machine

During the poultry feed processing, there are raw materials that must be grinded to a certain desired particle size for the various types of feeds. That is the work of the grinding machine in the assembly line.

Poultry Feed Grinding Machine
Poultry Feed Grinding Machine


The Conveying Machine

The conveying machine in the poultry feed production line is used for all transporting the poultry feed from one processing department to another during the production process. There are various kinds of conveying systems including bucket elevators and screw and chain conveyors among many others. These are used for conveying the raw materials as well as the finished goods in the production floor.

Poultry Production Line Conveying Machine
Poultry Production Line Conveying Machine


The Poultry Feed Mixing Machine

The mixing machine is for mixing the different raw materials used in the poultry feed formulation. Here, the different raw materials used in poultry feed formulation are mixed with the poultry feed additives and supplements, oil or fat, and medicines. A good mixer will ensure the highest quality standards are observed.

Poultry Feed Mixer
Poultry Feed Mixer


The Poultry Feed Pelleting Machine

Many people make the mistake of buying the poultry feed pelleting machine thinking it is a complete poultry feed processing unit. The poultry feed pelleting machine only does the pelleting to make the poultry feeds more palatable for the chickens. Its work is to produce the final pellet feed after all the drinking, mixing and addition of the additives and feed supplements. Having a good pellet means giving the chickens the “complete feed” and a good feed mill should assure that to ensure optimal feed conversion.

See also  Poultry Feed Milling Machinery Buying Guide
Poultry Feed Pelleting Machine
Poultry Feed Pelleting Machine


The Cooling Machine

The extruded fees from the poultry feed production process generally come out at hot at temperatures ranging from 70 degrees Celsius to 90 degrees Celsius. The work of the cooling machine is to bring down the high temperatures to a normal temperature of about 4 degrees Celsius.

The Poultry Feed Cooling Machine
The Poultry Feed Cooling Machine


Poultry Feed Screening Machine

The purpose of the poultry feed screening machine is to ensure that the poultry feed produces is of the right size and quality. All the uneven sizes are screened out and only the uniform poultry feed passes to the next process to be bagged ready for the market.

Poultry Feed Screening Machine
Poultry Feed Screening Machine


The Bagging Machine

Ready poultry feed will need to be bagged or packed. This is where the bagging machine comes in. The bagging machine can either be manual or automatic based on the requirements of the end user.

Poultry Feed Bagging Machine
Poultry Feed Bagging Machine

3 thoughts on “The Poultry Feed Production Line”

  1. Benson Ikejiofor

    Pls. Kindly provide details and specifications of machine for poultry feed production line. The plan layout and start up cost

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